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ASV_Strong : Romans 2


1. Wherefore[G1352] thou art[G1488] without excuse[G379], O[G5599] man[G444], whosoever thou art[G3956] that judgest[G2919]: for[G1063] wherein[G1722, 3739] thou judges[G2919] another[G2087], thou condemnest[G2632] thyself[G4572]; for[G1063] thou[G846] that judgest[G2919] dost practise the same things[G4238].

2. And[G1161] we know[G1492] that[G3754] the judgment[G2917] of God[G2316] is[G2076] according to[G2596] truth[G225] against[G1909] them that practise[G4238] such things[G5108].

3. And[G1161] reckonest[G3049] thou this[G5124], O[G5599] man[G444], who judgest[G2919] them that practise[G4238] such things[G5108], and[G2532] doest[G4160] the same[G846], that[G3754] thou[G4771] shalt escape[G1628] the judgment[G2917] of God[G2316]?

4. Or[G2228] despisest[G2706] thou the riches[G4149] of his[G846] goodness[G5544] and[G2532] forbearance[G463] and[G2532] longsuffering[G3115], not knowing[G50] that[G3754] the goodness[G5543] of God[G2316] leadeth[G71] thee[G4571] to[G1519] repentance[G3341]?

5. but[G1161] after[G2596] thy[G4675] hardness[G4643] and[G2532] impenitent[G279] heart[G2588] treasurest up[G2343] for thyself[G4572] wrath[G3709] in[G1722] the day[G2250] of wrath[G3709] and[G2532] revelation[G602] of the righteous judgment[G1341] of God[G2316];

6. who[G3739] will render[G591] to every man[G1538] according to[G2596] his[G846] works[G2041]:

7. to them[G3588] that by[G2596] patience[G5281] in[G18] well-doing[G2041] seek for[G2212] glory[G1391] and[G2532] honor[G5092] and[G2532] incorruption[G861], eternal[G166] life[G2222]:

8. but[G1161] unto them[G3588] that are factious[G2052], and[G2532] obey[G544] not the truth[G225], but[G1161] obey[G3982] unrighteousness[G93], shall be wrath[G3709] and[G2532] indignation[G2372],

9. tribulation[G2347] and[G2532] anguish[G4730], upon[G1909] every[G3956] soul[G5590] of man[G444] that worketh[G2716] evil[G2556], of the Jew[G2453] first[G4412], and[G5037] also[G2532] of the Greek[G1672];

10. but[G1161] glory[G2532] and honor[G5092] and[G2532] peace[G1515] to every man[G3956] that worketh[G2038] good[G18], to the Jew[G2453] first[G4412], and[G5037] also[G2532] to the Greek[G1672]:

11. for[G1063] there is[G2076] no[G3756] respect of persons[G4382] with[G3844] God[G2316].

12. For[G1063] as many as[G3745] have sinned[G264] without law[G460] shall[G622] also[G2532] perish[G622] without the law[G460]: and[G2532] as many as[G3745] have sinned[G264] under[G1722] the law[G3551] shall be judged[G2919] by[G1223] the law[G3551];

13. for[G1063] not[G3756] the hearers[G202] of the law[G3551] are just[G1342] before[G3844] God[G2316], but[G235] the doers[G4163] of the law[G3551] shall be justified[G1344]:

14. (for[G1063] when[G3752] Gentiles[G1484] that have[G2192] not[G3361] the law[G3551] do[G4160] by nature[G5449] the things[G3588] of the law[G3551], these[G3778], not[G3361] having[G2192] the law[G3551], are[G1526] the law[G3551] unto themselves[G1438];

15. in that[G3748] they show[G1731] the work[G2041] of the law[G3551] written[G1123] in[G1722] their[G846] hearts[G2588], their[G846] conscience[G4893] bearing witness[G4828] therewith[G2532], and their thoughts[G3053] one[G3342] with another[G240] accusing[G2723] or else[G2228, 2532] excusing them[G626]);

16. in[G1722] the day[G2250] when[G3753] God[G2316] shall judge[G2919] the secrets[G2927] of men[G444], according[G2596] to my[G3450] gospel[G2098], by[G1223] Jesus[G2424] Christ[G5547].

17. But[G1492] if thou[G4771] bearest the name[G2028] of a Jew[G2453], and[G2532] restest[G1879] upon the law[G3551], and[G2532] gloriest[G2744] in[G1722] God[G2316],

18. and[G2532] knowest[G1097] his will[G2307], and[G2532] approvest[G1381] the things that are excellent[G1308], being instructed[G2727] out of[G1537] the law[G3551],

19. and[G5037] art confident that[G3982] thou thyself[G4572] art[G1511] a guide[G3595] of the blind[G5185], a light[G5457] of them[G3588] that are in[G1722] darkness[G4655],

20. a corrector[G3810] of the foolish[G878], a teacher[G1320] of babes[G3516], having[G2192] in[G1722] the law[G3551] the form[G3446] of knowledge[G1108] and[G2532] of the truth[G225];

21. thou[G3588] therefore[G3767] that teachest[G1321] another[G2087], teachest thou[G1321] not[G3756] thyself[G4572]? thou that preachest[G2784] a man should not[G3361] steal[G2813], dost thou steal[G2813]?

22. thou that sayest[G3004] a man should not[G3361] commit adultery[G3431], dost thou commit adultery[G3431]? thou that abhorrest[G948] idols[G1497], dost thou rob temples[G2416]?

23. thou who[G3739] gloriest[G2744] in[G1722] the law[G3551], through[G1223] thy transgression[G3847] of the law[G3551] dishonorest thou[G818] God[G2316]?

24. For[G1063] the name[G3686] of God[G2316] is blasphemed[G987] among[G1722] the Gentiles[G1484] because[G1223] of you[G5209], even as[G2531] it is written[G1125].

25. For[G1063] circumcision[G4061] indeed[G3303] profiteth[G5623], if[G1437] thou be a doer[G4238] of the law[G3551]: but[G1161] if[G1437] thou be[G1510] a transgressor[G3848] of the law[G3551], thy[G4675] circumcision[G4061] is become[G1096] uncircumcision[G203].

26. If[G1437] therefore[G3767] the uncircumcision[G203] keep[G5442] the ordinances[G1345] of the law[G3551], shall not[G3780] his[G846] uncircumcision[G203] be reckoned[G3049] for[G1519] circumcision[G4061]?

27. and[G2532] shall not[G2919] the uncircumcision[G203] which is by[G1537] nature[G5449], if it fulfil[G5055] the law[G3551], judge[G2919] thee[G4571], who[G3588] with[G1223] the letter[G1121] and[G2532] circumcision[G4061] art a transgressor[G3848] of the law[G3551]?

28. For[G1063] he[G3588] is[G2076] not[G3756] a Jew[G2453] who is one[G3588, 1722] outwardly[G5318]; neither[G3761] is that circumcision[G1722] which is outward[G5318] in[G1722] the flesh[G4561]:

29. but[G235] he[G3588] is a Jew[G2453] who is one[G3588, 1722] inwardly[G2927]; and[G2532] circumcision[G4061] is that of the heart[G2588], in[G1722] the spirit[G4151] not[G3756] in the letter[G1121]; whose[G3739] praise[G1868] is not[G3756] of[G1537] men[G444], but[G235] of[G1537] God[G2316].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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