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ASV_Strong : Acts 11


1. Now[G1161] the apostles[G652] and[G2532] the brethren[G80] that[G3588] were[G5607] in[G2596] Judaea[G2449] heard[G191] that[G3754] the Gentiles[G1484] also[G2532] had[G1209] received[G1209] the word[G3056] of God[G2316].

2. And[G2532] when[G3753] Peter[G4074] was come up[G305] to[G1519] Jerusalem[G2414], they that were[G3588] of[G1537] the circumcision[G4061] contended[G1252] with[G4314] him[G846],

3. saying[G3754], Thou wentest in[G1525] to[G4314] men[G435, 2192] uncircumcised[G203], and[G2532] didst eat with[G4906] them[G846].

4. But[G1161] Peter[G4074] began[G756], and expounded[G1620] the matter unto them[G846] in order[G2517], saying[G3004],

5. I[G1473] was[G2252] in[G1722] the city[G4172] of Joppa[G2445] praying[G4336]: and[G2532] in[G1722] a trance[G1611] I saw[G1492] a vision[G3705], a certain[G5100] vessel[G4632] descending[G2597], as it were[G5613] a great[G3173] sheet[G3607] let down[G2524] from[G1537] heaven[G3772] by four[G5064] corners[G746]; and[G2532] it came[G2064] even unto[G891] me[G1700]:

6. upon[G1519] which[G3739] when I had fastened mine eyes[G816], I considered[G2657], and[G2532] saw[G1492] the fourfooted beasts[G5074] of the earth[G1093] and[G2532] wild beasts[G2342] and[G2532] creeping things[G2062] and[G2532] birds[G4071] of the heaven[G3772].

7. And[G1161] I heard[G191] also a voice[G5456] saying[G3004] unto me[G3427], Rise[G450], Peter[G4074]; kill[G2380] and[G2532] eat[G5315].

8. But[G1161] I said[G2036], Not so[G3365], Lord[G2962]: for[G3754] nothing[G3956] common[G2839] or[G2228] unclean[G169] hath ever[G3763] entered[G1525] into[G1519] my[G3450] mouth[G4750].

9. But[G1161] a voice[G5456] answered[G611, 3427] the second time[G1208] out[G1537] of heaven[G3772], What[G3739] God[G2316] hath cleansed[G2511], make[G2840] not[G3361] thou[G4771] common[G1537].

10. And[G1161] this[G5124] was done[G1096, Esther9] thrice[G5151]: and[G2532] all[G537] were drawn up[G385] again[G3825] into[G1519] heaven[G3772].

11. And[G2532] behold[G2400], forthwith[G1824] three[G5140] men[G435] stood before[G2186] the[G1909] house[G3614] in[G1722] which[G3739] we were[G1510], having been sent[G649] from[G575] Caesarea[G2542] unto[G4314] me[G3165].

12. And[G1161] the Spirit[G4151] bade[G2036] me[G3427] go with[G4905] them[G846], making no[G3367] distinction[G1252]. And[G1161] these[G3778] six[G1803] brethren[G80] also[G2532] accompanied[G2064, 4862] me[G1698]; and[G2532] we entered[G1525] into[G1519] the man[G435]'s house[G3624]:

13. and[G5037] he told[G518] us[G2254] how[G4459] he had seen[G1492] the angel[G32] standing[G2476] in[G1722] his[G846] house[G3624], and[G2532] saying[G2036], [G846] Send[G649, 435] to[G1519] Joppa[G2445], and[G2532] fetch[G3343] Simon[G4613], whose surname is[G1941] Peter[G4074];

14. who[G3739] shall speak[G2980] unto[G4314] thee[G4571] words[G1722], whereby[G3739] thou[G4771] shalt be saved[G4982], thou and[G2532] all[G3956] thy[G4675] house[G3624].

15. And[G1161] as[G1722] I[G3165] began[G756] to speak[G2980], the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151] fell[G1968] on[G1909] them[G846], even[G2532] as[G5618] on[G1909] us[G2248] at[G1722] the beginning[G746].

16. And[G1161] I[G3415] remembered the word[G4487] of the Lord[G2962], how he[G5613] said[G3004], John[G2491] indeed[G3303] baptized[G907] with water[G5204]; but[G1161] ye[G5210] shall be baptized[G907] in[G1722] the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151].

17. If[G1487] then[G3767, 5613] God[G2316] gave[G1325] unto them[G846] the like[G2470] gift[G1431] as[G2532] he did also unto us[G2254], when we believed[G4100] on[G1909] the Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424] Christ[G1161], who[G5101] was[G2252] I[G1473], that I could[G1415] withstand[G2967] God[G2316]?

18. And when[G1161] they heard[G191] these things[G5023], they held their peace[G2270], and[G2532] glorified[G1392] God[G2316], saying[G3004], Then[G686] to the Gentiles[G1484] also[G2532] hath[G1325] God[G2316] granted[G1325] repentance[G3341] unto[G1519] life[G2222].

19. They therefore[G3767, Ezekiel3] that were scattered abroad[G1289] upon[G575] the tribulation[G2347] that arose[G1096] about[G1909] Stephen[G4736] travelled[G1330] as far as[G2193] Phoenicia[G5403], and[G2532] Cyprus[G2954], and[G2532] Antioch[G490], speaking[G2980] the word[G3056] to none[G3367] save[G1508] only[G3440] to Jews[G2453].

20. But[G1161] there were[G2258] some[G5100] of[G1537] them[G846], men[G435] of Cyprus[G2953] and[G2532] Cyrene[G2956], who[G3748], when they were come[G1525] to[G1519] Antioch[G490], spake[G2980] unto[G4314] the Greeks[G1675] also[G2097], preaching the Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424].

21. And[G2532] the hand[G5495] of the Lord[G2962] was[G2258] with[G3326] them[G846]: and[G5037] a great[G4183] number[G706] that believed[G4100] turned[G1994] unto[G1909] the Lord[G2962].

22. And[G1161] the report[G3056] concerning[G4012] them[G846] came[G191] to[G1519] the ears[G3775] of the church[G1577] which was[G3588] in[G1722] Jerusalem[G2414]: and[G2532] they sent forth[G1821] Barnabas[G921] as[G2193] far as[G2193] Antioch[G490]:

23. who[G3739], when he was come[G3854], and[G2532] had seen[G1492] the grace[G5485] of God[G2316], was glad[G5463]; and[G2532] he exhorted[G3870] them all[G3956], that with purpose[G4286] of heart[G2588] they would cleave[G4357] unto the Lord[G2962]:

24. for[G3754] he was[G2258] a good[G18] man[G435], and[G2532] full[G4134] of the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151] and[G2532] of faith[G4102]: and[G2532] much[G2425] people[G3793] was added[G4369] unto the Lord[G2962].

25. And[G1161] he[G921] went forth[G1831] to[G1519] Tarsus[G5019] to seek[G327] for Saul[G4569];

26. and[G2532] when he had found[G2147] him[G846], he brought[G71] him[G846] unto[G1519] Antioch[G490]. And[G1161] it came to pass[G1096], that even for a whole[G3650] year[G1763] they were gathered[G4863] together[G846] with[G1722] the church[G1577], and[G2532] taught[G1321] much[G2425] people[G3793], and[G5037] that the disciples[G3101] were called[G5537] Christians[G5546] first[G4412] in[G1722] Antioch[G490].

27. Now[G1161] in[G1722] these[G3778] days[G2250] there came[G2718] down prophets[G4396] from[G575] Jerusalem[G2414] unto[G1519] Antioch[G490].

28. And[G1161] there stood up[G450] one[G1520] of[G1537] them[G846] named[G3686] Agabus[G13], and signified[G4591] by[G1223] the Spirit[G4151] that there should[G3195] be[G2071] a[G2532] great[G3173] famine[G3042] over[G1909] all[G3650] the world[G3625]: which[G3748] came to pass[G1096] in[G1909] the days of[G2541] Claudius[G2804].

29. And[G1161] the disciples[G3101], every[G1538] man[G5100] according to[G2531] his[G846] ability[G2141], determined[G3724] to send[G3992] relief[G1248] unto[G1519] the brethren[G80] that[G3588] dwelt[G2730] in[G1722] Judea[G2449]:

30. which[G3739] also[G2532] they did[G4160], sending it[G649] to[G4314] the elders[G4245] by[G1223] the hand[G5495] of Barnabas[G921] and[G2532] Saul[G4569].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

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