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ASV_Strong : Romans 9


1. I say[G3004] the truth[G225] in[G1722] Christ[G5547], I lie[G5574] not[G3756], my[G3450] conscience[G4893] bearing[G4828] witness[G4828] with me[G3427] in[G1722] the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151],

2. that[G3754] I[G3427] have[G2076] great[G3173] sorrow[G3077] and[G2532] unceasing[G88] pain[G3601] in[G2588] my[G3450] heart[G2588].

3. For[G1063] I[G1473] could wish that[G2172] I myself[G846] were[G1511] anathema[G331] from[G575] Christ[G5547] for[G5228] my[G3450] brethren[G80]'s sake[G3450], my kinsmen[G4773] according to[G2596] the flesh[G4561]:

4. who[G3748] are[G1526] Israelites[G2475]; whose[G3739] is the adoption[G5206], and[G2532] the glory[G1391], and[G2532] the covenants[G1242], and[G2532] the giving of the law[G3548], and[G2532] the service[G2999] of God[G2532], and the promises[G1860];

5. whose[G3739] are the fathers[G3962], and[G2532] of[G1537] whom[G3739] is Christ[G5547] as concerning[G2596] the flesh[G4561], who is[G5607] over[G1909] all[G3956], God[G2316] blessed[G2128] for[G1519] ever[G165]. Amen[G281].

6. But it is not[G3756] as[G3634] though[G1161, 3754] the word[G3056] of God[G2316] hath come to nought[G1601]. For[G1063] they are not[G3756] all[G3956, 1537] Israel[G2474], that[G3588, 3778] are of Israel[G2474]:

7. neither[G3761], because[G3754] they are[G1526] Abraham[G11]'s seed[G4690], are they all[G3956] children[G5043]: but[G235], In[G1722] Isaac[G2464] shall[G2564] thy[G4671] seed[G4690] be called[G2564].

8. That[G5124] is[G2076], it is not[G3756] the children[G5043] of the flesh[G4561] that[G5023] are children[G5043] of God[G2316]; but[G235] the children[G5043] of the promise[G1860] are reckoned[G3049] for[G1519] a seed[G4690].

9. For[G1063] this[G3778] is a word[G3056] of promise[G1860], According[G2596] to this[G5126] season[G2540] will I come[G2064], and[G2532] Sarah[G4564] shall have[G2071] a son[G5207].

10. And[G1161] not[G3756] only[G3440] so[G235]; but [G2192] Rebecca[G4479] also[G2532] having[G2192] conceived[G2845] by[G1537] one[G1520], even by[G3962] our[G2257] father[G3962] Isaac[G2464]

11. for[G1063] the children being[G1080] not yet[G3380] born[G1080], neither[G3366] having done[G4238] anything[G5100] good[G18] or[G2228] bad[G2556], that[G2443] the purpose[G4286] of God[G2316] according to[G2596] election[G1589] might stand[G3306], not[G3756] of[G1537] works[G2041], but[G235] of[G1537] him that calleth[G2564],

12. it was said[G4483] unto her[G846], The elder[G3187] shall serve[G1398] the younger[G1640].

13. Even as[G2531] it is written[G1125], Jacob[G2384] I loved[G25], but[G1161] Esau[G2269] I hated[G3404].

14. What[G5101] shall we say[G2046] then[G3767]? Is there unrighteousness[G93] with[G3844] God[G2316]? God forbid[G1096].

15. For[G1063] he saith[G3004] to Moses[G3475], I will have mercy on[G1653] whom[G3739] I have mercy[G1653], and[G2532] I will have compassion on[G3627] whom[G3739] I have[G302] compassion[G3627].

16. So[G686] then[G3767] it is not[G3756] of him that willeth[G2309], nor[G3761] of him that runneth[G5143], but[G235] of God[G2316] that hath mercy[G1653].

17. For[G1063] the scripture[G1124] saith[G3004] unto Pharaoh[G3754], For[G1519] this[G5124] very[G846] purpose[G5124] did I raise[G1825] thee[G4571] up[G1825], that[G3704] I might show[G1731] in[G1722] thee[G4671] my[G3450] power[G1411], and[G2532] that[G3704] my[G3450] name[G3686] might be published[G1229] abroad in[G1722] all[G3956] the earth[G1093].

18. So then[G3767] he hath mercy on[G1653] whom[G3739] he will[G2309], and[G1161] whom[G3739] he will[G2309] be hardeneth[G4645].

19. Thou wilt say[G2046] then[G3767] unto me[G3427], Why[G5101] doth he[G3201] still[G2089] find fault[G3201]? For[G1063] who[G5101] withstandeth[G436] his[G846] will[G1013]?

20. Nay but[G3304], O[G5599] man[G444], who[G5101] art[G1488] thou[G4771] that repliest against[G470] God[G2316]? Shall[G2046] the thing formed[G4110] say[G2046] to him that formed[G4111] it[G5101], Why didst thou make[G4160] me[G3165] thus[G3779]?

21. Or hath[G2192] not[G3756] the potter[G2763] a right[G1849] over the clay[G4081], from the same[G846] lump[G5445] to[G1519] make[G4160] one[G3303] part a vessel[G4632] unto[G1519] honor[G5092], and[G1161] another[G3739] unto[G1519] dishonor[G819]?

22. What[G1161] if[G1487] God[G2316], willing[G2309] to show[G1731] his wrath[G3709], and[G2532] to make[G1107] his[G846] power[G1415] known[G1107], endured[G5342] with[G1722] much[G4183] longsuffering[G3115] vessels[G4632] of wrath[G3709] fitted[G2675] unto[G1519] destruction[G684]:

23. and[G2532] that[G2443] he might make known[G1107] the riches[G4149] of his[G846] glory[G1391] upon[G1909] vessels[G4632] of mercy[G1656], which[G3739] he afore prepared[G4282] unto[G1519] glory[G1391],

24. even[G2532] us[G2248], whom[G3739] he also called[G2564], not[G3756] from[G1537] the Jews[G2453] only[G3440], but[G235] also[G2532] from[G1537] the Gentiles[G1484]?

25. As[G5613] he saith[G3004] also[G2532] in[G1722] Hosea[G5617], I will call[G2564] that[G3588] my[G3450] people[G2992], which was[G3588] not[G3756] my[G3450] people[G2992]; And[G2532] her[G3588] beloved[G25], that was[G3588] not[G3756] beloved[G25].

26. And[G2532] it shall be[G2071], that in[G1722] the place[G5117, 3757] where[G3739] it was said[G4483] unto them[G846], Ye[G5210] are not[G3756] my[G3450] people[G2992], There[G1563] shall they be called[G2564] sons[G5207] of the[G2316] living[G2198] God[G2316].

27. And[G1161] Isaiah[G2268] crieth[G2896] concerning[G5228] Israel[G2474], If[G1437] the number[G706] of the children[G5207] of Israel[G2474] be[G5600] as[G5613] the sand[G285] of the sea[G2281], it is the remnant[G2640] that shall be saved[G4982]:

28. for[G1063] the Lord[G2962] will[G4160] execute[G4160] his word[G3056] upon[G1909] the earth[G1093], finishing[G4931] it[G3056] and[G2532] cutting[G4932] it short[G4932].

29. And[G2532], as[G2531] Isaiah[G2268] hath said before[G4280], Except[G3361] the Lord[G2962] of Sabaoth[G4519] had left[G1459] us[G2254] a seed[G302], We had become[G1096] as[G5613] Sodom[G4670], and[G2532] had[G5613] been made like[G3666] unto Gomorrah[G1116].

30. What[G5101] shall we say[G2046] then[G3767]? That[G3754] the Gentiles[G1484], who followed[G1377] not[G3361] after[G1377] righteousness[G1343], attained to[G2638] righteousness[G1343], even[G1161] the righteousness[G1343] which is[G3588] of[G1537] faith[G4102]:

31. but[G1161] Israel[G2474], following after[G1377] a law[G3551] of righteousness[G1343], did[G5348] not[G3756] arrive[G5348] at[G1519] that law[G3551].

32. Wherefore[G5101]? Because[G3754] they sought it not[G3756] by[G1537] faith[G4102], but[G235] as it were[G5613] by[G1537] works[G2041]. [G3551, Genesis63] They stumbled[G4350] at the[G3037] stone of stumbling[G4348];

33. even as[G2531] it is written[G1125], Behold[G2400], I lay[G5087] in[G1722] Zion[G4622] a stone[G3037] of stumbling[G4348] and[G2532] a rock[G4073] of offence[G4625]: And[G2532] he[G3956] that believeth[G4100] on[G1909] him[G846] shall[G2617] not[G3756] be put to shame[G2617].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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