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ASV_Strong : Judges 4


1. And the sons[H1121] of Israel[H3478] again[H3254] did[H6213] that which was evil[H7451] in the sight[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068], when Ehud[H164] was dead[H4191].

2. And Jehovah[H3068] sold[H4376] them into the hand[H3027] of Jabin[H2985] king[H4428] of Canaan[H3667], that reigned[H4427] in Hazor[H2674]; the captain[H8269] of whose host[H6635] was Sisera[H5516], who lived[H3427] in Harosheth[H2800] of the Nations[H1471].

3. And the sons[H1121] of Israel[H3478] cried[H6817] unto Jehovah[H3068]: for he had nine[H8672] hundred[H3967] chariots[H7393] of iron[H1270]; and twenty[H6242] years[H8141] he mightily[H2394] oppressed[H3905] the sons[H1121] of Israel[H3478].

4. Now Deborah[H1683], a prophetess[H5031], the wife[H802] of Lappidoth[H3941], she judged[H8199] Israel[H3478] at that time[H6256].

5. And she lived[H3427] under the palm-tree[H8560] of Deborah[H1683] between Ramah[H7414] and Beth-el[H1008] in the hill-country[H2022] of Ephraim[H669]: and the sons[H1121] of Israel[H3478] came up[H5927] to her for judgment[H4941].

6. And she sent[H7971] and called[H7121] Barak[H1301] the son[H1121] of Abinoam[H42] out of Kedesh-naphtali[H6943], and said[H559] unto him[H3068], Has not Jehovah, the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], commanded[H6680], saying[H3212], Go and draw[H4900] unto mountain[H2022] Tabor[H8396], and take[H3947] with you ten[H6235] thousand[H505] men[H376] of the sons[H1121] of Naphtali[H5321] and of the sons[H1121] of Zebulun[H2074]?

7. And I will draw[H4900] unto you[H5158], to the river Kishon[H7028], Sisera[H5516], the captain[H8269] of Jabin[H2985]'s army[H6635], with his chariots[H7393] and his multitude[H1995]; and I will deliver[H5414] him into your hand[H3027].

8. And Barak[H1301] said[H559] unto her[H3212], If you will go with me[H1980], then I will go; but if you will not go[H3212] with me[H3212], I will not go.

9. And she said[H559], I will surely[H1980] go[H3212] with you[H657]: nevertheless, the journey[H1870] that you take[H1980] shall not be for your honor[H8597]; for Jehovah[H3068] will sell[H4376] Sisera[H5516] into the hand[H3027] of a woman[H802]. And Deborah[H1683] arose[H6965], and went[H3212] with Barak[H1301] to Kedesh[H6943].

10. And Barak[H1301] called[H2199] Zebulun[H2074] and Naphtali[H5321] together to Kedesh[H6943]; and there went up[H5927] ten[H6235] thousand[H505] men[H376] at his feet[H7272]: and Deborah[H1683] went up with him[H5927].

11. Now Heber[H2268] the Kenite[H7017] had separated[H6504] himself from the Kenites[H7017], even from the sons[H1121] of Hobab[H2246] the brother-in[H2859]-law of Moses[H4872], and had pitched[H5186] his tent[H168] as far as the oak[H436] in Zaanannim[H6815], which is by Kedesh[H6943].

12. And they told[H5046] Sisera[H5516] that Barak[H1301] the son[H1121] of Abinoam[H42] was gone up[H5927] to mountain[H2022] Tabor[H8396].

13. And Sisera[H5516] gathered together[H2199] all his chariots[H7393], even nine[H8672] hundred[H3967] chariots[H7393] of iron[H1270], and all the people[H5971] that were with him[H2800], from Harosheth of the Nations[H1471], unto the river[H5158] Kishon[H7028].

14. And Deborah[H1683] said[H559] unto Barak[H1301], Up[H6965]; for this is the day[H3117] in which Jehovah[H3068] has delivered[H5414] Sisera[H5516] into your hand[H3027]; is not Jehovah[H3068] gone out[H3318] before[H6440] you[H1301]? So Barak went down[H3381] from mountain[H2022] Tabor[H8396], and ten[H6235] thousand[H505] men[H376] after him[H310].

15. And Jehovah[H3068] defeated[H2000] Sisera[H5516], and all his chariots[H7393], and all his host[H4264], with the edge[H6310] of the sword[H2719] before[H6440] Barak[H1301]; and Sisera[H5516] alighted from[H3381] his chariot[H4818], and fled away[H5127] on his feet[H7272].

16. But Barak[H1301] pursued[H7291] after[H310] the chariots[H7393], and after the host[H4264], unto Harosheth[H2800] of the Nations[H1471]: and all the host[H4264] of Sisera[H5516] fell[H5307] by the edge[H6310] of the sword[H2719]; there was not a man[H259] left[H7604].

17. But Sisera[H5516] fled away[H5127] on his feet[H7272] to the tent[H168] of Jael[H3278] the wife[H802] of Heber[H2268] the Kenite[H7017]; for there was peace[H7965] between Jabin[H2985] the king[H4428] of Hazor[H2674] and the house[H1004] of Heber[H2268] the Kenite[H7017].

18. And Jael[H3278] went out[H3318] to meet[H7125] Sisera[H5516], and said[H559] unto him[H5493], Turn in, my lord[H113], turn in[H5493] to me[H3372]; fear not[H5493]. And he turned in unto her into the tent[H168], and she covered[H3680] him with a rug[H8063].

19. And he said[H559] unto her[H4592], Give me, I pray you, a little water[H4325] to drink[H8248]; for I am thirsty[H6770]. And she opened[H6605] a bottle[H4997] of milk[H2461], and gave him drink[H8248], and covered him[H3680].

20. And he said[H559] unto her[H5975], Stand in the door[H6607] of the tent[H168], and it shall be[H376], when any man does come[H935] and inquire[H7592] of you[H559], and say, Is there[H3426] any man[H376] here[H3426]? that you shall say[H559], No.

21. Then Jael[H3278] Heber[H2268]'s wife[H802] took[H3947] a tent[H168] - pin[H3489], and took[H7760] a hammer[H4718] in her hand[H3027], and went[H935] softly[H3814] unto him[H8628], and struck the pin[H3489] into his temples[H7541], and it pierced through into[H6795] the ground[H776]; for he was in a deep sleep[H7290]; so he swooned[H5774] and died[H4191].

22. And[H1301], behold, as Barak pursued[H7291] Sisera[H5516], Jael[H3278] came out[H3318] to meet[H7125] him[H559], and said unto him[H3212], Come, and I will show[H7200] you the man[H376] whom you seek[H1245]. And he came[H935] unto her[H5516]; and, behold, Sisera lay[H5307] dead[H4191], and the tent-pin[H3489] was in his temples[H7541].

23. So God[H430] subdued[H3665] on that day[H3117] Jabin[H2985] the king[H4428] of Canaan[H3667] before[H6440] the sons[H1121] of Israel[H3478].

24. And the hand[H3027] of the sons[H1121] of Israel[H3478] prevailed[H7186] more[H3212] and more against Jabin[H2985] the king[H4428] of Canaan[H3667], until they had destroyed[H3772] Jabin[H2985] king[H4428] of Canaan[H3667].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

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