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ASV_Strong : Romans 8


1. There is therefore[G686] now[G3568] no[G3762] condemnation[G2631] to them that are[G3588] in[G1722] Christ[G5547] Jesus[G2424].

2. For[G1063] the law[G3551] of the Spirit[G4151] of life[G2222] in[G1722] Christ[G5547] Jesus[G2424] made[G1659] me[G3165] free[G1659] from[G575] the law[G3551] of sin[G266] and[G2532] of death[G2288].

3. For[G1063] what[G3588] the law[G3551] could not do[G102], in[G1722] that[G3739] it was weak[G770] through[G1223] the flesh[G4561], God[G2316], sending[G3992] his own[G1438] Son[G5207] in[G1722] the likeness[G3667] of sinful[G266] flesh[G4561] and[G2532] for[G4012] sin[G266], condemned[G2632] sin[G266] in[G1722] the flesh[G4561]:

4. that[G2443] the ordinance[G1345] of the law[G3551] might be fulfilled[G4137] in[G1722] us[G2254], who walk[G4043] not[G3361] after[G2596] the flesh[G4561], but[G235] after[G2596] the Spirit[G4151].

5. For[G1063] they that are[G5607] after[G2596] the flesh[G4561] mind[G5426] the things[G3588] of the flesh[G4561]; but[G1161] they that are after[G2596] the Spirit[G4151] the things[G3588] of the Spirit[G4151].

6. For[G1063] the[G5427] mind[G5427] of the flesh[G4561] is death[G2288]; but[G1161] the[G5427] mind[G5427] of the Spirit[G4151] is life[G2222] and[G2532] peace[G1515]:

7. because[G1360] the mind[G5427] of the flesh[G4561] is enmity[G2189] against[G1519] God[G2316]; for[G1063] it is[G5293] not[G3756] subject[G5293] to the law[G3551] of God[G2316], neither[G3761] indeed[G1063] can it be[G1410]:

8. and[G1161] they that are[G5607] in[G1722] the flesh[G4561] cannot[G1410] please[G700] God[G2316].

9. But[G1161] ye[G5210] are[G2075] not[G3756] in[G1722] the flesh[G4561] but[G235] in[G1722] the Spirit[G4151], if so be that[G1512] the Spirit[G4151] of God[G2316] dwelleth[G3611] in[G1722] you[G5213]. But[G1161] if[G1487] any man[G5100] hath[G2192] not[G3756] the Spirit[G4151] of Christ[G5547], he[G3778] is[G2076] none[G3756] of his[G846].

10. And[G1161] if[G1487] Christ[G5547] is in[G1722] you[G5213], the body[G4983] is dead[G3498] because of[G1223] sin[G266]; but[G1161] the spirit[G4151] is life[G2222] because of[G1223] righteousness[G1343].

11. But[G1161] if[G1487] the Spirit[G4151] of him that raised up[G1453] Jesus[G2424] from[G1537] the dead[G3498] dwelleth[G3611] in[G1722] you[G5213], he that raised up[G1453] Christ[G5547] Jesus from[G1537] the dead[G3498] shall[G2227] give life[G2227] also[G2532] to your[G5216] mortal[G2349] bodies[G4983] through[G1223] his[G846] Spirit[G4151] that dwelleth[G1774] in[G1722] you[G5213].

12. So[G3767] then[G80], brethren, we are[G2070] debtors[G3781], not[G3756] to the flesh[G4561], to live[G2198] after[G2596] the flesh[G4561]:

13. for[G1063] if[G1487] ye live[G2198] after[G2596] the flesh[G4561], ye must[G3195] die[G599]; but[G1161] if[G1487] by the Spirit[G4151] ye[G2289] put to death[G2289] the deeds[G4234] of the body[G4983], ye shall live[G2198].

14. For[G1063] as many as[G3745] are led[G71] by the Spirit[G4151] of God[G2316], these[G3778] are[G1526] sons[G5207] of God[G2316].

15. For[G1063] ye[G2983] received[G2983] not[G3756] the spirit[G4151] of bondage[G1397] again[G3825] unto[G1519] fear[G5401]; but[G235] ye received[G2983] the spirit[G4151] of adoption[G1722], whereby[G3739] we cry[G2896], Abba[G5], Father[G3962].

16. The Spirit[G4151] himself[G846] beareth witness with[G4828] our[G2257] spirit[G4151], that[G3754] we are[G2070] children[G5043] of God[G2316]:

17. and[G1161] if[G1487] children[G5043], then[G2532] heirs[G2818]; heirs[G2818] of God[G2316], and[G1161] joint-heirs[G4789] with Christ[G5547]; if so be that[G1512] we suffer with[G4841] him[G2443], that we may be[G4888] also[G2532] glorified with him[G4888].

18. For[G1063] I reckon[G3049] that[G3754] the sufferings[G3804] of[G2540] this present[G3568] time[G2540] are not[G3756] worthy[G514] to be compared with[G4314] the glory[G1391] which shall[G3195] be revealed[G601] to[G1519] us-ward[G2248].

19. For[G1063] the earnest expectation[G603] of the creation[G2937] waiteth for[G553] the revealing[G602] of the sons[G5207] of God[G2316].

20. For[G1063] the creation[G2937] was subjected[G5293] to vanity[G3153], not[G3756] of[G1223] its own will[G235], but by reason of[G1223] him who subjected[G5293] it[G1909], in hope[G1680]

21. that[G3754] the creation[G2937] itself[G846] also[G2532] shall be delivered[G1659] from[G575] the bondage[G1397] of corruption[G5356] into[G1519] the liberty[G1657] of the glory[G1391] of the children[G5043] of God[G2316].

22. For[G1063] we know[G1492] that[G3754] the whole[G3956] creation[G2937] groaneth[G4959] and[G2532] travaileth in pain together[G4944] until[G891] now[G3568].

23. And[G1161] not[G3756] only[G3440] so[G235], but ourselves[G846] also[G2532], who have[G2192] the first-fruits[G536] of the Spirit[G4151], even[G2532] we[G2249] ourselves[G846] groan[G4727] within[G1722] ourselves[G1438], waiting for[G553] our adoption[G5206], to wit[G629], the redemption of[G4983] our[G2257] body[G4983].

24. For[G1063] in hope[G1680] were we saved[G4982]: but[G1161] hope[G1680] that is seen[G991] is[G2076] not[G3756] hope[G1680]: for[G1063, Acts1] who[G1679, 2532] hopeth for[G1679] that which[G3739] he[G1679] seeth[G991]?

25. But[G1161] if[G1487] we hope for[G1679] that[G3739] which we see[G991] not[G3756], then do we[G553] with[G1223] patience[G5281] wait for it[G553].

26. And in like[G5615] manner the Spirit[G4151] also[G2532] helpeth[G4878] our[G2257] infirmity[G769]: for[G1063] we know[G1492] not[G3756] how[G5101] to pray[G4336] as[G2526] we ought[G1163]; but[G235] the Spirit[G4151] himself[G846] maketh intercession[G5241] for[G5228] us[G2257] with groanings[G4726] which cannot be uttered[G215];

27. and[G1161] he that searcheth[G2045] the hearts[G2588] knoweth[G1492] what[G5101] is the mind[G5427] of the Spirit[G4151], because[G3754] he maketh intercession[G1793] for[G5228] the saints[G40] according to[G2596] the will of God[G2316].

28. And[G1161] we know[G1492] that[G3754] to them that love[G25] God[G2316] all things[G3956] work together[G4903] for[G1519] good[G18], even to them that are[G5607] called[G2822] according to[G2596] his purpose[G4286].

29. For[G3754] whom[G3739] he foreknew[G4267], he[G4309] also[G2532] foreordained[G4309] to be conformed to[G4832] the image[G1504] of[G5207] his[G846] Son[G5207], that[G1519] he[G846] might be[G1511] the firstborn[G4416] among[G1722] many[G4183] brethren[G80]:

30. and[G1161] whom[G3739] he foreordained[G4309], them[G5128] he also[G2532] called[G2564]: and[G2532] whom[G3739] he called[G2564], them[G5128] he[G1344] also[G2532] justified[G1344]: and[G1161] whom[G3739] he justified[G1344], them[G5128] he[G1392] also[G2532] glorified[G1392].

31. What[G5101] then[G3767] shall we[G2046] say[G2046] to[G4314] these things[G5023]? If[G1487] God[G2316] is for[G5228] us[G2257], who[G5101] is against[G2596] us[G2257]?

32. He that[G3739] spared[G5339] not[G3756] his own[G2398] Son[G5207], but[G235] delivered[G3860] him[G846] up[G3860] for[G5228] us[G2257] all[G3956], how[G4459] shall he[G5483] not[G3780] also[G2532] with[G4862] him[G846] freely give[G5483] us[G2254] all things[G3956]?

33. Who[G5101] shall lay anything to the charge[G1458] of[G1588] God[G2316]'s elect[G1588]? It is God[G2316] that justifieth[G1344];

34. who is he that condemneth? It is Christ Jesus that died, yea rather, that was raised from the dead, who is at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

35. Who[G5101] shall separate[G5563] us[G2248] from[G575] the love[G26] of Christ[G5547]? shall tribulation[G2347], or[G2228] anguish[G4730], or[G2228] persecution[G1375], or[G2228] famine[G3042], or[G2228] nakedness[G1132], or[G2228] peril[G2794], or[G2228] sword[G3162]?

36. Even as[G2531] it is written[G1125], For[G3754] thy[G4675] sake[G1752] we are killed[G2289] all[G3650] the day long[G2250]; We were accounted[G3049] as[G5613] sheep[G4263] for the slaughter[G4967].

37. Nay[G235], in[G1722] all[G3956] these things[G5125] we are more than conquerors[G5245] through[G1223] him that loved[G25] us[G2248].

38. For[G1063] I am persuaded[G3982], that[G3754] neither[G3777] death[G2288], nor[G3777] life[G2222], nor[G3777] angels[G32], nor[G3777] principalities[G746], nor[G3777] things present[G1764], nor[G3777] things to come[G3195], nor[G3777] powers[G1411],

39. nor[G3777] height[G5313], nor[G3777] depth[G899], nor[G3777] any[G5100] other[G2087] creature[G2937], shall be able[G1410] to separate[G5563] us[G2248] from[G575] the love[G26] of God[G2316], which is[G3588] in[G1722] Christ[G5547] Jesus[G2424] our[G2257] Lord[G2962].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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