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ASV_Strong : 1 Corinthians 11


1. Be ye[G1096] imitators[G3402] of me[G3450], even as[G2531] I also[G2504] am of Christ[G5547].

2. Now[G1161] I praise[G1867] you[G5209, Ruth] that[G3754] ye remember[G3415] me[G3450] in all things[G3956], and[G2532] hold fast[G2722] the traditions[G3862], even as[G2531] I delivered[G3860] them to you[G5213].

3. But[G1161] I would have[G2309] you[G5209] know[G1492], that[G3754] the head[G2776] of every[G3956] man[G435] is[G2076] Christ[G5547]; and[G1161] the head[G2776] of the woman[G1135] is the man[G435]; and[G1161] the head[G2776] of Christ[G5547] is God[G2316].

4. Every[G3956] man[G435] praying[G4336] or[G2228] prophesying[G4395], having[G2192] his head[G2776] covered[G2596], dishonoreth[G2617] his[G846] head[G2776].

5. But[G1161] every[G3956] woman[G1135] praying[G4336] or[G2228] prophesying[G4395] with[G2776] her head[G2776] unveiled[G177] dishonoreth[G2617] her[G1438] head[G2776]; for[G1063] it is[G2076] one and[G2532] the same thing[G1520] as if[G3587] she[G846] were shaven[G3587].

6. For[G1063] if[G1487] a woman[G1135] is[G2619] not[G3756] veiled[G2619], let her[G2751] also[G2532] be shorn[G2751]: but[G1161] if[G1487] it is a shame[G150] to a woman[G1135] to be shorn[G2751] or[G2228] shaven[G3587], let her be veiled[G2619].

7. For[G1063] a man[G435] indeed[G3303] ought[G3784] not[G3756] to have his head[G2776] veiled[G2619], forasmuch as he is[G5225] the image[G1504] and[G2532] glory[G1391] of God[G2316]: but[G1161] the woman[G1135] is[G2076] the glory[G1391] of the man[G435].

8. For[G1063] the man[G435] is[G2076] not[G3756] of[G1537] the woman[G1135]; but[G235] the woman[G1135] of[G1537] the man[G435]:

9. for[G2532] neither[G3756] was[G2936] the man[G435] created[G2936] for[G1223] the woman[G1135]; but[G235] the woman[G1135] for[G1223] the man[G435]:

10. for[G1223] this cause[G5124] ought[G3784] the woman[G1135] to have[G2192] a sign of authority[G1849] on[G1909] her head[G2776], because of[G1223] the angels[G32].

11. Nevertheless[G4133], neither[G3777] is the woman[G1135] without[G5565] the man[G435], nor[G3777] the man[G435] without[G5565] the woman[G1135], in[G1722] the Lord[G2962].

12. For[G1063] as[G5618] the woman[G1135] is of[G1537] the man[G435], so[G3779] is the man[G435] also[G2532] by[G1223] the woman[G1135]; but[G1161] all things[G3956] are of[G1537] God[G2316].

13. Judge[G2919] ye in[G1722] yourselves[G846]: is it[G2076] seemly[G4241] that a woman[G1135] pray[G4336] unto God[G2316] unveiled[G177]?

14. Doth[G2228] not[G3761] even[G3303] nature[G5449] itself[G846] teach[G1321] you[G5209], that[G3754], if[G1437] a man[G435] have long hair[G2863], it is[G2076] a dishonor[G819] to him[G3778]?

15. But[G1161] if[G1437] a woman[G1135] have long hair[G2863], it is[G2076] a glory[G1391] to her[G846]: for[G3754] her hair[G2864] is given[G1325] her[G846] for[G473] a covering[G4018].

16. But[G1161] if[G1487] any man[G5100] seemeth[G1380] to be[G1511] contentious[G5380], we[G2249] have[G2192] no[G3756] such[G5108] custom[G4914], neither[G3761] the churches[G1577] of God[G2316].

17. But[G1161] in giving you this[G5124] charge[G3853], I praise[G1867] you not[G3756], that[G3754] ye come together[G4905] not[G3756] for[G1519] the better[G2909] but[G235] for[G1519] the worse[G2276].

18. For[G1063] first of all[G4412], when[G3303] ye[G5216] come together[G4905] in[G1722] the church[G1577], I hear[G191] that divisions[G4978] exist[G5225] among[G1722] you[G5213]; and[G2532] I[G4100] partly[G3313] believe[G4100] it[G5100].

19. For[G1063] there[G1511] must[G1163] be[G1511] also[G2532] factions[G139] among[G1722] you[G5213], that[G2443] they that[G3588] are approved[G1384] may be made[G1096] manifest[G5318] among[G1722] you[G5213].

20. When therefore[G3767] ye[G5216] assemble yourselves together[G4905], [G1909, 846] it is[G2076] not[G3756] possible to eat[G5315] the Lord[G2960]'s supper[G1173]:

21. for[G1063] in[G1722] your eating[G5315] each one[G1538] taketh before[G4301] other his own[G2398] supper[G1173]; and[G2532] one[G3739, Ezekiel3] is hungry[G3983], and[G1161] another[G3739] is drunken[G3184].

22. What[G3361], have ye[G2192] not[G3756] houses[G3614] to[G1519] eat[G2068] and[G2532] to drink in[G4095]? or[G2228] despise ye[G2706] the church[G1577] of God[G2316], and[G2532] put them[G3588] to shame[G2617] that have[G2192] not[G3361]? What[G5101] shall I say[G2036] to you[G5213]? shall I praise[G1867] you[G5209]? In[G1722] this[G5129] I praise[G1867] you not[G3756].

23. For[G1063] I[G1473] received[G3880] of[G575] the Lord[G2962] that which[G3739] also[G2532] I delivered[G3860] unto you[G5213], that[G3754] the Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424] in the night[G3571] in[G1722] which[G3739] he was betrayed[G3860] took[G2983] bread[G740];

24. and[G2532] when he had given thanks[G2168], he brake[G2806] it[G2532], and said[G2036], [G2983, 5315] This[G5124] is[G2076] my[G3450] body[G4983], which is[G2806] for[G5228] you[G5216]: this[G5124] do[G4160] in[G1519] remembrance[G364] of me[G1699].

25. In like manner[G5615] also[G2532] the cup[G4221], after[G3326] supper[G1172], saying[G3004], This[G5124] cup[G4221] is[G2076] the new[G2537] covenant[G1242] in[G1722] my[G1699] blood[G129]: this[G5124] do[G4160], as often[G3740] as ye drink[G4095, Leviticus2] it[G1519], in remembrance[G364] of me[G1699].

26. For[G1063] as often as[G3740] ye eat[G2068, Leviticus2] this[G5126] bread[G740], and[G2532] drink[G4095] the[G5124] cup[G4221], ye proclaim[G2605] the Lord[G2962]'s death[G2288] till[G891, Leviticus2] he come[G2064].

27. Wherefore[G5620] whosoever[G3739, Leviticus2] shall eat[G2068] the[G5126] bread[G740] or[G2228] drink[G4095] the cup[G4221] of the Lord[G2962] in an unworthy[G371] manner[G2071], shall be guilty of[G1777] the body[G4983] and[G2532] the blood[G129] of the Lord[G2962].

28. But[G1161] let[G1381] a man[G444] prove[G1381] himself[G1438], and[G2532] so[G3779] let him eat[G2068] of[G1537] the bread[G740], and[G2532] drink[G4095] of[G1537] the cup[G4221].

29. For[G1063] he[G3588] that eateth[G2068] and[G2532] drinketh[G4095], [G371] eateth[G2068] and[G2532] drinketh[G4095] judgment[G2917] unto himself[G1438], if he discern[G1252] not[G3361] the[G2962] body[G4983].

30. For[G1223] this cause[G5124] many[G4183] among[G1722] you[G5213] are weak[G772] and[G2532] sickly[G732], and[G2532] not a few[G2425] sleep[G2837].

31. But[G1063] if[G1487] we discerned[G1252] ourselves[G1438], we should[G2919] not[G3756, Leviticus2] be judged[G1252].

32. But[G1161] when we are judged[G2919], we are chastened[G3811] of[G5259] the Lord[G2962], that[G2443] we may[G2632] not[G3361] be condemned[G2632] with[G4862] the world[G2889].

33. Wherefore[G5620], my[G3450] brethren[G80], when ye come together[G4905] to[G1519] eat[G5315], wait one[G1551] for another[G240].

34. [G1161] If[G1487] any man[G5100] is hungry[G3983], let him eat[G2068] at[G1722] home[G3624]; that[G2443] your coming[G4905] together[G4905] be not[G3361] unto[G1519] judgment[G2917]. And[G1161] the rest[G3062] will I set in order[G1299] whensoever[G5613, Leviticus2] I come[G2064].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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