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ASV_Strong : Jeremiah 50


1. The word[H1697] that Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] concerning Babylon[H894], concerning the land[H776] of the Chaldeans[H3778], by[H3027] Jeremiah[H3414] the prophet[H5030].

2. Declare[H5046] ye among the nations[H1471] and publish[H8085], and set up[H5375] a standard[H5251]; publish[H8085], and conceal[H3582] not[H559]: say, Babylon[H894] is taken[H3920], Bel[H1078] is put to shame[H3001], Merodach[H4781] is dismayed[H2865]; her images[H6091] are put to shame[H3001], her idols[H1544] are dismayed[H2865].

3. For out of the north[H6828] there cometh up[H5927] a nation[H1471] against her[H7896], which shall make her land[H776] desolate[H8047], and none shall dwell[H3427] therein[H5110]: they are fled, they are gone[H1980], both man[H120] and beast[H929].

4. In those days[H3117], and in that time[H6256], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068], the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] shall come[H935], they and the children[H1121] of Judah[H3063] together[H3162]; they shall go[H1980] on their way[H3212] weeping[H1058], and shall seek[H1245] Jehovah[H3068] their God[H430].

5. They shall inquire[H7592] concerning[H1870] Zion[H6726] with their faces[H6440] thitherward[H2008], saying[H935], Come ye[H3867], and join yourselves to Jehovah[H3068] in an everlasting[H5769] covenant[H1285] that shall not be forgotten[H7911].

6. My people[H5971] have been lost[H6] sheep[H6629]: their shepherds[H7462] have caused them to go astray[H8582]; they have turned them away[H7725] on the mountains[H2022]; they have gone[H1980] from mountain[H2022] to hill[H1389]; they have forgotten[H7911] their resting-place[H7258].

7. All that found[H4672] them have devoured[H398] them[H6862]; and their adversaries said[H559], We are not guilty[H816], because they have sinned[H2398] against Jehovah[H3068], the habitation[H5116] of righteousness[H6664], even Jehovah[H3068], the hope[H4723] of their fathers[H1].

8. Flee[H5110] out of the midst[H8432] of Babylon[H894], and go forth[H3318] out of the land[H776] of the Chaldeans[H3778], and be as the he-goats[H6260] before[H6440] the flocks[H6629].

9. For[H5927], lo, I will stir up and cause to come up[H5927] against Babylon[H894] a company[H6951] of great[H1419] nations[H1471] from the north[H6828] country[H776]; and they shall set themselves in array[H6186] against her[H3920]; from thence she shall be taken: their arrows[H2671] shall be as of an expert mighty[H1368] man[H7919]; none shall return[H7725] in vain[H7387].

10. And Chaldea[H3778] shall be a prey[H7998]: all that prey[H7997] upon her shall be satisfied[H7646], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068].

11. Because ye are glad[H8055], because ye rejoice[H8055], O ye that plunder[H8154] my heritage[H5159], because ye are wanton[H6335] as a heifer[H5697] that treadeth out the grain[H1877], and neigh[H6670] as strong horses[H47];

12. your mother[H517] shall be utterly[H3966] put to shame[H954]; she that bare[H3205] you shall be confounded[H2659]: behold[H319], she shall be the hindermost of the nations[H1471], a wilderness[H4057], a dry land[H6723], and a desert[H6160].

13. Because of the wrath[H7110] of Jehovah[H3068] she shall not be inhabited[H3427], but she shall be wholly desolate[H8077]: every one that goeth[H5674] by Babylon[H894] shall be astonished[H8074], and hiss[H8319] at all her plagues[H4347].

14. Set yourselves in array[H6186] against Babylon[H894] round about[H5439], all ye that bend[H1869] the bow[H7198]; shoot[H3034] at her[H2550], spare no arrows[H2671]: for she hath sinned[H2398] against Jehovah[H3068].

15. Shout[H7321] against her round about[H5439]: she hath submitted[H5414] herself[H3027]; her bulwarks[H803] are fallen[H5307], her walls[H2346] are thrown down[H2040]; for it is the vengeance[H5360] of Jehovah[H3068]: take vengeance[H5358] upon her[H6213]; as she hath done, do unto her[H6213].

16. Cut off[H3772] the sower[H2232] from Babylon[H894], and him that handleth[H8610] the sickle[H4038] in the time[H6256] of harvest[H7105]: for fear[H6440] of the oppressing[H3238] sword[H2719] they shall turn[H6437] every one[H376] to his people[H5971], and they shall flee[H5127] every one[H376] to his own land[H776].

17. Israel[H3478] is a hunted[H6340] sheep[H7716]; the lions[H738] have driven him away[H5080]: first[H7223], the king[H4428] of Assyria[H804] devoured[H398] him[H314]; and now at last Nebuchadrezzar[H5019] king[H4428] of Babylon[H894] hath broken his bones[H6105].

18. Therefore thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478]: Behold[H6485], I will punish the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894] and his land[H776], as I have punished[H6485] the king[H4428] of Assyria[H804].

19. And I will bring[H7725] Israel[H3478] again[H7725] to his pasture[H5116], and he shall feed[H7462] on Carmel[H3760] and Bashan[H1316], and his soul[H5315] shall be satisfied[H7646] upon the hills[H2022] of Ephraim[H669] and in Gilead[H1568].

20. In those days[H3117], and in that time[H6256], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068], the iniquity[H5771] of Israel[H3478] shall be sought for[H1245], and there shall be none[H2403]; and the sins of Judah[H3063], and they shall not be found[H4672]: for I will pardon[H5545] them whom I leave as a remnant[H7604].

21. Go up[H5927] against the land[H776] of Merathaim[H4850], even against it[H3427], and against the inhabitants of Pekod[H6489]: slay[H2717] and utterly destroy[H2763] after[H310] them[H5002], saith Jehovah[H3068], and do[H6213] according to all that I have commanded thee[H6680].

22. A sound[H6963] of battle[H4421] is in the land[H776], and of great[H1419] destruction[H7667].

23. How is the hammer[H6360] of the whole earth[H776] cut asunder[H1438] and broken[H7665]! how is Babylon[H894] become a desolation[H8047] among the nations[H1471]!

24. I have laid a snare[H3369] for thee[H3920], and thou art also taken, O Babylon[H894], and thou wast not aware[H3045]: thou art found[H4672], and also caught[H8610], because thou hast striven[H1624] against Jehovah[H3068].

25. Jehovah[H3068] hath opened[H6605] his armory[H214], and hath brought forth[H3318] the weapons[H3627] of his indignation[H2195]; for the Lord[H136], Jehovah[H136] of hosts[H6635], hath a work[H4399] to do in the land[H776] of the Chaldeans[H3778].

26. Come[H935] against her from the utmost border[H7093]; open[H6605] her store-houses[H3965]; cast her up[H5549] as heaps[H6194], and destroy her utterly[H2763]; let nothing of her be left[H7611].

27. Slay[H2717] all her bullocks[H6499]; let them go down[H3381] to the slaughter[H2874]: woe[H1945] unto them[H3117]! for their day is come[H935], the time[H6256] of their visitation[H6486].

28. The voice[H6963] of them that flee[H5127] and escape out[H6405] of the land[H776] of Babylon[H894], to declare[H5046] in Zion[H6726] the vengeance[H5360] of Jehovah[H3068] our God[H430], the vengeance[H5360] of his temple[H1964].

29. Call together[H8085] the archers[H7228] against Babylon[H894], all them that bend[H1869] the bow[H7198]; encamp[H2583] against her round about[H5439]; let none thereof escape[H6413]: recompense[H7999] her according to her work[H6467]; according to all that she hath done[H6213], do[H6213] unto her[H2102]; for she hath been proud against Jehovah[H3068], against the Holy One[H6918] of Israel[H3478].

30. Therefore shall her young men[H970] fall[H5307] in her streets[H7339], and all her men[H582] of war[H4421] shall be brought to silence[H1826] in that day[H3117], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068].

31. Behold[H2087], I am against thee, O thou proud one[H5002], saith the Lord[H136], Jehovah[H3069] of hosts[H6635]; for thy day[H3117] is come[H935], the time[H6256] that I will visit thee[H6485].

32. And the proud[H2087] one shall stumble[H3782] and fall[H5307], and none shall raise him up[H6965]; and I will kindle[H3341] a fire[H784] in his cities[H5892], and it shall devour[H398] all that are round about him[H5439].

33. Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635]: The children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] and the children[H1121] of Judah[H3063] are oppressed[H6231] together[H3162]; and all that took them captive[H7617] hold them fast[H2388]; they refuse[H3985] to let them go[H7971].

34. Their Redeemer[H1350] is strong[H2389]; Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635] is his name[H8034]: he will thoroughly[H7378] plead[H7378] their cause[H7379], that he may give rest[H7280] to the earth[H776], and disquiet[H7264] the inhabitants[H3427] of Babylon[H894].

35. A sword[H2719] is upon the Chaldeans[H3778], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068], and upon the inhabitants[H3427] of Babylon[H894], and upon her princes[H8269], and upon her wise men[H2450].

36. A sword[H2719] is upon the boasters[H907], and they shall become fools[H2973]; a sword[H2719] is upon her mighty men[H1368], and they shall be dismayed[H2865].

37. A sword[H2719] is upon their horses[H5483], and upon their chariots[H7393], and upon all the mingled people[H6153] that are in the midst[H8432] of her[H802]; and they shall become as women: a sword[H2719] is upon her treasures[H214], and they shall be robbed[H962].

38. A drought[H2721] is upon her waters[H4325], and they shall be dried up[H3001]; for it is a land[H776] of graven images[H6456], and they are mad[H1984] over idols[H367].

39. Therefore the wild beasts of the desert[H6728] with the wolves[H338] shall dwell[H3427] there[H1323], and the ostriches shall dwell[H3427] therein[H3427]: and it shall be no more inhabited for ever[H5331]; neither shall it be dwelt[H7931] in from generation[H1755] to generation[H1755].

40. As when God[H430] overthrew[H4114] Sodom[H5467] and Gomorrah[H6017] and the neighbor[H7934] cities thereof[H5002], saith Jehovah[H3068], so shall no man[H376] dwell[H3427] there[H1121], neither shall any son of man[H120] sojourn therein[H1481].

41. Behold[H5971], a people cometh[H935] from the north[H6828]; and a great[H1419] nation[H1471] and many[H7227] kings[H4428] shall be stirred up[H5782] from the uttermost parts[H3411] of the earth[H776].

42. They lay hold[H2388] on bow[H7198] and spear[H3591]; they are cruel[H394], and have no mercy[H7355]; their voice[H6963] roareth[H1993] like the sea[H3220]; and they ride[H7392] upon horses[H5483], every one set in array[H6186], as a man[H376] to the battle[H4421], against thee[H1323], O daughter of Babylon[H894].

43. The king[H4428] of Babylon[H894] hath heard[H8085] the tidings[H8088] of them[H3027], and his hands wax feeble[H7503]: anguish[H6869] hath taken hold[H2388] of him[H2427], and pangs as of a woman in travail[H3205].

44. Behold[H5927], the enemy shall come up like a lion[H738] from the pride[H1347] of the Jordan[H3383] against the strong[H386] habitation[H5116]: for I will suddenly[H7280] make[H7323] them run away[H7323] from it[H977]; and whoso is chosen, him will I appoint[H6485] over it[H3259]: for who is like me? and who will appoint me a time? and who is the shepherd[H7462] that can stand[H5975] before me[H6440]?

45. Therefore hear[H8085] ye the counsel[H6098] of Jehovah[H3068], that he hath taken[H3289] against Babylon[H894]; and his purposes[H4284], that he hath purposed[H2803] against the land[H776] of the Chaldeans[H3778]: Surely they shall drag them away[H5498], even the little[H6810] ones of the flock[H6629]; surely he shall make their habitation[H5116] desolate over them[H8074].

46. At the noise[H6963] of the taking[H8610] of Babylon[H894] the earth[H776] trembleth[H7493], and the cry[H2201] is heard[H8085] among the nations[H1471].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52

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