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ASV_Strong : 1 Corinthians 10


1. For[G1161] I would[G2309] not[G80], brethren, have[G3756] you[G5209] ignorant[G50], that[G3756] our[G2257] fathers[G3962] were[G2258] all[G3956] under[G5259] the cloud[G3507], and[G2532] all[G3956] passed[G1330] through[G1223] the sea[G2281];

2. and[G2532] were[G907] all[G3956] baptized[G907] unto[G1519] Moses[G3475] in[G1722] the cloud[G3507] and[G2532] in[G1722] the sea[G2281];

3. and[G2532] did[G5315] all[G3956] eat[G5315] the same[G846] spiritual[G4152] food[G1033];

4. and[G2532] did[G4095] all[G3956] drink[G4095] the same[G846] spiritual[G4152] drink[G4188]: for[G1063] they drank[G4095] of[G1537] a spiritual[G4152] rock[G4073] that followed them[G190]: and[G1161] the rock[G4073] was[G2258] Christ[G5547].

5. Howbeit[G235] with[G1722] most[G4119] of them[G846] God[G2316] was[G2106] not[G3756] well pleased[G2106]: for[G1063] they were overthrown[G2693] in[G1722] the wilderness[G2048].

6. Now[G1161] these things[G5023] were[G1096] our[G2257] examples[G5179], to the intent[G1519] we[G2248] should[G1511] not[G3361] lust after[G1938] evil things[G2556], as[G2531] they also[G2548] lusted[G1937].

7. Neither[G3366] be ye[G1096] idolaters[G1496], as[G2531] were some[G5100] of them[G846]; as[G5613] it is written[G1125], The people[G2992] sat down[G2523] to eat[G5315] and[G2532] drink[G4095], and[G2532] rose up[G450] to play[G3815].

8. Neither[G3366] let us commit fornication[G4203], as[G2531] some[G5100] of them[G846] committed[G4203], and[G2532] fell[G4098] in[G1722] one[G1520] day[G2250] three[G5140] and twenty[G1501] thousand[G5505].

9. Neither[G3366] let us make trial[G1598] of the Lord[G5547], as[G2531] some[G5100] of[G5259] them[G846, 2532] made trial[G3985], and[G2532] perished[G622] by the serpents[G3789].

10. Neither[G3366] murmur[G1111] ye[G2531], as some[G5100] of them[G846, 2532] murmured[G1111], and[G2532] perished[G622] by[G5259] the destroyer[G3644].

11. Now[G1161] these[G3956] things[G5023] happened[G4819] unto them[G1565] by way of example[G5179]; and[G1161] they were written[G1125] for[G4314] our[G2257] admonition[G3559], upon[G1519] whom[G3739] the ends[G5056] of the ages[G165] are come[G2658].

12. Wherefore[G5620] let him that thinketh[G1380] he standeth[G2476] take heed[G991] lest[G3361] he fall[G4098].

13. There hath[G2983] no[G3756] temptation[G3986] taken[G2983] you[G5209] but such[G1487] as man[G442] can bear[G1161]: but God[G2316] is[G3361] faithful[G4103], who[G3739] will[G1439] not[G3756] suffer[G1439] you[G5209] to be tempted[G3985] above[G5228] that[G3739] ye are able[G1410]; but[G235] will[G4160] with[G4862] the temptation[G3986] make[G4160] also[G2532] the way of escape[G1545], that ye[G5209] may be able[G1410] to endure it[G5297].

14. Wherefore[G1355], my[G3450] beloved[G27], flee[G5343] from[G575] idolatry[G1495].

15. I speak[G3004] as[G5613] to wise men[G5429]; judge[G2919] ye[G5210] what[G3739] I say[G5346].

16. The cup[G4221] of blessing[G2129] which[G3739] we bless[G2127], is it[G2076] not[G3780] a communion[G2842] of the blood[G129] of Christ[G5547]? The bread[G740] which[G3739] we break[G2806], is it[G2076] not[G3780] a communion[G2842] of the body[G4983] of Christ[G5547]?

17. seeing[G3754] that we[G2070], who are many[G4183], are[G3348] one[G1520] bread[G740], one[G1520] body[G4983]: for[G1063] we are[G3348] all[G3956] partake[G3348] of[G1537] the one[G1520] bread[G740].

18. Behold[G991] Israel[G2474] after[G2596] the flesh[G4561]: have[G1526] not[G3780] they[G3588] that eat[G2068] the sacrifices[G2378] communion[G2844] with the altar[G2379]?

19. What[G5101] say I[G5346] then[G3767]? that[G3754] a thing[G5100] sacrificed to idols[G1497] is[G2076] anything[G5100], or[G2228, 3754] that an idol is[G2076] anything[G5100]?

20. But[G235] I say[G3754], that the things[G3588] which[G3739] the Gentiles[G1484] sacrifice[G2380], they sacrifice[G2380] to demons[G1140], and[G2532] not[G3756] to God[G2316]: and[G1161] I would[G2309] not[G3756] that[G1096] ye[G5209] should have[G1096] communion[G2844] with demons[G1140].

21. Ye[G3756] cannot[G1410] drink[G4095] the cup[G4221] of the Lord[G2962], and[G2532] the cup[G4221] of demons[G1140]: ye[G3756] cannot[G1410] partake[G3348] of the table[G5132] of the Lord[G2962], and[G2532] of the table[G5132] of demons[G1140].

22. Or do we[G2070] provoke[G3863] the Lord[G2962] to jealousy[G3863]? are we[G2070] stronger[G2478] than he[G846]?

23. All things[G3956] are lawful[G1832]; [G3427] but[G235] not[G3756] all things[G3956] are[G4851] expedient[G4851]. All things[G3956] are lawful[G1832]; [G3427] but[G235] not[G3756] all things[G3956] edify[G3618].

24. Let no man[G3367] seek[G2212] his own[G1438], but[G235] each[G1538] his neighbor[G2087]'s good.

25. Whatsoever[G3956] is sold[G4453] in[G1722] the shambles[G3111], eat[G2068], asking[G350] no[G3367] question[G350] for[G1223] conscience[G4893]' sake,

26. for[G1063] the earth[G1093] is the Lord[G2962]'s, and[G2532] the fulness[G4138] thereof[G846].

27. If[G1487] one[G5100] of them[G3588] that believe not[G571] biddeth[G2564] you[G5209] to a feast[G2532], and ye are disposed[G2309] to go[G4198]; whatsoever[G3956] is set before[G3908] you[G5213], eat[G2068], asking[G350] no[G3367] question[G350] for[G1223] conscience[G4893]' sake.

28. But[G1161] if[G1437] any man[G5100] say[G2036] unto you[G5213], This[G5124] hath[G2076] been offered in sacrifice[G1494], eat[G2068] not[G3361], for[G1223] his sake[G4893] that[G1565] showed it[G3377], and[G2532] for[G1063] conscience sake[G4893]:

29. conscience[G4893], I say[G3004], not[G3780] thine own[G1438], but[G235] the other[G2087]'s; for[G1063, 2443] why[G2444] is my[G3450] liberty[G1657] judged[G2919] by[G5259] another[G243] conscience[G4893]?

30. [G1161] If[G1487] I[G1473] partake[G3348] with thankfulness[G5485], why[G5101] am I evil spoken of[G987] for[G5228] that for which[G3739] I[G1473] give thanks[G2168]?

31. Whether[G1535] therefore[G3767] ye eat[G2068], or[G1535] drink[G4095], or[G1535] whatsoever[G5100] ye do[G4160], do[G4160] all[G3956] to[G1519] the glory[G1391] of God[G2316].

32. Give[G1096] no occasions of stumbling[G677], either[G2532] to Jews[G2453], or[G2532] to Greeks[G1672], or[G2532] to the church[G1577] of God[G2316]:

33. even as[G2531] I[G2504] also please[G700] all[G3956] men in all[G3956] things[G3361], not seeking[G2212] mine own[G1683] profit[G4851], but[G235] the[G3588] profit of the many[G4183], that[G2443] they may be saved[G4982].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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