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ASV_Strong : Acts 23


1. And[G1161] Paul[G3972], looking[G816] stedfastly on the council[G4892], said[G2036], [G435] Brethren[G80], I[G1473] have lived[G4176] before God[G2316] in all[G3956] good[G18] conscience[G4893] until[G891] this[G3778] day[G2250].

2. And[G1161] the high priest[G749] Ananias[G367] commanded[G2004] them that[G3588] stood by[G3936] him[G846] to smite[G5180] him[G846] on the mouth[G4750].

3. Then[G5119] said[G2036] Paul[G3972] unto[G4314] him[G846], God[G2316] shall[G3195] smite[G5180] thee[G4571], thou whited[G2867] wall[G5109]: and[G2532] sittest[G2521] thou[G4771] to judge[G2919] me[G3165] according[G2596] to the law[G3551], and[G2532] commandest[G2753] me[G3165] to be smitten[G5180] contrary to the law[G3891]?

4. And[G1161] they that[G3588] stood by[G3936] said[G2036], Revilest[G3058] thou God[G2316]'s high priest[G749]?

5. And[G5037] Paul[G3972] said[G5346], I knew[G1492] not[G3756], brethren[G80], that[G3754] he was[G2076] high priest[G749]: for[G1063] it is written[G1125], Thou shalt[G2046] not[G3756] speak[G2046] evil[G2560] of a ruler[G758] of thy[G4675] people[G2992].

6. But[G1161] when Paul[G3972] perceived[G1097] that[G3754] the one[G1520] part[G3313] were[G2076] Sadducees[G4523] and[G1161] the other[G2087] Pharisees[G5330], he cried out[G2896] in[G1722] the council[G4892], Brethren[G80], I[G1473] am[G1510] a Pharisee[G5330], a son[G5207] of[G4012] Pharisees[G5330]: touching the hope[G1680] and[G2532] resurrection[G386] of[G4012] the dead[G3498] I[G1473] am called in question[G2919].

7. And[G1161] when[G5124] he[G846] had so said[G2980], there arose[G1096] a dissension[G4714] between the Pharisees[G5330] and[G2532] Sadducees[G4523]; and[G2532] the assembly[G4128] was divided[G4977].

8. For[G1063] the Sadducees[G4523, Ezekiel3] say that[G3004] there is[G1511] no[G3361] resurrection[G386], neither[G3366] angel[G32], nor[G3383] spirit[G4151]; but[G1161] the Pharisees[G5330] confess[G3670] both[G297].

9. And[G1161] there arose[G1096] a great[G3173] clamor[G2532]: and some of the scribes[G1122] of the Pharisees[G5330] part[G3313] stood up[G450], and strove[G1264], saying[G3004], We find[G2147] no[G3762] evil[G2556] in[G1722] this[G5129] man[G444]: and what[G1161] if[G1487] a spirit[G4151] hath spoken[G2980] to him[G846], or[G2228] an angel[G32]?

10. And[G1161] when there arose[G1096] a great[G4183] dissension[G4714], the chief captain[G5506], fearing[G2125] lest[G3361] Paul[G3972] should be torn in pieces[G1288] by[G5259] them[G846], commanded[G2753] the soldiers[G4753] to go down[G2597] and take[G726] him[G846] by force[G726] from[G1537] among[G3319] them[G846], and[G5037] bring[G71] him into[G1519] the castle[G3925].

11. And[G1161] the night[G3571] following[G1966] the Lord[G2962] stood[G2186] by him[G846], and said[G2036], Be of good cheer[G2293]: [G3972] for[G1063] as[G5613] thou hast testified[G1263] concerning[G4012] me[G1700] at[G1519] Jerusalem[G2419], so[G3779] must[G1163] thou[G4571] bear witness[G3140] also[G2532] at[G1519] Rome[G4516].

12. And[G1161] when it was[G1096] day[G2250], [G5100] the Jews[G2453] banded[G4160] together[G4963], and bound[G332] themselves[G1438] under a curse[G332], saying that[G3004] they would[G5315] neither[G3383] eat[G5315] nor[G3383] drink[G4095] till[G2193] they[G3739] had killed[G615] Paul[G3972].

13. And[G1161] they were[G2258] more[G4119] than forty[G5062] that[G3588] made[G4160] this[G3778] conspiracy[G4945].

14. And they[G3748] came[G4334] to the chief priests[G749] and[G2532] the elders[G4245], and said[G2036], We have bound[G332] ourselves[G1438] under a[G3739] great curse[G331], to taste[G1089] nothing[G3367] until[G2193] we have killed[G615] Paul[G3972].

15. Now[G3568] therefore[G3767] do ye[G5210] with[G4862] the council[G4892] signify[G1718] to[G4314] the chief captain[G5506] that[G3704] he bring[G2609] him[G846] down[G2609] unto[G4314] you[G5209], as though[G5613] ye would[G3195] judge[G1231] of his[G846] case[G4012] more exactly[G199]: and[G1161] we[G2249], before[G4253] he[G846] comes near[G1448], are[G2070] ready[G2092] to slay[G337] him[G846].

16. But[G1161] Paul[G3972]'s sister[G79]'s son[G5207] heard[G191] of their lying in wait[G1749], and he came[G3854] and[G2532] entered[G1525] into[G1519] the castle[G3925] and told[G518] Paul[G3972].

17. And[G1161] Paul[G3972] called[G4341] unto him one[G1520] of the centurions[G1543], and said[G5346], Bring[G520] this[G5126] young man[G3494] unto[G4314] the chief captain[G5506]; for[G1063] he hath[G2192] something[G5100] to tell[G518] him[G846].

18. So[G3767, Ezekiel3] he took[G3880] him[G846], and brought[G71] him to[G4314] the chief captain[G5506], and[G2532] saith[G5346], Paul[G3972] the prisoner[G1198] called[G4341] me[G3165] unto[G4341] him[G2065], and asked me to bring[G71] this[G5126] young man[G3494] unto[G4314] thee[G4571], who hath[G2192] something[G5100] to say[G2980] to thee[G4671].

19. And[G1161] the chief captain[G5506] took[G1949] him[G846] by the hand[G5495], and[G2532] going[G402] aside[G2596] asked[G4441] him privately[G2398], What[G5101] is[G2076] it that[G3739] thou hast[G2192] to tell[G518] me[G3427]?

20. And[G1161] he said[G3754], The Jews[G2453] have agreed[G4934] to ask[G2065] thee[G4571] to[G3704] bring down[G2609] Paul[G3972] to-morrow[G839] unto[G1519] the council[G4892], as though[G5613] thou wouldest inquire[G4441] somewhat[G5100] more[G3195] exactly[G199] concerning[G4012] him[G846].

21. [G3767] Do[G3982] not[G3361] thou[G4771] therefore yield[G3982] unto them[G846]: for[G1063] there lie in wait[G1748] for him[G846] of[G1537] them[G846] more[G4119] than forty[G5062] men[G435], who[G3748] have bound[G332] themselves[G1438] under a curse[G332], [G3739] neither[G3383] to[G5315] eat[G5315] nor[G3383] to drink[G4095] till[G2193, 3739] they have slain[G337] him[G846]: and[G2532] now[G3568] are they[G1526] ready[G2092], looking for[G4327] the promise[G1860] from[G575] thee[G4675].

22. So[G3767, Ezekiel3] the chief captain[G5506] let[G630] the young man[G3494] go[G630], charging[G3853] him[G1583], Tell no man[G3367] that[G3754] thou hast signified[G1718] these things[G5023] to[G4314] me[G3165].

23. And[G2532] he[G5100] called[G4341] unto him two[G1417] of the centurions[G1543], and said[G2036], Make ready[G2090] two hundred[G1250] soldiers[G4757] to[G3704] go[G4198] as far as[G2193] Caesarea[G2542], and[G2532] horsemen[G2460] threescore and ten[G1440], and[G2532] spearmen[G1187] two hundred[G1250], at[G575] the third[G5154] hour[G5610] of the night[G3571]:

24. and[G5037] he bade them provide[G3936] beasts[G2934], that[G2443] they might set[G1913] Paul[G3972] thereon[G1913], and bring[G1295] him safe[G1295] unto[G4314] Felix[G5344] the governor[G2232].

25. And he wrote[G1125] a letter[G1992] after[G4023] this[G5126] form[G5179]:

26. Claudius[G2804] Lysias[G3079] unto the most excellent[G2903] governor[G2232] Felix[G5344], greeting[G5463].

27. This[G5126] man[G435] was seized[G4815] by[G5259] the Jews[G2453], and[G2532] was about[G5259] to be slain[G337] of[G5259] them[G846], when I[G2186] came upon them with[G4862] the soldiers[G4753] and rescued[G1807] him[G846], having learned[G3129] that[G3754] he was[G2076] a Roman[G4514].

28. And[G1161] desiring[G1014] to know[G1097] the cause[G156, 1223] wherefore[G3739] they accused[G1458] him[G846], I brought[G2609] him[G846] down[G2609] unto[G1519] their[G846] council[G4892]:

29. whom[G3739] I found[G2147] to be accused[G1458] about[G4012] questions[G2213] of their[G846] law[G3551], but[G1161] to have[G2192] nothing[G3367] laid to his charge[G1462] worthy[G514] of death[G2288] or[G2228] of bonds[G1199].

30. And[G1161] when it was shown[G3377] to me[G3427, 5259] that[G2071] there would[G3195] be a[G3195] plot against the man[G435], I sent[G3992] him to[G4314] thee[G4571] forthwith[G1824], charging[G3853] his accusers[G2725] also[G2532] to speak[G3004] against[G4314] him[G846] before[G1909] thee[G4675].

31. So[G3767, Ezekiel3] the soldiers[G4757], as[G2596] it was commanded[G1299] them[G846], took[G353] Paul[G3972] and brought[G71] him by[G1223] night[G3571] to[G1519] Antipatris[G494].

32. But on[G1161] the morrow[G1887] they left[G1439] the horsemen[G2460] to go[G4198] with[G4862] him[G846], and returned[G5290] to[G1519] the castle[G3925]:

33. and[G2532] they[G1525], when they came to[G1519] Caesarea[G2542] and[G2532] delivered[G325] the letter[G1992] to the governor[G2232], presented[G3936] Paul[G3972] also[G2532] before him[G846].

34. And[G2532] when[G1161] he[G2232] had read[G314] it[G1905], he asked of[G1537] what[G4169] province[G1885] he was[G2076]; and[G2532] when he understood[G4441] that[G3754] he was of[G575] Cilicia[G2791],

35. I will hear[G1251] thee[G4675] fully[G5346], said he, when[G3752] thine[G4675] accusers[G2725] also[G2532] are come[G3854]: and[G5037] he commanded[G2753] him[G846] to be kept[G5442] in[G1722] Herod[G2264]'s palace[G4232].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

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