Parables #14: Small but mighty
sermon Gospel of Matthew 4 : Patrice Berger, 2023_08_28, AB Lausanne church
title : Parables #14: Small but mighty
Parables #14: Small but mighty
Little but strong
Passage : Mark 4. 21-34 ( Bible S21 Geneva Bible Society & The House of the Bible )
Evangelical Church Biblical Action Lausanne Renens , August 20, 2023
Preacher: Patrice Berger
A dish is never alone
We are ending this summer section on satellite dishes.
I hope we have retained
Dish hijacking
We are false prophets if we teach on a parable without taking into account what Jesus said before. Indeed, the parables always work in comparison with the teaching which precedes it (and sometimes which follows it)
Indeed, Jesus very frequently uses this introductory term for the parables
Mark 4 verse 26
“This is what it looks like “
Matthew 7. 24
Therefore, whoever hears these words of mine and does them,
I will compare it
Following what leads to parables
It is also very interesting to follow what leads to today’s text.
The ministry of Jesus is very early confronted with contestation.
( Mark 3.21 )
Family . “He lost his mind.”
( Mark 3.22 )
Religious . “He has Beelzebub in him; it is by the prince of demons that he casts out demons.”
Jesus makes the sternest warning of His ministry. Attention, if you refuse the action of the Holy Spirit by attributing it to His enemy (it is a pretext) you are eternally lost.
( Mark 3. 21-30 )
Moreover, the famous verse
Mark 3. 29
…but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never obtain forgiveness: he deserves eternal condemnation.”
is related to a parable explanation.
Mark 3. 22-23
22 “He has Beelzebub in him; it is by the prince of demons that he casts out demons.”
23 Jesus called them and said to them in parables, “How can Satan drive out Satan?
2 parables 2 comparisons
The first parable
The illogicality of accusing Jesus of casting out demons by Satan
is compared
to the disappearance of a kingdom or a family that would have internal struggles.
The second parable
If Jesus has the upper hand over the occult world, it is because He is stronger and has total control over them.
is compared
to someone who totally overpowers a strongman before plundering his possessions.
Jesus is not linked to the occult world and if He masters the demons, it is because He is much stronger. In this, if you refuse the action of the Spirit of God through the ministry of Jesus, on the pretext of acquaintances with the occult world, you will be and will remain lost forever. Only the Spirit of God can convict you of sin to change.
Let us always remain sensitive to the action of the Holy Spirit with a view to salvation without finding pretexts.
( Mark 3. 31-35 )
Moreover, the family of Jesus is made up of those who are sensitive to the Spirit of God in doing His will.
Sequence of parabolas
They follow a framework led by the Holy Spirit and it is very interesting because Jesus will show and expose the various attitudes towards hearing and the impact in the hearts of the good news of the Kingdom of God.
In Mark 4 , He will show it in a parable, that of the sower and the land.
Matthew 13/ 1-9 & 13/ 18-23
Comparison :
Receptivity to the Word of God
is compared
to lands more or less fertile for a seed.
Central truth:
“Listening to the Word of God is not enough, it must find a receptive heart to see its full potential”
or shorter
“Hearing is good, but what impact does it have on your life? »
This parable gives us some details of what is
unsuccessful listening:
Satan removes the word;
weathervane people, as soon as the wind turns, they turn;
problems of priority, the concerns of life come before God;
fruitful listening:
good priority and attentive and productive listening; obvious impact on their lives.
Jesus clearly says that the sower sows the Word ( Mark 4:14 ).
of protest and
of questioning
by opponents.
Will these pressures silence Jesus?
Jesus responds with another parable:
Mark 4. 21-23
21 He said to them again:
“Do we bring the lamp to put it under a bucket or under the bed?
Isn’t it to put it on its support?
22 There is indeed nothing hidden that should not be brought to light, nothing secret that should not be brought to light.
23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”
It’s about Jesus and his teachings
Responsibility to highlight;
For Jesus, in fact, lamp – literally, erchetai, means “it comes” – and at the same time, responsibility for receptivity in our lives.
Mark 4. 24-23
24 He said to them again:
“Pay close attention to what you hear.
We will use the same measure for you as the one you used,
and we will add to it for you [who are listening]. 25 For those who have will be given, but even those who have not will be taken away from those who have.”
nothing hidden
By His coming, Jesus announces the divine revelation during His ministry, it cannot remain secret, it is normal.
She is compared
to the normal use of a lamp that is placed in the best place to illuminate as much as possible.
make a good use of things
The fundamental idea here is that a thing is really useful only if its use is in accordance with the purpose for which it was made. The context evokes the Word. It must be brought to light as opposed to hidden or secret.
Public and non-initiatory
Different from the pre-Gnostic and initiatory teachings, Jesus is the best example: a public ministry and a teaching in the presence of all (either the disciples or the opponents).
Jesus came to make the Father visible and He does so by teaching publicly; all that remains is to hear it, pay attention to it and make it come alive in our lives.
Jesus did his part
Jesus fulfills the mission for which the Father sent him.
On our side, what do we do with what He tells us?
Our huge responsibility
God will use the same way of dealing with what He says as we do.
If we pay attention to it validly, God will do the same to us.
If we don’t care. God will do the same with us####
Again a matter of priorities!
A teacher like any other?
What listeners at the time could have objected was that there were rabbis teaching all the time.
And there, moreover, Jesus is all alone.
Come on, 12 guys with Him is a bit small, if it’s super important!
Miracles Show He’s More Than a Rabbi
Already no rabbi who had preceded him in the history of mankind had done repeated miracles like Jesus (which proves His divinity).
Jesus does not use this argument but comforts by using a parable.
Mark 4. 26-29
26 He said again:
“This is what the kingdom of God looks like.
He is like a man throwing seed in the ground;
27 whether he sleeps or stays awake, night and day the seed sprouts and grows without his knowing how.
28 [For] of itself the earth first brings forth grass,
then the cob,
finally the grain fully formed in the cob,
29 and when the fruit is ripe,
we put the sickle there, because it is the time of harvest.
Mark 4. 30-32
30He said again, “To what shall we compare the kingdom of God, or by what parable shall we represent it? 31He is like a mustard seed: when it is sown in the ground, it is the smallest of all the seeds that are on the ground. 32But when it has been sown, it grows taller than all the vegetables and develops large branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell under its shade.”
Mark 4. 33-34
33 With many such parables he spoke the word to them, as far as they were able to hear it. 34He did not speak to them without a parable, but in private he explained everything to his disciples.
Comparison 1
Mark 4. 26-29
God’s Assured Growth
Mark 4. verse 28
“By itself” = automatè
The Guaranteed Growth of the Kingdom of Heaven Taught by Jesus to His Apotheosis
is compared
to the automatic growth of a cereal seed until its harvest.
We know the match is won
The kingdom of God that Jesus presents will result in exactly what God intended.
We know that the match is won, the competition is won, the cup will be lifted.
Although we observe from the Church (sometimes with difficulties, trials, etc.) the different stages, what is great is that we know that the outcome is guaranteed , even if it is very small.
Same in my life…
Several missionaries prayed and taught without seeing anything, then the following were there to reap, never neglect the apparent small beginnings.
12 disciples minus 1, and now…
Maybe alone or not much, where we are, strong encouragement,
to live the Words of Jesus
and pass them on,
and the encouragement continues.
Comparison 2
Mark 4. 30-32
Effectively insignificant to human sight, the Kingdom of God will be magnificent and spectacular for those who take refuge in it by being attentive to the Words of Jesus.
is compared
to the growth of the smallest seed which finally becomes a beneficent tree and where the birds dwell.
Let us be encouraged as we look to the apotheosis of the Kingdom of God, as what we see today is confidential
In our lifes,
in the church,
in the local church.
Our witness of life and word may know many losses, not an echo of madness; we are not faced with an awakening every day.
However, let’s see the end result!
May the Lord renew us in our sense of being enduring with Him!
Hebrews 12. 1-2
1 So we also,
since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses,
let’s cast off every burden and the sin that so easily envelops us,
and run with perseverance the test which is proposed to us.
2 Let us do this while keeping our eyes on Jesus, who gives birth to faith and brings it to perfection.
Bible Passages
Mark 3:29
Mark 3:22
And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
Mark 4:24
And he said unto them,
Hebrews 12:1-2
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Related Links / Notes
Study Notes are translated from the original French version prepared by the pastor Patrice Berger. The orginal French notes are in “note” form, and are not a direct transcription of the video, however they are quite close the original text preached at the church. The notes provided here follow that form, and are detailed enough to help provide a deep understanding of the texts of the parables.
All services as well as some of the bible studies are streamed on the channel YouTube église AB Renens-Lausanne. Also visit the You Tube channel of the Swiss Action Biblique Youth Groups (JAB Suisse Romande)/ Facebook.
Bible verses in the study link to the Bible in Basic English (BBE). which is available as podcast on Spotify
- Antichrist
- Christ
- Son of God
- Eternal life
- Assurance
- Communion
- Perseverance
- Discernment
- Holy Spirit