Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H7017 : Qeyniy kay-nee'


H7017 Qeyniy kay-nee' or Qiyniy (1 Chron. 2:55) {kee-nee'}; patronymic from 7014; a Kenite or member of the tribe of Kajin:--Kenite.see H7014

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H7017

M / Genesis 15.19 : the Kenite[H7017], and the Kenizzite, and the Kadmonite,
M / Numbers 24.21 : And he looked on the Kenite[H7017], and took up his parable, and said, Strong is thy dwelling-place, And thy nest is set in the rock.
M / Judges 1.16 : And the children of the Kenite[H7017], Moses' brother-in-law, went up out of the city of palm-trees with the children of Judah into the wilderness of Judah, which is in the south of Arad; and they went and dwelt with the people.
M / Judges 4.11 : Now Heber the Kenite[H7017] had separated himself from the Kenites[H7017], even from the sons of Hobab the brother-in-law of Moses, and had pitched his tent as far as the oak in Zaanannim, which is by Kedesh.
M / Judges 4.17 : But Sisera fled away on his feet to the tent of Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite[H7017]; for there was peace between Jabin the king of Hazor and the house of Heber the Kenite[H7017].
M / Judges 5.24 : Blessed above women shall Jael be, The wife of Heber the Kenite[H7017]; Blessed shall she be above women in the tent.
M / 1 Samuel 15.6 : And Saul said unto the Kenites[H7017], Go, depart, get you down from among the Amalekites, lest I destroy you with them; for ye showed kindness to all the children of Israel, when they came up out of Egypt. So the Kenites[H7017] departed from among the Amalekites.
M / 1 Samuel 27.10 : And Achish said, Against whom have ye made a raid to-day? And David said, Against the South of Judah, and against the South of the Jerahmeelites, and against the South of the Kenites[H7017].
M / 1 Samuel 30.29 : and to them that were in Racal, and to them that were in the cities of the Jerahmeelites, and to them that were in the cities of the Kenites[H7017],
M / 1 Chronicles 2.55 : And the families of scribes that dwelt at Jabez: the Tirathites, the Shimeathites, the Sucathites. These are the Kenites[H7017] that came of Hammath, the father of the house of Rechab.

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