Hebrews 11:1-7 -Faith: act now according to the Lord

Hebrews 11:1-7 -Faith: act now according to the Lord

sermon Hebrews 11 : Patrice Berger, 2023_12_10, AB Lausanne church

Hebrews 11:1-7 -Faith: act now according to the Lord

Hebrews 11:1-7 -Faith: act now according to the Lord  

I believe in retirement

I believe that after my active period, my professional period, there will be a retirement period for me.

I invest in retirement

I believe in it so much that part of the money I earn now goes towards this project. However, this money could be useful to me now. And I could spend it there, right away, telling myself that when I’ve finished working, we’ll see…

“Rewriting” of Hebrews 11.1

Believing in retirement and believing in it concretely, now putting money aside for it, I have just written in my own way a verse from the Bible which is found in the epistle to the Hebrews, chapter 11, verse 1.

Hebrews chapter 11.1

But faith,

it is the firm assurance of the things we hope for,

the demonstration of those that we do not see.

Hebrews chapter 11.1 Living Word

1 And what is faith?

It is a firm confidence in the achievement of what we hope for,

It is a way of already possessing in advance.

To believe is to be absolutely certain of the reality of what we do not see.

My retirement as if it were here now

I don’t see my retirement yet. It is not yet a reality but I do everything now, as if it were already a concrete reality.

#Faith in retirement?#

####Much lower confidence index than eternal certainties in Christ. However, we see plenty of them, retirees. Don’t we see many examples of faith in God, long before retirement existed? Have they not been much more decisive for humanity? See Hebrews chapter 11####

Faith is concrete

Our everyday life is made up of countless gestures of faith. I was going to say concrete faith but that would have been a pleonasm. Faith is always concrete. Otherwise, it’s a vague belief, information that has no impact on my life.

Why approach faith?

But why does the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews suddenly block his letter on faith?

No procrastination, let’s aim for the goal with faith

You remember from the previous chapter that he encouraged his readers to look at the goal. And not to procrastinate over whether the situation was better before knowing Christ as Lord and Savior. Watch the goal. Watch the arrival and act accordingly now.

Like me, I’m looking at retirement and acting on it now.

It’s easy to have faith in retirement, there are too many examples

You will tell me that it is easy to believe in retirement, because our audience today is made up of many retired people. So it’s not a scoop, an achievement to believe in it…

Feedback on how they did

And even, depending on how it was prepared by one or the other, I can do the same or avoid certain errors. It’s not wrong, even better, the author of the epistle to the Hebrews does exactly the same.

Easy to have faith in God, there are too many examples

He will give us a host of inspiring examples that show us faith. The concreteness of faith in the lives of emblematic people for those of Jewish culture. (The author is writing primarily to a Jewish community).

Today we will see several examples that show that this active faith in God has been favorably considered.

As the following verse tells us:

Hebrews chapter 11.2

2 It is because of her that the elders received a favorable testimony.

The first example of faith, verse 3:

Hebrews chapter 11

3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed by the word of God,

so that the visible world was not made from visible things.

Beyond reason

Even though reason and science can only lead us to this conclusion. As we weren’t there, we all put our trust and faith in it.

Need for an intangible starting point

Men are exploring the mechanisms that played a role at one time or another in the appearance of our planet and what it contains, but whatever the models, there always needs to be a starting point. This starting point can only be intangible. And God explains it to us. It was by His Word. 

#Biblical faith and reason are not in opposition#

####Biblical faith trusts in the most balanced, most intelligent being as the history of humanity shows us. This person is God.####

Faith is concrete

The 2 elements –

  • faith (because no one attended and will not be able to attend);
  • understanding, reason, logic (because the starting point can only come from a creative being) –

are intertwined when we talk about creation.

Second example

The second example propels us into one of the very first celebrations in human history.

2 brothers :

  • Cain and
    • Abel;

2 different professions:

  • farmer and
    • shepherd;

2 different sacrifices:

  • for Cain the fruit of his labor,
    • for Abel the first of his flock.

How to understand God’s gaze?

Unfavorable for Cain

Proverbs 15. 8

“The sacrifice that the wicked offer is abhorrence to the LORD,”

Favorable for Abel

Hebrews 11.4

4 By faith Abel offered a greater sacrifice to God than that of Cain; it is thanks to her that he was declared righteous, because God approved his offerings, and it is through her that he still speaks even though he is dead.

Hebrews 11.4 Living Word

4 It was his faith that inspired Abel to make a sacrifice more acceptable to God than that of Cain. It was thanks to her that he was declared righteous, God showing his approval by accepting his offerings. Although he is dead, he continues to speak to us through his faith.

concrete faith

Abel concretely believed that the way of making this offering, through this type of sacrifice, was acceptable to God.

Concrete faith in God

His faith pushed him to do in the moment what God liked. Yet God was not visible. Isn’t this what the author of the epistle to the Hebrews asks of his readers, even if they are going through troubled times?

Isn’t that what God wants us to do? Doesn’t He tell us this throughout the Bible?

Do as God desires, even if we do not see Him…

As for us

And the third example, by evoking the attitude of Enoch, tells us that faith – trust, even with its concrete side – must be given, attributed, directed towards someone or something.


Hebrews 11:5-6

5 It was because of his faith that Enoch was taken up to escape death, and he was never found again because God had taken him up. Before being taken away,

he had indeed received testimony that he was pleasing to God.

6 But without faith,

it is impossible to please God,

for he who comes near him must believe

  • that God exists and
  • may he reward those who seek him.

Hebrews 11. 5-6 Living Words

5 It was because of his faith that Enoch was taken up to God without having to die.

A day,

“he was no longer found because God had taken him away.”


before talking about his kidnapping,

Scripture bears witness to him that he had been pleasing to God.

6 But without faith,

there can be no question of pleasing him.

If anyone approaches God to have fellowship with him,

he must first believe in his existence

and may he be convinced that God rewards those who seek him with all their heart.

Towards God

Faith is given, attributed, directed towards God, to God. By believing that He exists through the testimonies that He has left us: creation, consciousness, the Bible, believers for example.

And that He takes it into account

Believe in God while being convinced that He takes into account the way we live towards Him.

Understanding through Noah

The whole that we have just seen is magnificently summarized for us in the last example, that of Noah. It’s super interesting.

If I were Noah

Put yourself in Noah’s shoes. God is telling you something that has never happened in the history of humanity. A universal judgment.

And at the same time God announces to you a means of rescue (from this universal judgment) which has never taken place in the history of humanity.

How to react ?

3 reactions presented themselves to Noé:

  • to say it is nonsense, we have never seen what God is talking about;
  • believe God and move on, the concept of the “non-practicing believer”;
  • believe God and act and build the kind of “big box” which it seems should float with animals sheltered inside…

#Non-practicing believer#

####They all died in the days of Noah. Noah was an active and enduring believer and was God’s tool in saving mankind####

Noah believes God and acts

Noah chose the last option. His faith was practical and enduring, pointing to an event he did not know about and a means of rescue that had never been seen before. This faith saved the human and animal race.

Hebrews 11.7

7 By faith Noah,

warned of events that we did not yet see and

filled with respectful awe,

built an ark to save his family.

It is through it that he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is obtained by faith.

Speaking example

It’s interesting because the author of the epistle to the Hebrews encourages his readers (who know the story of Noah very well) to have the same faith, to not stop in the process of building but to resolutely believe, to be enduring, to have your eyes fixed on the objective, the goal…

  • God and may He reward those who seek Him:
    • a firm confidence in achieving what we hope for ,

it is a way of already possessing something in advance.

To believe is to be absolutely certain of the reality of what we do not see.

Let’s remember :

Hebrews 10.39

As for us, we are not among those who look back for their loss,

but of those who have faith for the salvation of their souls.

Noah could have said

As for us, we are not among those who stop the construction of the ark during construction, but among those who have faith for the salvation of their souls.


Faith is concrete

Now and insurance for later

It pushes us to undertake now, taking for granted what we hope for.

Depending on God who guarantees the continuation

It pushes us to undertake according to and for God, considering as already acquired what He has promised us.

Without faith no good relationship with God

It pushes us to undertake according to and for God. Without faith, without this trust, it is impossible to please God.

In God

Our faith is not in an eternal super-retreat but it is in God.


Not in the moment of eternity, but for now and for eternity.


Who is this encouragement for? To persecuted people.


Bored in their Church life because there is no longer the “wow wow” of the beginning of the Church.

Comfort vs. endurance

To people who say to themselves that, ultimately, life without Christ would perhaps be more comfortable. Perhaps we have gone through these questions or are we going through them now?

After youth passes…

– “Okay, now I’m old.” 

God gives us time to put our faith into action, not to squander it. Let us place our faith in God through Christ. Let us now act accordingly.

Bible Passages

Hébreux 11.1-40
Hébreux 11.1
Hébreux 11.4
Hébreux 11. 5-6
Hébreux 10.39

Related Links / Notes

Hebrews Sermon Series

Study Notes are translated from the original French version prepared by the pastor Patrice Berger. The orginal French notes are in “note” form, and are not a direct transcription of the video, however they are quite close the original text preached at the church. The sermon notes provided here can be used as a helpful study guide/commentary.

All services as well as some of the bible studies are streamed on the channel  YouTube église AB Renens-Lausanne.  Also visit the You Tube channel of the Swiss Action Biblique Youth Groups (JAB Suisse Romande)/ Facebook.

The King James Version is available as an audio bible Podcast which can be accessed below.

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