Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code G2052 : eritheia/er-ith-i'-ah


G2052 eritheia/er-ith-i'-ah perhaps as the same as 2042; properly, intrigue, i.e. (by implication) faction:--contention(-ious), strife. see G2042

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code G2052

M / Romans 2.8 : but unto them that are factious[G2052], and obey not the truth, but obey unrighteousness, shall be wrath and indignation,
M / 2 Corinthians 12.20 : For I fear, lest by any means, when I come, I should find you not such as I would, and should myself be found of you such as ye would not; lest by any means there should be strife, jealousy, wraths, factions[G2052], backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults;
M / Galatians 5.20 : idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife[G2052], jealousies, wraths, factions[G2052], divisions, parties,
M / Philippians 1.17 : but the other[G3588, Ezekiel3] proclaim Christ of faction[G2052], not sincerely, thinking to raise up affliction for me in my bonds.
M / Philippians 2.3 : doing nothing through faction[G2052] or through vainglory, but in lowliness of mind[G5012, 2233] each counting other better than himself;
M / James 3.14 : But if ye have bitter jealousy and faction[G2052] in your heart, glory not and lie not against the truth.
M / James 3.16 : For where jealousy and faction[G2052] are, there is confusion and every vile deed.

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