King James Version (KJV) With Strong Codes

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KJV_Strong : Mark 10


1. And he arose from thence,[G2547] [G450] and cometh[G2064] into[G1519] the[G3588] coasts[G3725] of Judea[G2449] by[G1223] the[G3588] farther side[G4008] of Jordan:[G2446] and[G2532] the people[G3793] resort[G4848] unto[G4314] him[G846] again;[G3825] and,[G2532] as[G5613] he was wont,[G1486] he taught[G1321] them[G846] again.[G3825]

2. And[G2532] the[G3588] Pharisees[G5330] came to[G4334] him, and asked[G1905] him,[G846] [G1487] Is it lawful[G1832] for a man[G435] to put away[G630] his wife?[G1135] tempting[G3985] him.[G846]

3. And[G1161] he[G3588] answered[G611] and said[G2036] unto them,[G846] What[G5101] did Moses[G3475] command[G1781] you?[G5213]

4. And[G1161] they[G3588] said,[G2036] Moses[G3475] suffered[G2010] to write[G1125] a bill[G975] of divorcement,[G647] and[G2532] to put her away.[G630]

5. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] answered[G611] and said[G2036] unto them,[G846] For[G4314] the[G3588] hardness of your heart[G4641] [G5216] he wrote[G1125] you[G5213] this[G5026] precept.[G1785]

6. But[G1161] from[G575] the beginning[G746] of the creation[G2937] God[G2316] made[G4160] them[G846] male[G730] and[G2532] female.[G2338]

7. For this cause[G1752] [G5127] shall a man[G444] leave[G2641] his[G848] father[G3962] and[G2532] mother,[G3384] and[G2532] cleave[G4347] to[G4314] his[G848] wife;[G1135]

8. And[G2532] they twain[G1417] shall be[G2071] one[G3391] flesh: [G4561] so then[G5620] they are[G1526] no more[G3765] twain,[G1417] but[G235] one[G3391] flesh.[G4561]

9. What[G3739] therefore[G3767] God[G2316] hath joined together,[G4801] let not[G3361] man[G444] put asunder.[G5563]

10. And[G2532] in[G1722] the[G3588] house[G3614] his[G846] disciples[G3101] asked[G1905] him[G846] again[G3825] of[G4012] the same[G846] matter.

11. And[G2532] he saith[G3004] unto them,[G846] Whosoever[G3739] [G1437] shall put away[G630] his[G848] wife,[G1135] and[G2532] marry[G1060] another,[G243] committeth adultery[G3429] against[G1909] her.[G846]

12. And[G2532] if[G1437] a woman[G1135] shall put away[G630] her[G848] husband,[G435] and[G2532] be married[G1060] to another,[G243] she committeth adultery.[G3429]

13. And[G2532] they brought[G4374] young children[G3813] to him,[G846] that[G2443] he should touch[G680] them:[G846] and[G1161] his disciples[G3101] rebuked[G2008] those that brought[G4374] them.

14. But[G1161] when Jesus[G2424] saw[G1492] it, he was much displeased,[G23] and[G2532] said[G2036] unto them,[G846] Suffer[G863] the[G3588] little children[G3813] to come[G2064] unto[G4314] me,[G3165] and[G2532] forbid[G2967] them[G846] not: [G3361] for[G1063] of such[G5108] is[G2076] the[G3588] kingdom[G932] of God.[G2316]

15. Verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you,[G5213] Whosoever[G3739] [G1437] shall not[G3361] receive[G1209] the[G3588] kingdom[G932] of God[G2316] as[G5613] a little child,[G3813] he shall not[G3364] enter[G1525] therein.[G1519] [G846]

16. And[G2532] he took them up in his arms,[G1723] [G846] put[G5087] his hands[G5495] upon[G1909] them,[G846] and blessed[G2127] them.[G846]

17. And[G2532] when he[G846] was gone forth[G1607] into[G1519] the way,[G3598] there came one[G1520] running,[G4370] and[G2532] kneeled[G1120] to him,[G846] and asked[G1905] him,[G846] Good[G18] Master,[G1320] what[G5101] shall I do[G4160] that[G2443] I may inherit[G2816] eternal[G166] life?[G2222]

18. And[G1161] Jesus[G2424] said[G2036] unto him,[G846] Why[G5101] callest[G3004] thou me[G3165] good?[G18] there is none[G3762] good[G18] but[G1508] one,[G1520] that is, God.[G2316]

19. Thou knowest[G1492] the[G3588] commandments,[G1785] Do not[G3361] commit adultery,[G3431] Do not[G3361] kill,[G5407] Do not[G3361] steal,[G2813] Do not[G3361] bear false witness,[G5576] Defraud[G650] not,[G3361] Honor[G5091] thy[G4675] father[G3962] and[G2532] mother.[G3384]

20. And[G1161] he[G3588] answered[G611] and said[G2036] unto him,[G846] Master,[G1320] all[G3956] these[G5023] have I observed[G5442] from[G1537] my[G3450] youth.[G3503]

21. Then[G1161] Jesus[G2424] beholding[G1689] him[G846] loved[G25] him,[G846] and[G2532] said[G2036] unto him,[G846] One thing[G1520] thou[G4671] lackest: [G5302] go thy way,[G5217] sell[G4453] whatsoever[G3745] thou hast,[G2192] and[G2532] give[G1325] to the[G3588] poor,[G4434] and[G2532] thou shalt have[G2192] treasure[G2344] in[G1722] heaven: [G3772] and[G2532] come,[G1204] take up[G142] the[G3588] cross,[G4716] and follow[G190] me.[G3427]

22. And[G1161] he[G3588] was sad[G4768] at[G1909] that saying,[G3056] and went away[G565] grieved:[G3076] for[G1063] he had[G2258] [G2192] great[G4183] possessions.[G2933]

23. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] looked round about,[G4017] and saith[G3004] unto his[G848] disciples,[G3101] How[G4459] hardly[G1423] shall they that have[G2192] riches[G5536] enter[G1525] into[G1519] the[G3588] kingdom[G932] of God![G2316]

24. And[G1161] the[G3588] disciples[G3101] were astonished[G2284] at[G1909] his[G846] words.[G3056] But[G1161] Jesus[G2424] answereth[G611] again,[G3825] and saith[G3004] unto them,[G846] Children,[G5043] how[G4459] hard[G1422] is[G2076] it for them that trust[G3982] in[G1909] riches[G5536] to enter[G1525] into[G1519] the[G3588] kingdom[G932] of God![G2316]

25. It is[G2076] easier[G2123] for a camel[G2574] to go[G1525] through[G1223] the[G3588] eye[G5168] of a needle,[G4476] than[G2228] for a rich man[G4145] to enter[G1525] into[G1519] the[G3588] kingdom[G932] of God.[G2316]

26. And[G1161] they[G3588] were astonished[G1605] out of measure,[G4057] saying[G3004] among[G4314] themselves,[G1438] Who[G5101] then[G2532] can[G1410] be saved?[G4982]

27. And[G1161] Jesus[G2424] looking upon[G1689] them[G846] saith,[G3004] With[G3844] men[G444] it is impossible,[G102] but[G235] not[G3756] with[G3844] God: [G2316] for[G1063] with[G3844] God[G2316] all things[G3956] are[G2076] possible.[G1415]

28. Then[G2532] Peter[G4074] began[G756] to say[G3004] unto him,[G846] Lo,[G2400] we[G2249] have left[G863] all,[G3956] and[G2532] have followed[G190] thee.[G4671]

29. And[G1161] Jesus[G2424] answered[G611] and said,[G2036] Verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you,[G5213] There is[G2076] no man[G3762] that hath left[G863] house,[G3614] or[G2228] brethren,[G80] or[G2228] sisters,[G79] or[G2228] father,[G3962] or[G2228] mother,[G3384] or[G2228] wife,[G1135] or[G2228] children,[G5043] or[G2228] lands,[G68] for my sake,[G1752] [G1700] and[G2532] the[G3588] gospel's,[G2098]

30. But[G1437] [G3361] he shall receive[G2983] a hundredfold[G1542] now[G3568] in[G1722] this[G5129] time,[G2540] houses,[G3614] and[G2532] brethren,[G80] and[G2532] sisters,[G79] and[G2532] mothers,[G3384] and[G2532] children,[G5043] and[G2532] lands,[G68] with[G3326] persecutions;[G1375] and[G2532] in[G1722] the[G3588] world[G165] to come[G2064] eternal[G166] life.[G2222]

31. But[G1161] many[G4183] that are first[G4413] shall be[G2071] last;[G2078] and[G2532] the[G3588] last[G2078] first.[G4413]

32. And[G1161] they were[G2258] in[G1722] the[G3588] way[G3598] going up[G305] to[G1519] Jerusalem;[G2414] and[G2532] Jesus[G2424] went before[G2258] [G4254] them:[G846] and[G2532] they were amazed;[G2284] and[G2532] as they followed,[G190] they were afraid.[G5399] And[G2532] he took[G3880] again[G3825] the[G3588] twelve,[G1427] and began[G756] to tell[G3004] them[G846] what things should[G3195] happen[G4819] unto him,[G846]

33. Saying, Behold,[G2400] we go up[G305] to[G1519] Jerusalem;[G2414] and[G2532] the[G3588] Son[G5207] of man[G444] shall be delivered[G3860] unto the[G3588] chief priests,[G749] and[G2532] unto the[G3588] scribes;[G1122] and[G2532] they shall condemn[G2632] him[G846] to death,[G2288] and[G2532] shall deliver[G3860] him[G846] to the[G3588] Gentiles: [G1484]

34. And[G2532] they shall mock[G1702] him,[G846] and[G2532] shall scourge[G3146] him,[G846] and shall spit upon[G1716] him,[G846] and[G2532] shall kill[G615] him: [G846] and[G2532] the[G3588] third[G5154] day[G2250] he shall rise again.[G450]

35. And[G2532] James[G2385] and[G2532] John,[G2491] the[G3588] sons[G5207] of Zebedee,[G2199] come[G4365] unto him,[G846] saying,[G3004] Master,[G1320] we would[G2309] that[G2443] thou shouldest do[G4160] for us[G2254] whatsoever[G3739] [G1437] we shall desire.[G154]

36. And[G1161] he[G3588] said[G2036] unto them,[G846] What[G5101] would[G2309] ye that I[G3165] should do[G4160] for you?[G5213]

37. [G1161] They[G3588] said[G2036] unto him,[G846] Grant[G1325] unto us[G2254] that[G2443] we may sit,[G2523] one[G1520] on[G1537] thy[G4675] right hand,[G1188] and[G2532] the other[G1520] on[G1537] thy[G4675] left hand,[G2176] in[G1722] thy[G4675] glory.[G1391]

38. But[G1161] Jesus[G2424] said[G2036] unto them,[G846] Ye know[G1492] not[G3756] what[G5101] ye ask: [G154] can[G1410] ye drink[G4095] of the[G3588] cup[G4221] that[G3739] I[G1473] drink[G4095] of? and[G2532] be baptized[G907] with the[G3588] baptism[G908] that[G3739] I[G1473] am baptized[G907] with?

39. And[G1161] they[G3588] said[G2036] unto him,[G846] We can.[G1410] And[G1161] Jesus[G2424] said[G2036] unto them,[G846] Ye shall indeed[G3303] drink[G4095] of the[G3588] cup[G4221] that[G3739] I[G1473] drink[G4095] of; and[G2532] with the[G3588] baptism[G908] that[G3739] I[G1473] am baptized[G907] withal shall ye be baptized: [G907]

40. But[G1161] to sit[G2523] on[G1537] my[G3450] right hand[G1188] and[G2532] on[G1537] my[G3450] left hand[G2176] is[G2076] not[G3756] mine[G1699] to give;[G1325] but[G235] it shall be given to them for whom[G3739] it is prepared.[G2090]

41. And[G2532] when the[G3588] ten[G1176] heard[G191] it, they began[G756] to be much displeased[G23] with[G4012] James[G2385] and[G2532] John.[G2491]

42. But[G1161] Jesus[G2424] called[G4341] them[G846] to him, and saith[G3004] unto them,[G846] Ye know[G1492] that[G3754] they which are accounted[G1380] to rule over[G757] the[G3588] Gentiles[G1484] exercise lordship[G2634] over them;[G846] and[G2532] their[G846] great ones[G3173] exercise authority[G2715] upon them.[G846]

43. But[G1161] so[G3779] shall it not[G3756] be[G2071] among[G1722] you: [G5213] but[G235] whosoever[G3739] [G1437] will[G2309] be[G1096] great[G3173] among[G1722] you,[G5213] shall be[G2071] your[G5216] minister: [G1249]

44. And[G2532] whosoever[G3739] [G302] of you[G5216] will[G2309] be[G1096] the chiefest[G4413] shall be[G2071] servant[G1401] of all.[G3956]

45. For[G1063] even[G2532] the[G3588] Son[G5207] of man[G444] came[G2064] not[G3756] to be ministered unto,[G1247] but[G235] to minister,[G1247] and[G2532] to give[G1325] his[G848] life[G5590] a ransom[G3083] for[G473] many.[G4183]

46. And[G2532] they came[G2064] to[G1519] Jericho:[G2410] and[G2532] as he[G846] went[G1607] out of[G575] Jericho[G2410] with[G2532] his[G846] disciples[G3101] and[G2532] a great number[G2425] of people,[G3793] blind[G5185] Bartimaeus,[G924] the son[G5207] of Timaeus,[G5090] sat[G2521] by[G3844] the[G3588] highway side[G3598] begging.[G4319]

47. And[G2532] when he heard[G191] that[G3754] it was[G2076] Jesus[G2424] of Nazareth,[G3480] he began[G756] to cry out,[G2896] and[G2532] say,[G3004] Jesus,[G2424] thou son[G5207] of David,[G1138] have mercy[G1653] on me.[G3165]

48. And[G2532] many[G4183] charged[G2008] him[G846] that[G2443] he should hold his peace:[G4623] but[G1161] he[G3588] cried[G2896] the more[G4183] a great deal,[G3123] Thou son[G5207] of David,[G1138] have mercy[G1653] on me.[G3165]

49. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] stood still,[G2476] and commanded[G2036] him[G846] to be called.[G5455] And[G2532] they call[G5455] the[G3588] blind man,[G5185] saying[G3004] unto him,[G846] Be of good comfort,[G2293] rise;[G1453] he calleth[G5455] thee.[G4571]

50. And[G1161] he,[G3588] casting away[G577] his[G848] garment,[G2440] rose,[G450] and came[G2064] to[G4314] Jesus.[G2424]

51. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] answered[G611] and said[G3004] unto him,[G846] What[G5101] wilt[G2309] thou that I should do[G4160] unto thee?[G4671] [G1161] The[G3588] blind man[G5185] said[G2036] unto him,[G846] Lord,[G4462] that[G2443] I might receive my sight.[G308]

52. And[G1161] Jesus[G2424] said[G2036] unto him,[G846] Go thy way;[G5217] thy[G4675] faith[G4102] hath made thee whole.[G4982] [G4571] And[G2532] immediately[G2112] he received his sight,[G308] and[G2532] followed[G190] Jesus[G2424] in[G1722] the[G3588] way.[G3598]

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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