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ASV_Strong : Judges 5


1. Then sang[H7891] Deborah[H1683] and Barak[H1301] the son[H1121] of Abinoam[H42] on that day[H3117], saying[H559],

2. For that the leaders took the lead[H6544] in Israel[H3478], For that the people[H5971] offered[H5068] themselves willingly[H1288], Bless ye Jehovah[H3068].

3. Hear[H8085], O ye kings[H4428]; give ear[H238], O ye princes[H7336]; I[H7891], even I, will sing unto Jehovah[H3068]; I will sing[H2167] praise to Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478].

4. Jehovah[H3068], when thou wentest forth[H3318] out of Seir[H8165], When thou marchedst out[H6805] of the field[H7704] of Edom[H123], The earth[H776] trembled[H7493], the heavens[H8064] also dropped[H5197], Yea[H5645], the clouds dropped[H5197] water[H4325].

5. The mountains[H2022] quaked[H5140] at the presence[H6440] of Jehovah[H3068], Even yon Sinai[H5514] at the presence[H6440] of Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478].

6. In the days[H3117] of Shamgar[H8044] the son[H1121] of Anath[H6067], In the days[H3117] of Jael[H3278], the highways[H734] were unoccupied[H2308], And the travellers[H1980] walked[H3212] through byways[H6128].

7. The rulers[H6520] ceased[H2308] in Israel[H3478], they ceased[H2308], Until that I Deborah[H1683] arose[H6965], That I arose[H6965] a mother[H517] in Israel[H3478].

8. They chose[H977] new[H2319] gods[H430]; Then was war[H3901] in the gates[H8179]: Was there a shield[H4043] or spear[H7420] seen[H7200] Among forty[H705] thousand[H505] in Israel[H3478]?

9. My heart[H3820] is toward the governors[H2710] of Israel[H3478], That offered themselves willingly[H5068] among the people[H5971]: Bless[H1288] ye Jehovah[H3068].

10. Tell[H7878] of it[H7392], ye that ride on white[H6715] asses[H860], Ye that sit[H3427] on rich carpets[H4055], And ye that walk[H1980] by the way[H1870].

11. Far from the noise[H6963] of archers[H2686], in the places of drawing water[H4857], There shall they rehearse[H8567] the righteous acts[H6666] of Jehovah[H3068], Even the righteous acts[H6666] of his rule[H6520] in Israel[H3478]. Then the people[H5971] of Jehovah[H3068] went down[H3381] to the gates[H8179].

12. Awake[H5782], awake[H5782], Deborah[H1683]; Awake[H5782], awake[H5782], utter[H1696] a song[H7892]: Arise[H6965], Barak[H1301], and lead away thy[H7628] captives[H7617], thou son[H1121] of Abinoam[H42].

13. Then came down a remnant[H8300] of the nobles[H117] and the people[H5971]; Jehovah[H3068] came down for me against[H7287] the mighty[H1368].

14. Out of Ephraim[H669] came down they whose root[H8328] is in Amalek[H6002]; After[H310] thee[H1144], Benjamin, among thy peoples[H5971]; Out of Machir[H4353] came down[H3381] governors[H2710], And out of Zebulun[H2074] they that handle[H4900] the marshal[H5608]'s staff[H7626].

15. And the princes[H8269] of Issachar[H3485] were with Deborah[H1683]; As was Issachar[H3485], so was Barak[H1301]; Into the valley[H6010] they rushed[H7971] forth at his feet[H7272]. By the watercourses[H6390] of Reuben[H7205] There were great[H1419] resolves[H2711] of heart[H3820].

16. Why sattest[H3427] thou among[H996] the sheepfolds[H4942], To hear[H8085] the pipings[H8292] for the flocks[H5739]? At the watercourses[H6390] of Reuben[H7205] There were great[H1419] searchings[H2714] of heart[H3820].

17. Gilead[H1568] abode[H7931] beyond[H5676] the Jordan[H3383]: And Dan[H1835], why did he remain[H1481] in ships[H591]? Asher[H836] sat still[H3427] at the haven[H2348] of the sea[H3220], And abode[H7931] by his creeks[H4664].

18. Zebulun[H2074] was a people[H5971] that jeoparded[H2778] their lives[H5315] unto the death[H4191], And Naphtali[H5321], upon the high places[H4791] of the field[H7704].

19. The kings[H4428] came[H935] and fought[H3898]; Then fought[H3898] the kings[H4428] of Canaan[H3667]. In Taanach[H8590] by the waters[H4325] of Megiddo[H4023]: They took[H3947] no gain[H1215] of money[H3701].

20. From heaven[H8064] fought[H3898] the stars[H3556], From their courses[H4546] they fought[H3898] against Sisera[H5516].

21. The river[H5158] Kishon[H7028] swept them away[H1640], That ancient[H6917] river[H5158], the river[H5158] Kishon[H7028]. O my soul[H5315], march on[H1869] with strength[H5797].

22. Then did the horsehoofs[H6119] stamp[H1986] By reason of the prancings[H1726], the prancings[H1726] of their strong ones[H47].

23. Curse[H779] ye Meroz[H4789], said[H559] the angel[H4397] of Jehovah[H3068]. Curse[H779] ye bitterly[H779] the inhabitants[H3427] thereof[H935], Because they came not to the help[H5833] of Jehovah[H3068], To the help[H5833] of Jehovah[H3068] against the mighty[H1368].

24. Blessed[H1288] above women[H802] shall Jael[H3278] be[H802], The wife of Heber[H2268] the Kenite[H7017]; Blessed[H1288] shall she be above women[H802] in the tent[H168].

25. He asked[H7592] water[H4325], and she gave[H5414] him milk[H2461]; She brought him[H7126] butter[H2529] in a lordly[H117] dish[H5602].

26. She put[H7971] her hand[H3027] to the tent-pin[H3489], And her right hand[H3225] to the workmen[H6001]'s hammer[H1989]; And with the hammer she smote[H1986] Sisera[H5516], she smote through[H4277] his head[H7218]; Yea[H4272], she pierced and struck through[H2498] his temples[H7541].

27. At her feet[H7272] he bowed[H3766], he fell[H5307], he lay[H7901]; At her feet[H7272] he bowed[H3766], he fell[H5307]; Where[H834] he bowed[H3766], there he fell down[H5307] dead[H7703].

28. Through the window[H2474] she looked[H8259] forth[H2980], and cried, The mother[H517] of Sisera cried[H2980] through the lattice[H822], Why is his chariot[H7393] so long[H954] in coming[H935]? Why tarry[H309] the wheels[H6471] of his chariots[H4818]?

29. Her wise[H2450] ladies[H8282] answered[H6030] her[H7725], Yea, she returned answer to herself[H561],

30. Have they not found[H4672], have they not divided[H2505] the spoil[H7998]? A damsel[H7356], two[H7361] damsels to every[H7218] man[H1397]; To Sisera[H5516] a spoil[H7998] of dyed[H6648] garments[H7998], A spoil of dyed[H6648] garments embroidered[H7553], Of dyed[H6648] garments embroidered on both sides[H7553], on the necks[H6677] of the spoil[H7998]?

31. So let all thine enemies[H341] perish[H6], O Jehovah[H3068]: But let them that love[H157] him be as the sun[H8121] when he goeth forth[H3318] in his might[H1369]. And the land[H776] had rest[H8252] forty[H705] years[H8141].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

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