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ASV_Strong : Acts 17


1. Now[G1161] when they had passed through[G1353] Amphipolis[G295] and[G2532] Apollonia[G624], they came[G2064] to[G1519] Thessalonica[G2332], where[G3699] was[G2258] a synagogue[G4864] of the Jews[G2453]:

2. and[G1161] Paul[G3972], as[G2596] his custom[G1486] was[G1525], went in unto[G4314] them[G846], and[G2532] for[G1909] three[G5140] sabbath days[G4521] reasoned[G1256] with them[G846] from[G575] the Scriptures[G1124],

3. opening[G1272] and[G2532] alleging[G3908] that[G3754] it behooved[G1163] the Christ[G5547] to suffer[G3958], and[G2532] to rise again[G450] from[G1537] the dead[G3498]; and[G2532] that[G3754] this[G3778] Jesus[G2424], whom[G3739], said he[G1473], I proclaim[G2605] unto you[G5213], is[G2076] the Christ[G5547].

4. And[G2532] some[G5100] of[G1537] them[G846] were persuaded[G3982], and[G2532] consorted[G4345] with Paul[G3972] and[G2532] Silas[G4609], and[G5037] of the devout[G4576] Greeks[G1672] a great[G4183] multitude[G4128], and[G5037] of the chief[G4413] women[G1135] not[G3756] a few[G3641].

5. But[G1161] the Jews[G2453], [G3588, 544] being moved with jealousy[G2206], took unto them[G4355, 2532] certain[G5100] vile[G4190] fellows[G435] of the rabble[G60], and[G2532] gathering a crowd[G3792], set the[G2350] city[G4172] on an uproar[G2350]; and[G5037] assaulting[G2186] the house[G3614] of Jason[G2394], they sought[G2212] to bring[G71] them[G846] forth[G71] to[G1519] the people[G1218].

6. And[G1161] when they found[G2147] them[G846] not[G3361], they dragged[G4951] Jason[G2394] and[G2532] certain[G5100] brethren[G80] before[G1909] the rulers of the city[G4173], crying[G994], These[G3778] that[G3754] have turned[G387] the world[G3625] upside down[G387] are come[G3918] hither[G1759] also[G2532];

7. whom[G3739] Jason[G2394] hath received[G5264]: and[G2532] these[G3778] all[G3956] act[G4238] contrary[G561] to the decrees[G1378] of Caesar[G2541], saying[G3004] that there is[G1511] another[G2087] king[G935], one Jesus[G2424].

8. And[G1161] they troubled[G5015] the multitude[G3793] and[G2532] the rulers of the city[G4173], when they heard[G191] these things[G5023].

9. And[G2532] when they had taken[G2983] security[G2425] from[G3844] Jason[G2394] and[G2532] the rest[G3062], they let[G630] them[G846] go[G630].

10. And[G1161] the brethren[G80] immediately[G2112] sent away[G1599, Deuteronomy37] Paul[G3972] and[G2532] Silas[G4609] by[G1223] night[G3571] unto[G1519] Beroea[G960]: who[G3748] when they were come[G3854] thither went[G3854] into[G1519] the synagogue[G4864] of the Jews[G2453].

11. Now these[G3778] were[G2258] more noble[G2104] than those[G3588] in[G1722] Thessalonica[G2332], in that[G3748] they received[G1209] the word[G3056] with[G3326] all[G3956] readiness of the mind[G4288], examining[G350] the Scriptures[G1124, 2596] daily[G2250], whether[G1487] these things[G5023] were[G2192] so[G3779].

12. Many[G4183] of[G1537] them[G846] therefore[G3767, Ezekiel3] believed[G4100]; also[G2532] of[G1537] the Greek[G1674] women[G1135] of honorable[G2158] estate[G2532], and of men[G435], not[G3756] a few[G3641].

13. But[G1161] when[G5613] the Jews[G2453] of[G575] Thessalonica[G2332] had knowledge[G1097] that[G3754] the word[G3056] of God[G2316] was proclaimed[G2605] of[G5259] Paul[G3972] at[G1722] Beroea[G960] also[G2546], they came[G2064] thither likewise[G2532], stirring up[G4531] and troubling the multitudes[G3793].

14. And[G1161] then[G5119] immediately[G2112] the brethren[G80] sent forth[G1821] Paul[G3972] to go[G4198] as far as[G5613] to[G1909] the sea[G2281]: and[G1161, Deuteronomy37] Silas[G4609] and[G2532] Timothy[G5095] abode[G5278] there[G1563] still[G5278].

15. But[G1161] they[G3588] that conducted[G2525] Paul[G3972] brought[G71] him[G846] as far as[G2193] Athens[G116]: and[G2532] receiving[G2983] a commandment[G1785] unto[G4314] Silas[G4609] and[G2532] Timothy[G5095] that they should[G2443] come[G2064] to[G4314] him[G846] with[G5613] all speed[G5033], they departed[G1826].

16. Now[G1161] while Paul[G3972] waited[G1551] for them[G846] at[G1722] Athens[G116], his[G846] spirit[G4151] was provoked[G3947] within[G1722] him[G846] as[G5607] he beheld[G2334] the city[G4172] full of idols[G2712].

17. So[G3303, 3767] he[G1256] reasoned in[G1722] the synagogue[G4864] with Jews[G2453] and[G2532] the devout persons[G4576], and[G2532] in[G1722] the marketplace[G58] every[G3956] day[G2250] with[G4314] them that[G3588] met him[G3909].

18. And[G1161] certain[G5100] also of the Epicurean[G1946] and[G2532] Stoic[G4770] philosophers[G5386] encountered[G4820] him[G846]. And[G2532] some[G5100] said[G3004], What[G5101, Leviticus2] would[G2309] this[G3778] babbler[G4691] say[G1161]? others[G3588], He seemeth[G1380] to be[G1511] a setter forth[G2604] of strange[G3581] gods[G1140]: because[G3754] he preached[G2097, 846] Jesus[G2424] and[G2532] the resurrection[G386].

19. And[G5037] they took[G1949] hold of him[G846], and brought[G71] him unto[G1909] the Areopagus[G697], saying[G3004], May[G1410] we know[G1097] what[G5101] this[G3778] new[G2537] teaching[G1322] is[G5259], which is spoken[G2980] by thee[G4675]?

20. For[G1063] thou bringest[G1533] certain[G5100] strange[G3579] things to[G1519] our[G2257] ears[G189]: we would[G1014] know[G1097] therefore[G3767] what[G5101] these things[G5023] mean[G1511].

21. (Now[G1161] all[G3956] the Athenians[G117] and[G2532] the strangers[G3581] sojourning[G3588] there[G1927] spent their time[G2119] in[G1519] nothing[G3762] else[G2087], but either[G2228] to tell[G3004] or[G2532] to hear[G191] some[G5100] new thing[G2537].)

22. And[G1161] Paul[G3972] stood[G2476] in[G1722] the midst[G3319] of the Areopagus[G697], and said[G5346], Ye men[G435] of Athens[G117], in[G2596] all things[G3956], I perceive[G2334] that ye[G5209] are[G5613] very religious[G1174].

23. For[G1063] as I passed along[G1330], and[G2532] observed[G333] the objects of your[G5216] worship[G4574], I found[G2147] also[G2532] an altar[G1041] with[G1722] this[G3739] inscription[G1924], TO AN UNKNOWN[G57] GOD[G2316]. What[G3739] therefore[G3767] ye worship[G2151] in ignorance[G50], this[G5126] I[G1473] set forth[G2605] unto you[G5213].

24. The God[G2316] that made[G4160] the world[G2889] and[G2532] all things[G3956, 1722] therein[G846], he[G3778], being[G5225] Lord[G2962] of heaven[G3772] and[G2532] earth[G1093], dwelleth[G2730] not[G3756] in[G1722] temples[G3485] made with hands[G5499];

25. neither[G3761] is he served[G2323] by[G5259] men[G444]'s hands[G5495], as though he needed[G4326] anything[G5100], seeing he[G846] himself giveth[G1325] to all[G3956] life[G2222], and[G2532] breath[G4157], and[G2596] all things[G3956];

26. and[G5037] he made[G4160] of[G1537] one[G1520, 129] every[G3956] nation[G1484] of men[G444] to dwell[G2730] on[G1909] all[G3956] the face[G4383] of the earth[G1093], having determined[G3724] their appointed[G4384] seasons[G2540], and[G2532] the bounds[G3734] of their[G846] habitation[G2733];

27. that they should seek[G2212] God[G2962], if[G1487, 686] haply[G1065] they might feel after[G5584] him[G846] and[G2532] find[G2147] him[G846], though[G2544] he is[G5225] not[G3756] far[G3112] from[G575] each[G1538] one[G1520] of us[G2257]:

28. for[G1063] in[G1722] him[G846] we live[G2198], and[G2532] move[G2795], and[G2532] have our being[G2070]; as[G5613] certain[G5100] even[G2532] of[G2596] your own[G5209] poets[G4163] have said[G2046], For[G1063] we are[G2070] also[G2532] his offspring[G1085].

29. Being[G5225] then[G3767] the offspring[G1085] of God[G2316], we ought[G3784] not[G3756] to think that[G3543] the Godhead[G2304] is[G1511] like unto[G3664] gold[G5557], or[G2228] silver[G696], or[G2228] stone[G3037], graven[G5480] by art[G5078] and[G2532] device[G1761] of man[G444].

30. [G3303] The times[G5550] of ignorance[G52] therefore[G3767] God[G2316] overlooked[G5237]; but[G3588] now[G3568] he commandeth[G3853] men[G444] that they should all[G3956] everywhere[G3837] repent[G3340]:

31. inasmuch[G1360] as he hath appointed[G2476] a day[G2250] in[G1722] which[G3739] he will[G3195] judge[G2919] the world[G3625] in[G1722] righteousness[G1343] by[G1722] the man[G435] whom[G3739] he hath ordained[G3724]; whereof he hath given[G3930] assurance[G4102] unto all[G3956] men[G450], in that he hath raised him[G846] from[G1537] the dead[G3498].

32. Now[G1161] when they heard[G191] of the resurrection[G386] of the dead[G3498], some[G3588] mocked[G5512]; but[G1161] others[G3588] said[G2036], We will hear[G191] thee[G4675] concerning[G4012] this[G5127, Ezekiel3] yet again[G3825].

33. Thus[G3779] Paul[G3972] went out[G1831] from[G1537] among[G3319] them[G846].

34. But[G1161] certain[G5100] men[G435] clave[G2853] unto him[G846], and believed[G4100]: among[G1722] whom also[G3739] was[G2532] Dionysius[G1354] the Areopagite[G698], and[G2532] a woman[G1135] named[G3686] Damaris[G1152], and[G2532] others[G2087] with[G4862] them[G846].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

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