Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H1198 : ba`ar bah'-ar


H1198 ba`ar bah'-ar from 1197; properly, foot (as consumed); i.e. (by exten.) of cattle brutishness; (concretely) stupid:--brutish (person), foolish.see H1197

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H1198

M / Psalms 49.10 : For he shall see it. Wise men die; The fool and the brutish[H1198] alike perish, And leave their wealth to others.
M / Psalms 73.22 : So brutish[H1198] was I, and ignorant; I was as a beast before thee.
M / Psalms 92.6 : A brutish[H1198] man knoweth not; Neither doth a fool understand this:
M / Proverbs 12.1 : Whoso loveth correction loveth knowledge; But he that hateth reproof is brutish[H1198].
M / Proverbs 30.2 : Surely I am more brutish[H1198] than any man, And have not the understanding of a man;

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