Revelation #22: Revelation Chapter 13:11-18 – The Second Beast of the Apocalypse, the False Prophet

Revelation #22: Revelation Chapter 13:11-18 – The Second Beast of the Apocalypse, the False Prophet

Revelation #22: Revelation Chapter 13:11-18 – The Second Beast of the Apocalypse, the False Prophet

Introduction: The second half of Revelation chapter 13 unveils a future world government, with two central figures: the first beast, representing a global dictator, and the second beast, the false prophet. Behind these two figures stands the dragon, Satan, orchestrating events from the shadows. This portion of Scripture details the final 3½ years leading to the glorious return of Jesus Christ. While the first beast has already been discussed, this passage focuses on the second beast and its role in end-time events.

The Description of the Second Beast
Verse 11:

“Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.”

John describes another “beast,” a different entity from the first beast, though still fierce and malevolent. Unlike the first beast that rises from the sea (symbolizing nations), this second beast ascends “from the earth,” indicating its origin as a terrestrial or earthly entity (John 3:12). While some suggest this indicates a Jewish origin (since “the land” may symbolize Israel), this interpretation extends beyond the biblical text.

This second beast possesses “two horns like a lamb,” symbolizing a deceptive appearance of meekness and humility, yet it speaks “like a dragon,” signifying a satanic influence. Despite its mild outward appearance, this beast reveals a cruel, manipulative nature, much like the warning Jesus gives in Matthew 7:15 about false prophets disguising themselves as sheep but inwardly being ravenous wolves.

The Role of the Second Beast
Verse 12:

“And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.”

The second beast’s main objective is to promote the worship of the first beast, acting with similar authority. Its role is largely religious, reinforcing a false religion that compels people to worship the first beast, whose seemingly miraculous recovery from a mortal wound bolsters its image. In Revelation 19:20, the second beast is identified as the “false prophet,” one who performs miraculous signs to deceive the people into worshiping the first beast.

This false prophet, or second beast, will be responsible for establishing a counterfeit trinity during the Great Tribulation. Satan, the dragon, will assume the role of God the Father, the first beast will attempt to mimic Jesus Christ, and the false prophet will attempt to usurp the role of the Holy Spirit, driving the world to worship the beast. This unholy trinity highlights the depth of deception and idolatry present in the last days.

The False Signs of the Second Beast
Verses 13-15:

“He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast…”

During the end times, the second beast will use false signs and miracles to deceive humanity. Like Elijah’s miraculous calling down of fire from heaven (2 Kings 1:10-12) or the fire at Pentecost (Acts 2:3), the second beast will imitate these events to convince people of his power. He will instruct the people to create an image of the first beast, and he will animate this image to speak, reinforcing the blasphemous worship system.

This recalls the events of Daniel 3 when Nebuchadnezzar forced the people to worship a golden image. Similarly, in the end times, people will be required to worship the image of the beast under threat of death. The second beast will wield this power to enforce absolute allegiance to the first beast, punishing all dissenters with death. Revelation 7:9-17 references a large group of martyrs who refuse to comply and choose to die for their faith in Christ.

The Mark of the Beast
Verses 16-17:

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Following the introduction of the false worship system, the second beast will implement an economic dictatorship. Every person will be required to receive a mark—either on their right hand or forehead—that identifies them as worshipers of the beast. Without this mark, people will be unable to engage in basic economic activities, such as buying or selling.

This system is reminiscent of the branding of slaves or animals, stripping individuals of their personal autonomy and identity. This universal identification will categorize all humanity as followers of the Antichrist, forcing them to choose between conforming to this system or facing death. The growing development of microchip technology has led some to speculate whether such a system could be technologically feasible in the future.

The Number of the Beast
Verse 18:

“Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”

The infamous number “666” has been the subject of much speculation and interpretation throughout history. Some scholars have attempted to decode it using numerical equivalents of letters in Hebrew, Greek, or Latin, proposing various historical figures as possible candidates for the Antichrist. Yet, as Bible scholar John Darby humbly admitted, the meaning behind 666 remains largely elusive.

Symbolically, the number six in Scripture represents humanity, imperfection, and incompleteness, in contrast to the number seven, which signifies perfection and divinity (Genesis 2:2). The fact that the number 666 is repeated three times could symbolize the imperfection of the unholy trinity (Satan, the Antichrist, and the false prophet), representing the ultimate falsehood during the tribulation.

The real takeaway from this passage is the reminder not to place our trust in humans, particularly those who seek to usurp the authority of God. Instead, believers are called to place their faith in Jesus Christ, the only source of true salvation and deliverance.

The second beast from Revelation 13:11-18, rising from the earth with two lamb-like horns but speaking with the ferocity of a dragon. In the background, fire falls from the sky as people are deceived by miraculous signs, leading them to worship the image of the first beast. Some individuals bear a mark on their foreheads or right hands, symbolizing their allegiance to the beast. The scene illustrates the prophetic imagery of the false prophet's deception and the enforcement of the mark of the beast.

Conclusion: As we consider Revelation 13:11-18, we are confronted with a sobering view of the future. The false prophet will play a critical role in deceiving the world, leading many astray with miraculous signs, a false religion, and an economic system that forces humanity into submission to the Antichrist. Yet amidst this darkness, the text challenges believers to focus their attention on Jesus Christ, the true King who will return to establish His everlasting kingdom.

In these times of growing deception, it is crucial to deepen our personal relationship with Christ, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us in truth and righteousness. As Jesus himself said in John 9:4, “The night is coming when no one can work.” Let us, therefore, shine brightly as lights in the world, bringing the good news of the Gospel to those around us before it is too late.

-sermon series by Pastor Michel Bohrer