Sermon Series: The Josephs of the Bible

Sermon Series: The Josephs of the Bible

The end of the book of Genesis talks about what happens to Joseph who is an example in several ways. However, the end of the book of Genesis shows us more about what happens to the line of Jacob. It is also interesting to note that it is not Joseph who will obtain the great blessing of Jacob, but Judah. He is going through a radical change. Him, the “junk” finally becomes the first person to offer himself as a substitute. This gesture will be experienced perfectly by someone of his lineage, Jesus.

The end of the book of Genesis is thus much more than a moving story, it is the masterful demonstration of God who, from the beginning of fallen humanity, shows with precision the details of the salvation accomplished by Christ.

The sermon series is given by pastor Patrice Berger. sermons are translated from the original French version. Bible verses link to the Bible in Basic English. The Bible is available online in audio/podcast form in several versions including the Bible in Basic English (1 year reading plan):

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Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27)

Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27) Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27) Presentation: Hello everyone, my name is Jonathan Wils, I am a member of the Action Biblique de la Servette church in Geneva. You are in church right now, on the subject of Joseph in the Bible. Patrice challenged me to tell you about one of […]

Jonathan Wills : 2023_11_09

What if our funeral was an opportunity to deliver a message?

The tombs of Jacob and Joseph carry strong messages for future generations. Could we also do the same?

Patrice Berger : 2023_07_01

Does God owe me anything?

God owes us nothing. Point ! Jacob's blessings demonstrate this principle. Among his sons, those who thought they were due are not the ones who finally have the great blessings. God always acts with justice and grace.

Patrice Berger : 2023_07_01

Does God owe me anything? (Genesis 48)

Bible NEG 1979: Genesis 4 8 1. After these things, they came and said to Joseph, Behold, your father is sick. And he took with him his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. 2. They warned Jacob, and said to him, Behold, your son Joseph is coming to you. And Israel gathered together his strength, and sat down on his bed. 3. Jacob said to Joseph: Almighty God appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan and blessed me. 4. He said to me, I will make you fruitful, I will multiply you, and I will make you a multitude of peoples; I will give this country to your posterity after you, to possess it forever. 5. Now the two sons who were born to you in the land of Egypt before I came to you in Egypt shall be mine; Ephraim and Manasseh will be mine, like Reuben and Simeon.

Patrice Berger : 2023_07_01

Everything contributes to the good of those who love God! (Genesis 46 – 47)

This well-known verse could be the occasion of a misunderstanding with God. What does good mean? Is it what I consider myself good or is it what God considers good? One of the best examples to understand this verse is Joseph's life journey and what he understood from it...

Patrice Berger : 2023_06_30

Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27)

Joseph of Arimathea. This man appears in the four gospels of the Bible. We will see together how the Bible speaks of him. We will see first what are the events related to his presence, and then what are the implications for us today.

Jonathan Wills : 2023_06_30

Substitution; the clean takes the place of the guilty – Genesis 44-45

What is the climax of the end of the book of Genesis? We could immediately think of the reconciliation between Joseph and his slaveholder brothers. Indeed, but this moving and beneficial moment would never have taken place if Judah had not offered himself as a slave in place of his brother Benjamin caught in the act of theft. It is the first human substitution that God tells us about in the Scriptures. It announces a perfect substitution of someone from the line of Judah, Jesus who eternally frees from the bondage of sin.

Patrice Berger : 2023_06_30

Initiatives that reveal the heart: Genesis 42, 43

God is not one step ahead, He knows everything in advance and sets up what He has planned. We have the masterful demonstration of this with Joseph in Egypt who is the man for the job to save countless people, including his family. At the same time, we men must make good choices enlightened by God. Reuben, the eldest of Jacob's children, does not show his choices from the bottom of his heart. And we, do we realize what our choices show, the state of our heart?

Patrice Berger : 2023_06_29

Does God act more in difficulty or in success? Genesis 41

Total opposite. From slave, Joseph becomes the number two of all Egypt (major power of the ancient world). Does God finally act for Him? This is the question we could ask ourselves. Maybe we ask ourselves the same type of questions for our lives? Is God present when we achieve our goals?

Patrice Berger : 2023_06_29

Integrity, helpfulness do not pay! Fortunately ! Genesis 39 and 40

Amidst the ordeal of slavery and imprisonment, Joseph becomes the person who succeeds in everything he touches. Obviously, it is not he but the Eternal who gives this success. However, this success does not intoxicate him, Joseph remains honest and helpful even if it does not change his condition. Is it extraordinary though?

Patrice Berger : 2023_06_29

An exceptional brother can hide another – Genesis 38

Joseph is the chosen instrument, equipped by God to make survive the line of Jacob with whom God made covenant. The terms of this covenant will become clearer throughout the Old Testament, until it is fulfilled in Jesus Christ. But he through whom these promises are fulfilled is not Joseph, but Judah.

Patrice Berger : 2023_06_28

Cataclysm by family patronage – Genesis 37

The story of Joseph is universally known for good reason. Her life's twists and turns seem like a Hollywood movie script. However, on closer inspection, these last chapters of Genesis are not primarily about Joseph.

Patrice Berger : 2023_06_28

See Also:

Sermons: key points from the series The Josephs of the Bible