Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H7826 : shachal shakh'-al


H7826 shachal shakh'-al from an unused root probably meaning to roar; a lion (from his characteristic roar):--(fierce) lion.

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H7826

M / Job 4.10 : The roaring of the lion, and the voice of the fierce lion[H7826], And the teeth of the young lions, are broken.
M / Job 10.16 : And if my head exalt itself, thou huntest me as a lion[H7826]; And again thou showest thyself marvellous upon me.
M / Job 28.8 : The proud beasts have not trodden it[H7826], Nor hath the fierce lion passed thereby.
M / Proverbs 26.13 : The sluggard saith, There is a lion[H7826] in the way; A lion[H7826] is in the streets.
M / Hosea 5.14 : For I will be unto Ephraim as a lion[H7826], and as a young lion to the house of Judah: I, even I, will tear and go away; I will carry off, and there shall be none to deliver.
M / Hosea 13.7 : Therefore am I unto them as a lion[H7826]; as a leopard will I watch by the way;

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