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ASV_Strong : Acts 16


1. And[G2532] he[G2658] came also to[G1519] Derbe[G1191] and[G2532] to Lystra[G3082]: and[G2532] behold[G2400], a certain[G5100] disciple[G3101] was[G2258] there[G1563], named[G3686] Timothy[G5095], the son[G5207] of a[G5100, 1135] Jewess[G2453] that believed[G4103]; but[G1161] his father[G3962] was a Greek[G1672].

2. The same[G3739] was well reported[G3140] of[G5259] by the brethren[G80] that were[G3588] at[G1722] Lystra[G3082] and[G2532] Iconium[G2430].

3. Him[G5126] would[G2309] Paul[G3972] have to go forth[G1831] with[G4862] him[G846]; and[G2532] he took[G2983] and[G2532] circumcised[G4059] him[G846] because[G1223] of the Jews[G2453] that were[G5607] in[G1722] those[G1565] parts[G1063]: for they all[G537] knew[G1492] that[G3754] his[G846] father[G3962] was[G5225] a Greek[G1672].

4. And[G1161] as[G5613] they went on their way through[G1279] the cities[G4172], they delivered[G3860] them[G846] the decrees[G1378] to keep[G5442] which had been ordained[G2919] of[G5259] the apostles[G652] and[G2532] elders[G4245] that were[G3588] at[G1722] Jerusalem[G2419].

5. [G3303] So[G3767] the churches[G1577] were[G4732] strengthened[G4732] in[G2596] the faith[G4102], and[G2532] increased[G4052] in number[G706] daily[G2250].

6. And[G2532] they went through[G1330] the region[G5561] of Phrygia[G5435] and[G2532] Galatia[G1054], having been forbidden[G2967] of[G5259] the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151] to speak[G2980] the word[G3056] in[G1722] Asia[G773];

7. and when[G2596] they were come[G2064] over against Mysia[G3465], they assayed[G3985] to go[G4198] into[G2596] Bithynia[G978]; and[G2532] the Spirit[G4151] of Jesus suffered[G1439] them[G846] not[G3756];

8. and[G1161] passing[G3928] by Mysia[G3465], they came down[G2597] to[G1519] Troas[G5174].

9. And[G2532] a vision[G3705] appeared[G3700] to Paul[G3972] in[G1223] the night[G3571]: There was[G2258] a man[G435] of Macedonia[G3110] standing[G2476], beseeching[G3870] him[G846], and[G2532] saying[G3004], Come over[G1224] into[G1519] Macedonia[G3109], and help[G997] us[G2254].

10. And[G1161] when[G5613] he had seen[G1492] the vision[G3705], straightway[G2112] we sought[G2212] to go[G1831] forth into[G1519] Macedonia[G3109], concluding[G4822] that[G3754] God[G2962] had called[G4341] us[G2248] to preach the gospel[G2097] to them[G846].

11. Setting sail[G321] therefore[G3767] from[G575] Troas[G5174], we made a straight course[G2113] to[G1519] Samothrace[G4543], and[G5037] the day following[G1966] to[G1519] Neapolis[G3496];

12. and[G5037] from thence[G1564] to[G1519] Philippi[G5375], which[G3748] is[G2076] a city[G4172] of Macedonia[G3109], the first[G4413] of the district[G3310], a Roman colony[G2862]: and[G1161] we were[G1510] in[G1722] this[G3778] city[G4172] tarrying[G1304] certain[G5100] days[G2250].

13. And[G5037] on the sabbath[G4521] day[G2250] we went[G1831] forth without[G1854] the gate by[G3844] a river side[G4215], where[G3757] we supposed[G3543] there was a place[G1511] of prayer[G4335]; and[G2532] we sat down[G2523], and[G2532] spake[G2980] unto the women[G1135] that[G3588] were come together[G4905].

14. And[G2532] a certain[G5100] woman[G1135] named[G3686] Lydia[G3070], a seller of purple[G4211] of the city[G4172] of Thyatira[G2363], one that[G3739] worshipped[G4576] God[G2316], heard[G191] us[G2588]: whose heart the Lord[G2962] opened[G1272] to give heed unto[G4337] the things which[G3588] were spoken[G2980] by[G5259] Paul[G3972].

15. And[G1161] when[G5613] she was baptized[G907], and[G2532] her[G846] household[G3624], she besought[G3870] us[G3004], saying, If[G1487] ye have judged[G2919] me[G3165] to be[G1511] faithful[G4103] to the Lord[G2962], come[G1525] into[G1519] my[G3450] house[G3624], and abide[G3306] there[G2532]. And she constrained[G3849] us[G2248].

16. And[G1161] it came to pass[G1096], as we[G2257] were going[G4198] to[G1519] the place of prayer[G4335], that a certain[G5100] maid[G3814] having[G2192] a spirit[G4151] of divination[G4436] met[G528] us[G2254], who[G3748] brought[G3930] her[G846] masters[G2962] much[G4183] gain[G2039] by soothsaying[G3132].

17. The same[G3778] following[G2628] after Paul[G3972] and[G2532] us[G2254] cried[G2896] out[G3004], saying, These[G3778] men[G444] are[G1526] servants[G1401] of the Most High[G5310] God[G2316], who[G3748] proclaim unto[G2605] you[G2254] the way[G3598] of salvation[G4991].

18. And[G1161] this[G5124] she[G4160] did for[G1909] many[G4183] days[G2250]. But[G1161] Paul[G3972], being sore troubled[G1278], turned[G1994] and[G2532] said[G2036] to the spirit[G4151], I charge[G3853] thee[G4671] in[G1722] the name[G3686] of Jesus[G2424] Christ[G5547] to come out[G1831] of[G575] her[G846]. And[G2532] it came out[G1831] that very[G846] hour[G5610].

19. But[G1161] when her[G846] masters[G2962] saw[G1492] that[G3754] the hope[G1680] of their[G846] gain[G2039] was gone[G1831], they laid hold[G1949] on Paul[G3972] and[G2532] Silas[G4609], and dragged[G1670] them into[G1519] the marketplace[G58] before[G1909] the rulers[G758],

20. and[G2532] when they had brought[G4317] them[G846] unto the magistrates[G4755], they said[G2036], These[G3778] men[G444], being[G5225] Jews[G2453], do exceedingly trouble[G1613] our[G2257] city[G4172],

21. and[G2532] set forth[G2605] customs[G1485] which[G3739] it is[G1832] not[G3756] lawful[G1832] for us[G2254] to receive[G3858], or[G3761] to observe[G4160], being[G5607] Romans[G4514].

22. And[G2532] the multitude[G3793] rose up together[G4911] against[G2596] them[G846]: and[G2532] the magistrates[G4755] rent their[G846] garments[G2440] off[G4048] them[G2753], and commanded to beat them with rods[G4463].

23. And[G5037] when they had laid[G2007] many[G4183] stripes[G4127] upon them[G846], they cast[G906] them into[G1519] prison[G5438], charging[G3853] the jailor[G1200] to keep[G5083] them[G846] safely[G806]:

24. who[G3739], having received[G2983] such[G5108] a charge[G3852], cast[G906] them[G846] into[G1519] the inner[G2082] prison[G5438], and[G2532] made[G805] their[G846] feet[G4228] fast[G805] in[G1519] the stocks[G3586].

25. But[G1161] about[G2596] midnight[G3317] Paul[G3972] and[G2532] Silas[G4609] were praying[G4336] and singing hymns[G5214] unto God[G2316], and[G1161] the prisoners[G1198] were listening[G1874] to them[G846];

26. and[G1161] suddenly[G869] there was[G1096] a great[G3173] earthquake[G4578], so that[G5620] the foundations[G2310] of the prison-house[G1201] were shaken[G4531]: and[G5037] immediately[G3916] all[G3956] the doors[G2374] were opened[G455], and[G2532] every one[G3956]'s bands[G1199] were loosed[G447].

27. And[G1161] the jailor[G1200], being roused out[G1096] of sleep[G1853] and[G2532] seeing[G1492] the prison[G1200] doors[G2374] open[G455], drew[G4685] his sword[G3162] and was[G3195] about to kill[G337] himself[G1438], supposing that[G3543] the prisoners[G1198] had escaped[G1628].

28. But[G1161] Paul[G3972] cried[G5455] with a loud[G3173] voice[G5456], saying[G3004], Do[G4238] thyself[G4572] no[G3367] harm[G2556]: for[G1063] we are[G2070] all[G537] here[G1759].

29. And[G1161] he called[G154] for lights[G5457] and sprang in[G1530], and[G2532], [G1096] trembling[G1790] for fear[G4363], fell down before Paul[G3972] and[G2532] Silas[G4609],

30. and[G2532] brought[G4254] them[G846] out[G1854] and said[G5346], Sirs[G2962], what[G5101] must[G1163] I[G3165] do[G4160] to be[G2443] saved[G4982]?

31. And[G1161] they said[G2036], Believe[G4100] on[G1909] the Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424], [G5547] and[G2532] thou[G4771] shalt be saved[G4982], thou and[G2532] thy[G4675] house[G3624].

32. And[G2532] they spake[G2980] the word[G3056] of the Lord[G2962] unto him[G846], with all[G3956] that were[G3588] in[G1722] his[G846] house[G3614].

33. And[G2532] he took[G3880] them[G846, 1722] the same[G1565] hour[G5610] of the night[G3571], and washed[G3068] their[G575] stripes[G4127]; and[G2532] was baptized[G907], he[G846] and[G2532] all[G3956] his[G846], immediately[G3916].

34. And[G5037] he brought[G321] them[G846] up into[G1519] his[G846] house[G3624], and set[G3908] food[G5132] before them[G3908], and[G2532] rejoiced[G21] greatly[G3832], with all his house, having believed[G4100] in God[G2316].

35. But[G1161] when[G1096] it was day[G2250], the magistrates[G4755] sent[G649] the serjeants[G4465], saying[G3004], Let[G630] those[G1565] men[G444] go[G630].

36. And[G1161] the jailor[G1200] reported[G518] the[G5128] words[G3056] to[G4314] Paul[G3754], saying[G4755], The magistrates have sent[G649] to[G2443] let you go[G630]: now[G3568] therefore[G3767] come forth[G1831], and go[G1831] in[G1722] peace[G1515].

37. But[G1161] Paul[G3972] said[G5346] unto[G4314] them[G846], They have beaten[G1194] us[G2248] publicly[G1219], uncondemned[G178], men that are[G5225] Romans[G444], and have cast[G906] us into[G1519] prison[G5438]; and[G2532] do they now[G3568] cast[G1544] us[G2248] out[G1544] privily[G2977]? Nay[G3756] verily[G1063]; but[G235] let them come[G2064] themselves[G846] and bring[G1806] us[G2248] out[G1219].

38. And[G1161] the serjeants[G4465] reported[G312] these[G5023] words[G4487] unto the magistrates[G4755]: and[G2532] they feared[G5399] when they heard[G191] that[G3754] they were[G1526] Romans[G4514];

39. and[G2532] they came[G2064] and besought[G3870] them[G846]; and[G2532] when they had brought[G1806] them out[G1806], they asked[G2065] them to go[G1831] away from the city[G4172].

40. And[G1161] they went[G1831] out of[G1537] the prison[G5438], and entered[G1525] into[G1519] the house of Lydia[G3070]: and[G2532] when they had seen[G1492] the brethren[G80], they comforted[G3870] them[G846], and[G2532] departed[G1831].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

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