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KJV_Strong : 1 Corinthians 14


1. Follow after[G1377] charity,[G26] and[G1161] desire[G2206] spiritual[G4152] gifts, but[G1161] rather[G3123] that[G2443] ye may prophesy.[G4395]

2. For[G1063] he that speaketh[G2980] in an unknown tongue[G1100] speaketh[G2980] not[G3756] unto men,[G444] but[G235] unto God:[G2316] for[G1063] no man[G3762] understandeth[G191] him; howbeit[G1161] in the spirit[G4151] he speaketh[G2980] mysteries.[G3466]

3. But[G1161] he that prophesieth[G4395] speaketh[G2980] unto men[G444] to edification,[G3619] and[G2532] exhortation,[G3874] and[G2532] comfort.[G3889]

4. He that speaketh[G2980] in an unknown tongue[G1100] edifieth[G3618] himself;[G1438] but[G1161] he that prophesieth[G4395] edifieth[G3618] the church.[G1577]

5. I[G1161] would[G2309] that ye[G5209] all[G3956] spake[G2980] with tongues,[G1100] but[G1161] rather[G3123] that[G2443] ye prophesied:[G4395] for[G1063] greater[G3187] is he that prophesieth[G4395] than[G2228] he that speaketh,[G2980] with tongues,[G1100] except[G1622] [G1508] he interpret,[G1329] that[G2443] the[G3588] church[G1577] may receive[G2983] edifying.[G3619]

6. [G1161] Now,[G3570] brethren,[G80] if[G1437] I come[G2064] unto[G4314] you[G5209] speaking[G2980] with tongues,[G1100] what[G5101] shall I profit[G5623] you,[G5209] except[G3362] I shall speak[G2980] to you[G5213] either[G2228] by[G1722] revelation,[G602] or[G2228] by[G1722] knowledge,[G1108] or[G2228] by[G1722] prophesying,[G4394] or[G2228] by[G1722] doctrine?[G1322]

7. And even[G3676] things without life[G895] giving[G1325] sound,[G5456] whether[G1535] pipe[G836] or[G1535] harp,[G2788] except[G1437] they give[G1325] a[G3361] distinction[G1293] in the[G3588] sounds,[G5353] how[G4459] shall it be known[G1097] what is piped[G832] or[G2228] harped?[G2789]

8. For[G1063] [G2532] if[G1437] the trumpet[G4536] give[G1325] an uncertain[G82] sound,[G5456] who[G5101] shall prepare[G3903] himself to[G1519] the battle?[G4171]

9. So[G3779] likewise[G2532] ye,[G5210] except[G3362] ye utter[G1325] by[G1223] the[G3588] tongue[G1100] words[G3056] easy to be understood,[G2154] how[G4459] shall it be known[G1097] what is spoken?[G2980] for[G1063] ye shall speak[G2071] [G2980] into[G1519] the air.[G109]

10. There are,[G2076] it may be,[G1487] [G5177] so many[G5118] kinds[G1085] of voices[G5456] in[G1722] the world,[G2889] and[G2532] none[G3762] of them[G846] is without signification.[G880]

11. Therefore[G3767] if[G1437] I know[G1492] not[G3361] the[G3588] meaning[G1411] of the[G3588] voice,[G5456] I shall be[G2071] unto him that speaketh[G2980] a barbarian,[G915] and[G2532] he that speaketh[G2980] shall be a barbarian[G915] unto[G1722] me.[G1698]

12. Even[G2532] so[G3779] ye,[G5210] forasmuch as[G1893] ye are[G2075] zealous[G2207] of spiritual[G4151] gifts, seek[G2212] that[G2443] ye may excel[G4052] to[G4314] the[G3588] edifying[G3619] of the[G3588] church.[G1577]

13. Wherefore[G1355] let him that speaketh[G2980] in an unknown tongue[G1100] pray[G4336] that[G2443] he may interpret.[G1329]

14. For[G1063] if[G1437] I pray[G4336] in an unknown tongue,[G1100] my[G3450] spirit[G4151] prayeth,[G4336] but[G1161] my[G3450] understanding[G3563] is[G2076] unfruitful.[G175]

15. What[G5101] is[G2076] it then?[G3767] I will pray[G4336] with the[G3588] spirit,[G4151] and[G1161] I will pray[G4336] with the[G3588] understanding[G3563] also:[G2532] I will sing[G5567] with the[G3588] spirit,[G4151] and[G1161] I will sing[G5567] with the[G3588] understanding[G3563] also.[G2532]

16. Else[G1893] when[G1437] thou shalt bless[G2127] with the[G3588] spirit,[G4151] how[G4459] shall he that occupieth[G378] the[G3588] room[G5117] of the[G3588] unlearned[G2399] say[G2046] Amen[G281] at[G1909] thy[G4674] giving of thanks,[G2169] seeing[G1894] he understandeth[G1492] not[G3756] what[G5101] thou sayest?[G3004]

17. For[G1063] thou[G4771] verily[G3303] givest thanks[G2168] well,[G2573] but[G235] the[G3588] other[G2087] is not[G3756] edified.[G3618]

18. I thank[G2168] my[G3450] God,[G2316] I speak[G2980] with tongues[G1100] more[G3123] than ye[G5216] all: [G3956]

19. Yet[G235] in[G1722] the church[G1577] I had[G2309] rather speak[G2980] five[G4002] words[G3056] with[G1223] my[G3450] understanding,[G3563] that[G2443] by my voice I might teach[G2727] others[G243] also,[G2532] than[G2228] ten thousand[G3463] words[G3056] in[G1722] an unknown tongue.[G1100]

20. Brethren,[G80] be[G1096] not[G3361] children[G3813] in understanding:[G5424] howbeit[G235] in malice[G2549] be ye children,[G3515] but[G1161] in understanding[G5424] be[G1096] men.[G5046]

21. In[G1722] the[G3588] law[G3551] it is written,[G1125] With[G1722] men of other tongues[G2084] and[G2532] other[G1722] [G2087] lips[G5491] will I speak[G2980] unto this[G5129] people;[G2992] and[G2532] yet for all that[G3779] will they not[G3761] hear[G1522] me,[G3450] saith[G3004] the Lord.[G2962]

22. Wherefore[G5620] tongues[G1100] are[G1526] for[G1519] a sign,[G4592] not[G3756] to them that believe,[G4100] but[G235] to them that believe not:[G571] but[G1161] prophesying[G4394] serveth not[G3756] for them that believe not,[G571] but[G235] for them which believe.[G4100]

23. If[G1437] therefore[G3767] the[G3588] whole[G3650] church[G1577] be come together[G4905] into[G1909] one place,[G846] and[G2532] all[G3956] speak[G2980] with tongues,[G1100] and[G1161] there come in[G1525] those that are unlearned,[G2399] or[G2228] unbelievers,[G571] will they not[G3756] say[G2046] that[G3754] ye are mad?[G3105]

24. But[G1161] if[G1437] all[G3956] prophesy,[G4395] and[G1161] there come in[G1525] one[G5100] that believeth not,[G571] or[G2228] one unlearned,[G2399] he is convinced[G1651] of[G5259] all,[G3956] he is judged[G350] of[G5259] all: [G3956]

25. And[G2532] thus[G3779] are the[G3588] secrets[G2927] of his[G848] heart[G2588] made[G1096] manifest;[G5318] and[G2532] so[G3779] falling down[G4098] on[G1909] his face[G4383] he will worship[G4352] God,[G2316] and report[G518] that[G3754] God[G2316] is[G2076] in[G1722] you[G5213] of a truth.[G3689]

26. How[G5101] is[G2076] it then,[G3767] brethren?[G80] when[G3752] ye come together,[G4905] every one[G1538] of you[G5216] hath[G2192] a psalm,[G5568] hath[G2192] a doctrine,[G1322] hath[G2192] a tongue,[G1100] hath[G2192] a revelation,[G602] hath[G2192] an interpretation.[G2058] Let all things[G3956] be done[G1096] unto[G4314] edifying.[G3619]

27. If[G1535] any man[G5100] speak[G2980] in an unknown tongue,[G1100] let it be by[G2596] two,[G1417] or[G2228] at the[G3588] most[G4118] by three,[G5140] and[G2532] that by[G303] course;[G3313] and[G2532] let one[G1520] interpret.[G1329]

28. But[G1161] if[G1437] there be[G5600] no[G3361] interpreter,[G1328] let him keep silence[G4601] in[G1722] the church;[G1577] and[G1161] let him speak[G2980] to himself,[G1438] and[G2532] to God.[G2316]

29. Let[G1161] the prophets[G4396] speak[G2980] two[G1417] or[G2228] three,[G5140] and[G2532] let the[G3588] other[G243] judge.[G1252]

30. [G1161] If[G1437] any thing be revealed[G601] to another[G243] that sitteth by,[G2521] let the[G3588] first[G4413] hold his peace.[G4601]

31. For[G1063] ye may[G1410] all[G3956] prophesy[G4395] one by one,[G2596] [G1520] that[G2443] all[G3956] may learn,[G3129] and[G2532] all[G3956] may be comforted.[G3870]

32. And[G2532] the spirits[G4151] of the prophets[G4396] are subject[G5293] to the prophets.[G4396]

33. For[G1063] God[G2316] is[G2076] not[G3756] the author of confusion,[G181] but[G235] of peace,[G1515] as[G5613] in[G1722] all[G3956] churches[G1577] of the[G3588] saints.[G40]

34. Let your[G5216] women[G1135] keep silence[G4601] in[G1722] the[G3588] churches:[G1577] for[G1063] it is not[G3756] permitted[G2010] unto them[G846] to speak;[G2980] but[G235] they are commanded to be under obedience,[G5293] as[G2531] also[G2532] saith[G3004] the[G3588] law.[G3551]

35. And[G1161] if[G1487] they will[G2309] learn[G3129] any thing,[G5100] let them ask[G1905] their[G2398] husbands[G435] at[G1722] home:[G3624] for[G1063] it is[G2076] a shame[G149] for women[G1135] to speak[G2980] in[G1722] the church.[G1577]

36. What?[G2228] came[G1831] the[G3588] word[G3056] of God[G2316] out from[G575] you?[G5216] or[G2228] came[G2658] it unto[G1519] you[G5209] only?[G3441]

37. If any man[G1536] think himself[G1380] to be[G1511] a prophet,[G4396] or[G2228] spiritual,[G4152] let him acknowledge[G1921] that[G3754] the things that[G3739] I write[G1125] unto you[G5213] are[G1526] the commandments[G1785] of the[G3588] Lord.[G2962]

38. But[G1161] if[G1487] any man[G5100] be ignorant,[G50] let him be ignorant.[G50]

39. Wherefore,[G5620] brethren,[G80] covet[G2206] to prophesy,[G4395] and[G2532] forbid[G2967] not[G3361] to speak[G2980] with tongues.[G1100]

40. Let all things[G3956] be done[G1096] decently[G2156] and[G2532] in[G2596] order.[G5010]

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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