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ASV_Strong : Matthew 12


1. At[G1722] that[G1565] season[G2540] Jesus[G2424] went on[G4198] the sabbath day[G4521] through[G1223] the grainfields[G4702]; and[G1161] his[G846] disciples[G3101] were hungry[G3983] and[G2532] began[G756] to pluck[G5089] ears[G4719] and[G2532] to eat[G2068].

2. But the Pharisees[G5330], when[G1161] they saw[G1492] it[G2036], said unto him[G846], Behold[G2400], thy[G4675] disciples[G3101] do[G4160] that which[G3739] it is[G1832] not[G3756] lawful[G1832] to do[G4160] upon[G1722] the sabbath[G4521].

3. But[G1161] he[G3588] said[G2036] unto them[G846], Have ye[G314] not[G3756] read[G314] what[G5101] David[G1138] did[G4160], when[G3753] he[G846] was hungry[G3983], and[G2532] they that were[G3588] with[G3326] him[G846];

4. how[G4459] he entered[G1525] into[G1519] the house[G3624] of God[G2316], and[G2532] ate[G5315] the[G740] showbread[G740], which[G3739] it was[G2258] not[G3756] lawful[G1832] for him[G846] to eat[G5315], neither[G3761] for them that were[G3588] with[G3326] him[G846], but[G1487] only[G3441] for[G3361] the priests[G2409]?

5. Or[G2228] have ye[G314] not[G3756] read[G314] in[G1722] the law[G3551], that[G3754] on the sabbath day[G4521] the priests[G2409] in[G1722] the temple[G2411] profane[G953] the sabbath[G4521], and[G2532] are[G1526] guiltless[G338]?

6. But[G1161] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], that[G3754] one greater than[G3187] the temple[G2411] is[G2076] here[G5602].

7. But[G1161] if[G1487] ye had known[G1097] what[G5101] this meaneth[G2076], I desire[G2309] mercy[G1656], and[G2532] not[G3756] sacrifice[G2378], ye[G2613] would[G302] not[G3756] have condemned[G2613] the guiltless[G338].

8. For[G1063] the Son[G5207] of man[G444] is[G2076] lord[G2962] of[G2532] the sabbath[G4521].

9. And[G2532] he departed[G3327] thence[G1564], and went[G2064] into[G1519] their[G846] synagogue[G4864]:

10. and[G2532] behold[G2400], a[G2258] man[G444] having a[G2192] withered[G3584] hand[G5495]. And[G2532] they asked[G1905] him[G846], saying[G1487], Is it lawful[G1832] to heal[G2323] on the sabbath day[G4521]? that[G2443] they might accuse[G2723] him[G846].

11. And[G1161] he[G3588] said[G2036] unto them[G846], What[G5101] man[G444] shall there be[G2071] of[G1537] you[G5216], that[G3739] shall have[G2192] one[G1520] sheep[G4263], and[G2532] if[G1437] this[G5124] fall[G1706] into[G1519] a pit[G999] on the sabbath day[G4521], will he[G2902] not[G3780] lay hold on[G2902] it[G846], and[G2532] lift[G1453] it out[G1453]?

12. How much[G4214] then[G3767] is[G1308] a man[G444] of more value[G1308] than a sheep[G4263]! Wherefore[G5620] it is lawful[G1832] to do[G4160] good[G2573] on the sabbath day[G4521].

13. Then[G5119] saith he[G3004] to the man[G444], Stretch forth[G1614] thy[G4675] hand[G5495]. And[G2532] he stretched[G1614] it forth[G1614]; and[G2532] it was restored[G600] whole[G5199], as[G5613] the other[G243].

14. But[G1161] the Pharisees[G5330] went out[G1831], and took[G2983] counsel[G4824] against[G2596] him[G846], how[G3704] they might destroy[G622] him[G846].

15. And[G1161] Jesus[G2424] perceiving[G1097] it withdrew[G402] from thence[G1564]: and[G2532] many[G4183] followed[G190] him[G846]; and[G2532] he healed[G2323] them[G846] all[G3956],

16. and[G2532] charged[G2008] them[G846] that[G2443] they should[G4160] not[G3361] make[G4160] him[G846] known[G5318]:

17. that[G3704] it might be fulfilled[G4137] which was spoken[G4483] through[G1223] Isaiah[G2268] the prophet[G4396], saying[G3004],

18. Behold[G2400], my[G3450] servant[G3816] whom[G3739] I have chosen[G140]; My[G3450] beloved[G27] in[G1519] whom[G3739] my[G3450] soul[G5590] is well pleased[G2106]: I will put[G5087] my[G3450] Spirit[G4151] upon[G1909] him[G846], And[G2532] he shall declare[G518] judgment[G2920] to the Gentiles[G1484].

19. He shall[G2051] not[G3756] strive[G2051], nor[G3761] cry[G2905] aloud[G3761]; Neither shall[G191] any one[G5100] hear[G191] his[G846] voice[G5456] in[G1722] the streets[G4113].

20. A bruised[G4937] reed[G2563] shall he[G2608] not[G3756] break[G2608], And[G2532] smoking[G5188] flax[G3043] shall he[G4570] not[G3756] quench[G4570], Till[G2193] he[G302] send forth[G1544] judgment[G2920] unto[G1519] victory[G3534].

21. And[G2532] in[G1722] his[G846] name[G3686] shall[G1679] the Gentiles[G1484] hope[G1679].

22. Then[G5119] was brought[G4374] unto him[G846] one possessed with a demon[G1139], blind[G5185] and[G2532] dumb[G2974]: and[G2532] he healed[G2323] him[G846], insomuch that[G5620] the dumb[G2974] man spake[G2980] and[G2532] saw[G991].

23. And[G2532] all[G3956] the multitudes[G3793] were amazed[G1839], and[G2532] said[G3004], Can[G3385] this[G3778] be[G2076] the son[G5207] of David[G1138]?

24. But when[G1161] the Pharisees[G5330] heard[G191] it[G2036], they said, This[G3778] man doth[G1544] not[G3756] cast out[G1544] demons[G1140], but[G1487] by[G1722] Beelzebub[G954] the prince[G758] of the demons[G1140].

25. And[G1161] knowing[G1492] their[G846] thoughts[G1761] he[G2424] said[G2036] unto them[G846], Every[G3956] kingdom[G932] divided[G3307] against[G2596] itself[G1438] is brought to desolation[G2049]; and[G2532] every[G3956] city[G4172] or[G2228] house[G3614] divided[G3307] against[G2596] itself[G1438] shall[G2476] not[G3756] stand[G2476]:

26. and[G2532] if[G1487] Satan[G4567] casteth out[G1544] Satan[G4567], he is divided[G3307] against[G1909] himself[G1438]; how[G4459] then[G3767] shall[G2476] his[G846] kingdom[G932] stand[G2476]?

27. And[G2532] if[G1487] I[G1473] by[G1722] Beelzebub[G954] cast out[G1544] demons[G1140], by[G1722] whom do[G5101] your[G5216] sons[G5207] cast[G1544] them out[G1544]? therefore[G1223] shall[G5124] they[G846] be[G2071] your[G5216] judges[G2923].

28. But[G1161] if[G1487] I[G1473] by[G1722] the Spirit[G4151] of God[G2316] cast out[G1544] demons[G1140], then[G686] is the kingdom[G932] of God[G2316] come[G5348] upon[G1909] you[G5209].

29. Or how[G4459] can[G1410] one[G5100] enter[G1525] into[G1519] the house[G3614] of the strong man[G2478], and[G2532] spoil[G1283] his[G846] goods[G4632], except[G1437] he[G1210] first[G4412] bind[G1210] the strong man[G2478]? and[G2532] then[G5119] he will spoil[G1283] his[G846] house[G3614].

30. He that is[G5607] not[G3361] with[G3326] me[G1700] is[G2076] against[G2596] me[G1700], and[G2532] he that gathereth[G4863] not[G3361] with[G3326] me[G1700] scattereth[G4650].

31. Therefore[G1223] I[G5124] say[G3004] unto you[G5213], Every sin[G266] and[G2532] blasphemy[G988] shall be forgiven[G863] unto men[G444]; but[G1161] the blasphemy[G988] against the[G4151] Spirit[G4151] shall[G863] not[G3756] be forgiven[G863].

32. And[G2532] whosoever[G2532] shall[G302] speak[G2036] a word[G3056] against[G2596] the Son[G5207] of man[G444], it shall be forgiven[G863] him[G846]; but[G1161] whosoever[G302] shall[G3739] speak[G2036] against[G2596] the[G4151] Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151], it shall[G863] not[G3756] be forgiven[G863] him[G846], neither[G3777] in[G1722] this[G5129] world[G165], nor[G3777] in[G1722] that[G3195] which is to come[G3195].

33. Either[G2228] make[G4160] the tree[G1186] good[G2570], and[G2532] its[G846] fruit[G2590] good[G2570]; or[G2228] make[G4160] the tree[G1186] corrupt[G4550], and[G2532] its[G846] fruit[G2590] corrupt[G4550]: for[G1063] the tree[G1186] is known[G1097] by[G1537] its fruit[G2590].

34. Ye offspring[G1081] of vipers[G2191], how[G4459] can ye[G1410], being[G5607] evil[G4190], speak[G2980] good things[G18]? for[G1063] out[G1537] of the abundance[G4051] of the heart[G2588] the mouth[G4750] speaketh[G2980].

35. The[G444] good[G18] man[G444] out[G1537] of his[G2588] good[G18] treasure[G2344] bringeth forth[G1544] good things[G18]: and[G444] the[G444] evil[G4190] man[G444] out[G1537] of his[G2344] evil[G4190] treasure[G2344] bringeth forth[G1544] evil things[G4190].

36. And[G1161] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], that[G3754] every[G3956] idle[G692] word[G4487] that[G3739] men[G444] shall speak[G2980], they shall give[G591] account[G3056] thereof[G846] in[G1722] the day[G2250] of judgment[G2920].

37. For[G1063] by[G1537] thy[G4675] words[G3056] thou shalt be justified[G1344], and[G2532] by[G1537] thy[G4675] words[G3056] thou shalt be condemned[G2613].

38. Then[G5119] certain[G5100] of the scribes[G1122] and[G2532] Pharisees[G5330] answered[G611] him[G3004], saying, Teacher[G1320], we would[G2309] see[G1492] a sign[G4592] from[G575] thee[G4675].

39. But[G1161] he[G3588] answered[G611] and said[G2036] unto them[G846], An[G1074] evil[G4190] and[G2532] adulterous[G3428] generation[G1074] seeketh after[G1934] a sign[G4592]; and[G2532] there shall[G1325] no[G3756] sign[G4592] be given[G1325] it[G846] but[G1487] the[G3361] sign[G4592] of Jonah[G2495] the prophet[G4396]:

40. for[G1063] as[G5618] Jonah[G2495] was[G2258] three[G5140] days[G2250] and[G2532] three[G5140] nights[G3571] in[G1722] the belly[G2836] of the whale[G2785]; so[G3779] shall[G2071] the Son[G5207] of man[G444] be[G2071] three[G5140] days[G2250] and[G2532] three[G5140] nights[G3571] in[G1722] the heart[G2588] of the earth[G1093].

41. The men[G435] of Nineveh[G3536] shall stand[G450] up in[G1722] the judgment[G2920] with[G3326] this[G3778] generation[G1074], and[G2532] shall condemn[G2632] it[G846]: for[G3754] they repented[G3340] at[G1519] the preaching[G2782] of Jonah[G2495]; and[G2532] behold[G2400], a greater[G4119] than Jonah[G2495] is here[G5602].

42. The queen[G938] of the south[G3558] shall rise up[G1453] in[G1722] the judgment[G2920] with[G3326] this[G3778] generation[G1074], and[G2532] shall condemn[G2632] it[G846]: for[G3754] she came[G2064] from[G1537] the ends of the earth[G1093] to hear[G191] the wisdom[G4678] of Solomon[G4672]; and[G2532] behold[G2400], a greater[G4119] than Solomon[G4672] is here[G5602].

43. But the[G4151] unclean[G169] spirit[G4151], when[G3752] he is gone[G1831] out of[G575] the man[G444], passeth[G1330] through[G1223] waterless[G504] places[G5117], seeking[G2212] rest[G372], and[G2532] findeth[G2147] it not[G3756].

44. Then[G5119] he saith[G3004], I will return[G1994] into[G1519] my[G3450] house[G3624] whence[G3606] I came out[G1831]; and when[G2532] he is come[G2064], he findeth[G2147] it empty[G4980], swept[G4563], and[G2532] garnished[G2885].

45. Then[G5119] goeth he[G4198], and[G2532] taketh[G3880] with[G3326] himself[G1438] seven[G2033] other[G2087] spirits[G4151] more evil[G4191] than himself[G1438], and[G2532] they enter in[G1525] and dwell[G2730] there[G1563]: and[G2532] the last[G2078] state of[G444] that[G1565] man[G444] becometh[G1096] worse[G5501] than the first[G4413]. Even so[G3779] shall it be[G2071] also[G2532] unto[G1074] this[G3778] evil[G4190] generation[G1074].

46. While[G2980] he[G846] was yet[G2089] speaking[G2980] to the multitudes[G3793], behold[G2400], his mother[G3384] and[G2532] his[G846] brethren[G80] stood[G2476] without[G1854], seeking[G2212] to speak[G2980] to him[G846].

47. And[G1161] one[G5100] said[G2036] unto him[G846], Behold[G2400], thy[G4675] mother[G3384] and[G2532] thy[G4675] brethren[G80] stand[G2476] without[G1854], seeking[G2212] to speak[G2980] to thee[G4671].

48. But[G1161] he[G3588] answered[G611] and said[G2036] unto him that told[G2036] him[G846], Who[G5101] is[G2076] my[G3450] mother[G3384]? and[G2532] who[G5101] are[G1526] my[G3450] brethren[G80]?

49. And[G2532] he stretched forth[G1614] his[G846] hand[G5495] towards[G1909] his[G846] disciples[G3101], and said[G2036], Behold[G2400], my[G3450] mother[G3384] and[G2532] my[G3450] brethren[G80]!

50. For[G1063] whosoever[G3748] shall[G302] do[G4160] the will[G2307] of[G3962] my[G3450] Father[G3962] who is[G2076] in[G1722] heaven[G3772], he[G846] is[G2076] my[G3450] brother[G80], and[G2532] sister[G79], and[G2532] mother[G3384].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

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