Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H3238 : yanah yaw-naw'


H3238 yanah yaw-naw' a primitive root; to rage or be violent: by implication, to suppress, to maltreat:--destroy, (thrust out by)oppress(-ing, -ion, -or), proud, vex, do violence.

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H3238

M / Exodus 22.21 : And a sojourner shalt thou not wrong[H3238], neither shalt thou oppress him: for ye were sojourners in the land of Egypt.
M / Leviticus 19.33 : And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not do him wrong[H3238].
M / Leviticus 25.14 : And if thou sell aught unto thy neighbor, or buy of thy neighbor's hand, ye shall not wrong[H3238] one another.
M / Leviticus 25.17 : And ye shall not wrong[H3238] one another; but thou shalt fear thy God: for I am Jehovah your God.
M / Deuteronomy 23.16 : he shall dwell with thee, in the midst of thee, in the place which he shall choose within one of thy gates, where it pleaseth him best: thou shalt not oppress him[H3238].
M / Psalms 74.8 : They said in their heart, Let us make havoc[H3238] of them altogether: They have burned up all the synagogues of God in the land.
M / Isaiah 49.26 : And I will feed them that oppress[H3238] thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I, Jehovah, am thy Saviour, and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.
M / Jeremiah 22.3 : Thus saith Jehovah: Execute ye justice and righteousness, and deliver him that is robbed out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wrong[H3238], do no violence, to the sojourner, the fatherless, nor the widow; neither shed innocent blood in this place.
M / Jeremiah 25.38 : He hath left his covert, as the lion; for their land is become an astonishment because of the fierceness of the oppressing[H3238] sword, and because of his fierce anger.
M / Jeremiah 46.16 : He made many to stumble, yea, they fell one upon another: and they said, Arise, and let us go again to our own people, and to the land of our nativity, from the oppressing[H3238] sword.
M / Jeremiah 50.16 : Cut off the sower from Babylon, and him that handleth the sickle in the time of harvest: for fear of the oppressing[H3238] sword they shall turn every one to his people, and they shall flee every one to his own land.
M / Ezekiel 18.7 : and hath not wronged[H3238] any, but hath restored to the debtor his pledge, hath taken nought by robbery, hath given his bread to the hungry, and hath covered the naked with a garment;
M / Ezekiel 18.12 : hath wronged[H3238] the poor and needy, hath taken by robbery, hath not restored the pledge, and hath lifted up his eyes to the idols, hath committed abomination,
M / Ezekiel 18.16 : neither hath wronged[H3238] any, hath not taken aught to pledge, neither hath taken by robbery, but hath given his bread to the hungry, and hath covered the naked with a garment;
M / Ezekiel 22.7 : In thee have they set light by father and mother; in the midst of thee have they dealt by oppression with the sojourner; in thee have they wronged[H3238] the fatherless and the widow.
M / Ezekiel 22.29 : The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery; yea[H3238], they have vexed the poor and needy, and have oppressed the sojourner wrongfully.
M / Ezekiel 45.8 : In the land it shall be to him for a possession in Israel: and my princes shall no more oppress[H3238] my people; but they shall give the land to the house of Israel according to their tribes.
M / Ezekiel 46.18 : Moreover the prince shall not take of the people's inheritance, to[H3238] thrust[H3238] them out of their possession; he shall give inheritance to his sons out of his own possession, that my people be not scattered every man from his possession.
M / Zephaniah 3.1 : Woe to her that is rebellious and polluted! to the oppressing[H3238] city!

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