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ASV_Strong : Matthew 10


1. And[G2532] he called unto[G4341] him his[G846] twelve[G1427] disciples[G3101], and gave[G1325] them[G846] authority[G1849] over unclean[G169] spirits[G4151], to[G5620] cast[G1544] them[G846] out[G1544], and[G2532] to[G5620] heal[G2323] all manner of[G3956] disease and[G2532] all manner of[G3956] sickness[G3554].

2. Now[G1161] the names[G3686] of the[G652] twelve[G1427] apostles[G652] are[G2076] these[G5023]: The first[G4413], Simon[G4613], who is called[G3004] Peter[G4074], and[G2532] Andrew[G406] his[G846] brother[G80]; James[G2385] the son of Zebedee[G2199], and[G2532] John[G2491] his[G846] brother[G80];

3. Philip[G5376], and[G2532] Bartholomew[G918]; Thomas[G2381], and[G2532] Matthew[G3156] the publican[G5057]; James[G2385] the son of Alphaeus[G256], and[G2532] Thaddaeus[G2280];

4. Simon[G4613] the Cananaean[G2581], and[G2532] Judas[G2455] Iscariot[G2469], who[G3860] also[G2532] betrayed[G3860] him[G846].

5. These[G5128] twelve[G1427] Jesus[G2424] sent forth[G649], and charged[G3853] them[G846], saying[G3004], Go[G565] not[G3361] into[G1519] any way[G3598] of the Gentiles[G1484], and[G2532] enter[G1525] not[G3361] into[G1519] any city[G4172] of the Samaritans[G4541]:

6. but[G1161] go[G4198] rather[G3123] to[G4314] the lost[G622] sheep[G4263] of the house[G3624] of Israel[G2474].

7. And[G1161] as ye go[G4198], preach[G2784], saying[G3754], The kingdom[G932] of heaven[G3772] is at hand[G1448].

8. Heal[G2323] the sick[G770], raise[G1453] the dead[G3498], cleanse[G2511] the lepers[G3015], cast out[G1544] demons[G1140]: freely[G1432] ye received[G2983], freely[G1432] give[G1325].

9. Get[G2932] you no[G2932] gold[G5557], nor[G3366] silver[G696], nor[G3366] brass[G5475] in[G1519] your[G5216] purses[G2223];

10. no[G3361] wallet[G4082] for[G1519] your journey[G3598], neither[G3366] two[G1417] coats[G5509], nor[G3366] shoes[G5266], nor staff[G4464]: for[G1063] the laborer[G2040] is[G2076] worthy[G514] of his[G846] food[G5160].

11. And[G1161] into[G1519] whatsoever[G302] city[G4172] or[G2228] village[G2968] ye shall enter[G1525], search[G1833] out who[G5101] in[G1722] it[G846] is[G2076] worthy[G514]; and there[G2546] abide[G3306] till[G2193] ye go forth[G1831].

12. And[G1161] as ye enter[G1525] into[G1519] the house[G3614], salute[G782] it[G846].

13. And[G2532] if[G1437] the house[G3614] be[G5600] worthy[G514], let[G2064] your[G5216] peace[G1515] come[G2064] upon[G1909] it[G846]: but[G1161] if[G1437] it[G846] be[G5600] not[G3361] worthy[G514], let[G1994] your[G5209] peace[G1515] return[G1994] to[G4314] you[G5209].

14. And[G2532] whosoever[G3739] shall[G1209] not[G3361] receive[G1209] you[G5209], nor[G3366] hear[G191] your[G5216] words[G3056], as ye go forth out[G1831] of[G3614] that[G1565] house[G3614] or[G2228] that city[G4172], shake off[G4228] the dust[G2868] of[G4228] your[G5216] feet[G4228].

15. Verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], It shall be[G2071] more tolerable[G414] for the land[G1093] of Sodom[G4670] and[G2532] Gomorrah[G1116] in[G1722] the day[G2250] of judgment[G2920], than[G2228] for[G4172] that[G1565] city[G4172].

16. Behold[G2400], I[G1473] send[G649] you[G5209] forth[G649] as[G5613] sheep[G4263] in[G1722] the midst[G3319] of wolves[G3074]: be ye[G1096] therefore[G3767] wise[G5429] as[G5613] serpents[G3789], and[G2532] harmless[G185] as[G5613] doves[G4058].

17. But[G1161] beware[G4337] of[G575] men[G444]: for[G1063] they will deliver[G3860] you[G5209] up to[G1519] councils[G4892], and[G2532] in[G1722] theirs[G846] synagogues[G4864] they will scourge[G3146] you[G5209];

18. yea and[G2532] before[G1909] governors[G2232] and[G2532] kings[G935] shall ye be brought[G71] for[G1752] my[G1700] sake[G1752], for[G1519] a testimony[G3142] to them[G846] and[G2532] to the Gentiles[G1484].

19. But[G1161] when[G3752] they deliver[G3860] you[G5209] up[G3860], be[G3309] not[G3361] anxious[G3309] how[G4459] or[G2228] what[G5101] ye shall speak[G2980]: for[G1063] it shall be given[G1325] you[G5213] in[G1722] that[G1565] hour[G5610] what[G5101] ye shall speak[G2980].

20. For[G1063] it is[G2075] not[G3756] ye[G5210] that speak[G2980], but[G235] the Spirit[G4151] of[G3962] your[G5216] Father[G3962] that speaketh[G2980] in[G1722] you[G5213].

21. And[G1161] brother[G80] shall deliver up[G3860] brother[G80] to[G1519] death[G2288], and[G2532] the father[G3962] his child[G5043]: and[G2532] children[G5043] shall rise up[G1881] against[G1909] parents[G1118], and[G2532] cause[G2289] them[G846] to be put to death[G2289].

22. And[G2532] ye shall be[G2071] hated[G3404] of[G5259] all[G3956] men for[G1223] my[G3450] name[G3686]'s sake[G1223]: but[G1161] he[G3778] that endureth[G5278] to[G1519] the end[G5056], the same shall be saved[G4982].

23. But[G1161] when[G3752] they persecute[G1377] you[G5209] in[G1722] this[G3778] city[G4172], flee into[G1519] the next[G243]: for[G1063] verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], Ye shall[G5055] not[G3756] have gone through[G5055] the cities[G4172] of Israel[G2474], till[G2193] the Son[G5207] of man[G444] be come[G2064].

24. A disciple[G3101] is[G2076] not[G3756] above[G5228] his teacher[G1320], nor[G3761] a servant[G1401] above[G5228] his[G846] lord[G2962].

25. It is enough[G713] for the disciple[G3101] that[G2443] he be[G1096] as[G5613] his[G846] teacher[G1320], and[G2532] the servant[G1401] as[G5613] his[G846] lord[G2962]. If[G1487] they have called[G2564] the master of the house[G3617] Beelzebub[G954], how much[G4214] more[G3123] them of[G3615] his[G846] household[G3615]!

26. Fear[G5399] them[G846] not[G3361] therefore[G3767]: for[G1063] there is[G2076] nothing[G3762] covered[G2572], that[G3739] shall[G601] not[G3756] be revealed[G601]; and[G2532] hid[G2927], that[G3739] shall[G1097] not[G3756] be known[G1097].

27. What[G3739] I tell[G3004] you[G5213] in[G1722] the darkness[G4653], speak ye[G2036] in[G1519] the light[G5457]; and[G2532] what[G3739] ye[G2784] hear[G191] in[G1519] the ear[G3775], proclaim upon[G1909] the house-tops[G1430].

28. And[G2532] be not[G3361] afraid[G5399] of them that kill[G615] the body[G4983], but[G1161] are[G1410] not[G3361] able[G1410] to kill[G615] the soul[G5590]: but[G1161] rather[G3123] fear[G5399] him who is able[G1410] to destroy[G622] both[G2532] soul[G5590] and[G2532] body[G4983] in[G1722] hell[G1067].

29. Are[G4453] not[G3780] two[G1417] sparrows[G4765] sold[G4453] for a penny[G787]? and[G2532] not[G3756] one[G1520] of[G1537] them[G846] shall[G4098] fall[G4098] on[G1909] the ground[G1093] without[G427] your[G5216] Father[G3962]:

30. but[G1161] the[G2359] very[G2532] hairs[G2359] of[G2776] your[G5216] head[G2776] are[G1526] all[G3956] numbered[G705].

31. Fear[G5399] not[G3361] therefore[G3767]: ye[G5210] are of more value[G1308] than[G4765] many[G4183] sparrows[G4765].

32. Every[G3956] one[G3748] therefore[G3767] who shall confess[G3670] me[G1698] before[G1715] men[G444], him[G846] will[G3670] I[G1722] also[G2504] confess[G3670] before[G1715] my[G3450] Father[G3962] who is[G3588] in[G1722] heaven[G3772].

33. But[G1161] whosoever[G3748] shall deny[G720] me[G3165] before[G1715] men[G444], him[G846] will[G720] I also[G2504] deny[G720] before[G1715] my[G3450] Father[G3962] who is[G3588] in[G1722] heaven[G3772].

34. Think[G3543] not[G3361] that[G3754] I came[G2064] to send[G906] peace[G1515] on[G1909] the earth[G1093]: I came[G2064] not[G3756] to send[G906] peace[G1515], but[G235] a sword[G3162].

35. For[G1063] I came[G2064] to set[G1369] a man[G444] at variance[G1369] against[G2596] his[G846] father[G3962], and[G2532] the daughter[G2364] against[G2596] her[G846] mother[G3384], and[G2532] the daughter in law[G3994] against[G2596] her[G846] mother in law[G3994]:

36. and[G2532] a man[G444]'s foes[G2190] shall be they of[G3615] his own[G846] household[G3615].

37. He that loveth[G5368] father[G3962] or[G2228] mother[G3384] more than[G5228] me[G1691] is[G2076] not[G3756] worthy[G514] of me[G3450]; and[G2532] he that loveth[G5368] son[G5207] or[G2228] daughter[G2364] more than[G5228] me[G1691] is[G2076] not[G3756] worthy[G514] of me[G3450].

38. And[G2532] he[G2983] that[G3739] doth not[G3756] take[G2983] his[G846] cross[G4716] and[G2532] follow[G190] after[G3694] me[G3450], is[G2076] not[G3756] worthy[G514] of me[G3450].

39. He that findeth[G2147] his[G846] life[G5590] shall lose[G622] it[G846]; and[G2532] he that loseth[G622] his[G846] life[G5590] for[G1752] my[G1700] sake[G1752] shall find[G2147] it[G846].

40. He that receiveth[G1209] you[G5209] receiveth[G1209] me[G1691], and[G2532] he that receiveth[G1209] me[G1691] receiveth[G1209] him that sent[G649] me[G3165].

41. He that receiveth[G1209] a prophet[G4396] in[G1519] the name[G3686] of a prophet[G4396] shall receive[G2983] a prophet[G4396]'s reward[G3408]: and[G2532] he that receiveth[G1209] a righteous man[G1342] in[G1519] the name[G3686] of a righteous man[G1342] shall receive[G2983] a righteous man[G1342]'s reward[G3408].

42. And[G2532] whosoever[G3739] shall[G1437] give to drink[G4222] unto[G3398] one of[G1520] these[G5130] little ones[G3398] a cup[G4221] of[G1520] cold[G5593] water only[G3440], in[G1519] the name[G3686] of a disciple[G3101], verily I say[G3004] unto you[G5213] he shall[G622] in no[G3756] wise[G3361] lose[G622] his[G846] reward[G3408].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

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