Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code G4327 : prosdechomai/pros-dekh'-om-ahee


G4327 prosdechomai/pros-dekh'-om-ahee from 4314 and 1209; to admit (to intercourse, hospitality, credence, or (figuratively) endurance); by implication, to await (with confidence or patience):--accept, allow, look (wait) for, take. see G4314 see G1209

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code G4327

M / Mark 15.43 : there came Joseph of Arimathaea, a councillor of honorable estate, who also himself was looking[G4327] for the kingdom of God; and he boldly went in unto Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus.
M / Luke 2.25 : And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and this man was righteous and devout, looking[G4327] for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Spirit was upon him.
M / Luke 2.38 : And coming up at that very hour she gave thanks unto God, and spake of him to all them that were looking[G4327] for the redemption of Jerusalem.
M / Luke 12.36 : and be ye yourselves like unto men looking[G4327] for their lord, when he shall return from the marriage feast; that, when he cometh and knocketh, they may straightway open unto him.
M / Luke 15.2 : And both the Pharisees and the scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth[G4327] sinners, and eateth with them.
M / Luke 23.51 : (he had not consented to their counsel and deed), a man of Arimathaea, a city of the Jews, who was[G2532, 846] looking[G4327] for the kingdom of God:
M / Acts 23.21 : Do not thou therefore yield unto them: for there lie in wait for him of them more than forty men, who have bound themselves under a curse, neither to eat nor to drink till[G2193, 3739] they have slain him: and now are they ready, looking for[G4327] the promise from thee.
M / Acts 24.15 : having hope toward God, which these also themselves look[G4327] for, that there shall be a resurrection[G386, 3498] both of the just and unjust.
M / Romans 16.2 : that ye receive[G4327] her in the Lord, worthily of the saints, and that ye assist her in[G1722, 3739] whatsoever matter she may have need of you: for she herself also hath been a helper of many, and[G2532, 2532] of mine own self.
M / Philippians 2.29 : Receive[G4327] him therefore in the Lord with all joy; and hold such in honor:
M / Titus 2.13 : looking for[G4327] the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
M / Hebrews 11.35 : Women received their dead by a resurrection: and others were tortured, not accepting[G4327] their deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:
M / Jude 1.21 : keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for[G4327] the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

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