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ASV_Strong : Acts 10


1. Now there[G1161] was[G2258] a certain[G5100] man[G435] in[G1722] Caesarea[G2542], Cornelius[G2883] by name[G3686], a centurion[G1543] of[G1537] the band[G4686] called[G2564] the Italian band[G2483],

2. a devout[G2152] man[G2532], and one that feared[G5399] God[G2316] with[G4862] all[G3956] his[G846] house[G3624], who[G5037] gave[G4160] much[G4183] alms[G1654] to the people[G2992], and[G2532] prayed[G1189] to God[G2316] always[G1275].

3. He saw[G1492] in[G1722] a vision[G3705] openly[G5320], as it were about[G5616] the ninth[G1766] hour[G5610] of the day[G2250], an angel[G32] of God[G2316] coming in[G1525] unto him[G846], and[G2532] saying[G2036] to[G4314] him[G846], Cornelius[G2883].

4. And[G1161] he[G816], fastening his eyes upon him[G846], and[G2532] being[G1096] affrighted[G1719], said[G2036], What[G5101] is it[G2076], Lord[G2962]? And[G1161] he said[G2036] unto him[G846], Thy[G4675] prayers[G4335] and[G2532] thine[G4675] alms[G1654] are gone up[G305] for[G1519] a memorial[G3422] before[G1799] God[G2316].

5. And[G2532] now[G3568] send[G3992] men[G435] to[G1519] Joppa[G2445], and[G2532] fetch[G3343] one Simon[G4613], who[G3739] is[G1941] surnamed Peter[G4074]:

6. he[G3778] lodgeth[G3579] with[G3844] one[G5100] Simon[G4613] a tanner[G1038], whose[G3739] house[G3614] is[G2076] by[G3844] the sea side[G2281].

7. And[G1161] when[G5613] the angel[G32] that[G3588] spake[G2980] unto him[G2883] was departed[G565], he called[G5455] two[G1417] of his[G846] household-servants[G3610], and[G2532] a devout[G2152] soldier[G4757] of them[G3588] that waited[G4342] on him[G846] continually[G4342];

8. and[G2532] having rehearsed[G1834] all[G537] things[G537] unto them[G846], he sent[G649] them[G846] to[G1519] Joppa[G2445].

9. Now on[G1161] the morrow[G1887], as[G1565] they were on their journey[G3596], and[G2532] drew nigh[G1448] unto the city[G4172], Peter[G4074] went up[G305] upon[G1909] the housetop[G1430] to pray[G4336], about[G4012] the sixth[G1623] hour[G5610]:

10. and[G1161] he became[G1096] hungry[G4361], and[G2532] desired[G2309] to eat[G1089]: but[G1161] while they[G1565] made ready[G3903], he[G846] fell[G1968] into[G1909] a trance[G1611];

11. and[G2532] he beholdeth[G2334] the heaven[G3772] opened[G455], and[G2532] a certain[G5100] vessel[G4632] descending[G2597], [G1909, 846] as[G5613] it were a great[G3173] sheet[G3607], [G2532] let down[G2524] by[G1210] four[G5064] corners[G746] upon[G1909] the earth[G1093]:

12. wherein[G3739] were[G5225] all manner of[G3956] fourfooted beasts[G5074] and[G2532] creeping things[G2062] of the earth[G1093] and[G2532] birds[G4071] of the heaven[G3772].

13. And[G2532] there came[G1096] a voice[G5456] to[G4314] him[G846], Rise[G450], Peter[G4074]; kill[G2380] and[G2532] eat[G5315].

14. But[G1161] Peter[G4074] said[G2036], Not so[G3365], Lord[G2962]; for[G3754] I have[G5315] never[G3763] eaten[G5315] anything[G3956] that is common[G2839] and[G2228] unclean[G169].

15. And[G2532] a voice[G5456] came unto[G4314] him[G846] again[G3825, 1537] the second time[G1208], What[G3739] God[G2316] hath cleansed[G2511], make[G2840] not[G3361] thou[G4771] common[G2840].

16. And this[G5124] was done[G1096, Esther9] thrice[G5151]: and[G2532] straightway the vessel[G4632] was received up[G353, 3825] into[G1519] heaven[G3772].

17. Now[G1161] while[G5613] Peter[G4074] was much perplexed[G1280] in[G1722] himself[G1438] what[G5101, Leviticus2] the vision[G3705] which[G3739] he had seen[G1492] might mean[G1498], behold[G2400], the men[G435] that[G3588] were sent[G649] by[G575] Cornelius[G2883], having made inquiry[G1331] for Simon[G4613]'s house[G3614], [G2532] stood[G2186] before[G1909] the gate[G4440],

18. and[G2532] called[G5455] and asked[G4441] whether[G1487] Simon[G4613], who[G3588] was surnamed[G1941] Peter[G4074], were lodging[G3579] there[G1759].

19. And while[G1161] Peter[G4074] thought[G1760] on[G4012] the vision[G3705], the Spirit[G4151] said unto[G2036] him[G846], Behold[G2400], three[G5140] men[G435] seek[G2212] thee[G4571].

20. But[G235] arise[G450], and get thee down[G2597], and[G2532] go[G4198] with[G4862] them[G846], nothing[G3367] doubting[G1252]: for[G1360] I[G1473] have sent[G649] them[G846].

21. And[G1161] Peter[G4074] went down[G2597] to[G4314] the men[G435], and said[G2036], Behold[G2400], I[G1473] am[G1510] he whom[G3739] ye seek[G2212]: what[G5101] is the cause[G156] wherefore[G1223] ye[G3739] are come[G3918]?

22. And[G1161] they said[G2036], Cornelius[G2883] a centurion[G1543], a righteous[G1342] man[G435] and[G2532] one that feareth[G5399] God[G2316], and[G5037] well reported[G3140] of by[G5259] all[G3650] the nation[G1484] of the Jews[G2453], was warned of God[G5537] by[G5259] a holy[G40] angel[G32] to send for[G3343] thee[G4571] into[G1519] his[G846] house[G3624], and[G2532] to hear[G191] words[G4487] from[G3844] thee[G4675].

23. So he[G1528] called them[G846] in[G1528] and lodged[G3579] them[G846]. And[G1161] on the morrow[G1887] he[G1528] arose and[G2532] went forth with[G4862] them[G846], and[G2532] certain[G5100] of the brethren[G80] from[G575] Joppa[G2445] accompanied[G4905] him[G846].

24. And[G2532] on the morrow[G1887] they entered[G1525] into[G1519] Caesarea[G2542]. And[G1161] Cornelius[G2883] was waiting for[G4328] them[G846], having[G2258] called together[G4779] his[G846] kinsmen[G4773] and[G2532] his near[G316] friends[G5384].

25. And[G1161] when it came to pass[G5613] that Peter[G4074, Genesis96] entered[G1525], Cornelius[G2883] met[G4876] him[G846], and fell down[G4098] at[G1909] his feet[G4228], and worshipped him[G4352].

26. But[G1161] Peter[G4074] raised[G1453] him[G846] up[G1453], saying[G3004], Stand up[G450]; I[G2504] myself[G846] also[G2504] am[G1510] a man[G444].

27. And[G2532] as he talked with[G4926] him[G846], he went in[G1525], and[G2532] findeth[G2147] many[G4183] come together[G4905]:

28. and[G5037] he said[G5346] unto[G4314] them[G846], Ye[G5210] yourselves know[G1987] how[G5613] it is an unlawful thing[G111] for a man[G435] that is[G2076] a Jew[G2453] to join himself or[G2228] come unto[G4334] one of another nation[G246]; and yet[G2532] unto[G4334] me[G1698] hath God[G2316] showed[G1166] that[G1166] I should[G3004] not[G3367] call[G3004] any man[G444] common[G2839] or[G2228] unclean[G169]:

29. wherefore[G1352] also[G2532] I[G2064] came without gainsaying[G369], when I was sent for[G3343]. I ask[G4441] therefore[G3767] with what[G5101] intent[G3056] ye sent for[G3343] me[G3165].

30. And[G2532] Cornelius[G2883] said[G5346], Four[G5067] days[G2250] ago[G575], until[G3360] this[G3778] hour[G5610], I was[G2252] keeping[G3522] the ninth[G1766] hour[G5610] of prayer[G4336] in[G1722] my[G3450] house[G3624]; and[G2532] behold[G2400], a man[G435] stood[G2476] before[G1799] me[G3450] in[G1722] bright[G2986] apparel[G2066],

31. and[G2532] saith[G5346], Cornelius[G2883], thy[G4675] prayer[G4335] is heard[G1522], and[G2532] thine[G4675] alms[G1654] are had in remembrance[G3415] in the sight of[G1799] God[G2316].

32. Send[G3992] therefore[G3767] to[G1519] Joppa[G2445], and[G2532] call unto thee[G3333] Simon[G4613], who[G3739] is[G1941] surnamed Peter[G4074]; he[G3778] lodgeth[G3579] in[G1722] the house[G3614] of[G4613] Simon[G4613] a tanner[G1038], by[G3844] the sea side[G2281].

33. Forthwith[G1824] therefore[G3767] I sent[G3992] to[G4314] thee[G4571]; and[G5037] thou[G4771] hast[G4160] well[G2573] done[G4160] that thou[G4771] art come[G3854]. Now[G3568] therefore[G3767] we[G2249] are all[G3956] here present[G3918] in the sight[G1799] of God[G2316], to hear[G191] all things[G3956] that[G3588] have been commanded[G4367] thee[G4671] of the Lord[G5259].

34. And[G1161] Peter[G4074] opened[G455] his mouth[G4750] and said[G2036], Of[G1909] a truth[G225] I perceive[G2638] that[G3754] God[G2316] is[G2076] no[G3756] respecter of persons[G4381]:

35. but[G235] in[G1722] every[G3956] nation[G1484] he[G3588] that feareth[G5399] him[G846], and[G2532] worketh[G2038] righteousness[G1343], is[G2076] acceptable[G1184] to him[G846].

36. The word[G3056] which[G3739] he sent[G649] unto the children[G5207] of Israel[G2474], preaching[G2097] good tidings of peace[G1515] by[G1223] Jesus[G2424] Christ[G5547] (He[G3778] is[G2076] Lord[G2962] of all[G3956].) —

37. that saying[G4487] ye[G5210] yourselves know[G1492], which was published[G1096] throughout[G2596] all[G3650] Judaea[G2449], beginning[G756] from[G575] Galilee[G1056], after[G3326] the baptism[G908] which[G3739] John[G2491] preached[G2784];

38. even Jesus[G2424] of[G575] Nazareth[G3478], how[G5613] God[G2316] anointed[G5548] him[G846] with the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151] and[G2532] with power[G1411]: who[G3739] went about[G1330] doing good[G2109], and[G2532] healing[G2390] all[G3956] that[G3588] were oppressed[G2616] of[G5259] the devil[G1228]; for[G3754] God[G2316] was[G2258] with[G3326] him[G846].

39. And[G2532] we[G2249] are[G2070] witnesses[G3144] of all things[G3956] which[G3739] he did[G4160] both[G5037] in[G1722] the country[G5561] of the Jews[G2453], and[G2532] in[G1722] Jerusalem[G2419]; whom[G3739] also they slew[G337], hanging[G2910] him on[G1909] a tree[G3586].

40. Him[G5126] God[G2316] raised up[G1453] the third[G5154] day[G2250], and[G2532] gave[G1325] him[G846] to be made[G1096] manifest[G1717],

41. not[G3756] to all[G3956] the people[G2992], but[G235] unto witnesses[G3144] that were chosen before[G4401] of[G5259] God[G2316], even to us[G2254], who[G3748] ate[G4906] and[G2532] drank with[G4844] him[G846] after[G3326] he[G846] rose[G450] from[G1537] the dead[G3498].

42. And[G2532] he charged[G3853] us[G2254] to preach[G2784] unto the people[G2992], and[G2532] to testify[G1263] that[G3754] this is[G2076] he who[G3588] is[G2076] ordained[G3724] of[G5259] God[G2316] to be the Judge[G2923] of[G5259] the living and[G2532] the dead[G3498].

43. To him[G5129] bear[G3140] all[G3956] the prophets[G4396] witness[G3140], that through[G1223] his[G846] name[G3686] every one[G3956] that believeth[G4100] on[G1519] him[G846] shall receive[G2983] remission[G859] of sins[G266].

44. While Peter[G4074] yet[G2089] spake[G2980] these[G5023] words[G4487], the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151] fell[G1968] on[G1909] all[G3956] them[G3588] that heard[G191] the word[G3056].

45. And[G2532] they[G3588] of[G1537] the circumcision[G4061] that believed[G4103] were amazed[G1839], as many as[G3745] came[G4905] with Peter[G4074], because that[G3754] on[G1909] the Gentiles[G1484] also[G2532] was poured out[G1632] the gift[G1431] of the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151].

46. For[G1063] they heard[G191] them[G846] speak[G2980] with tongues[G1100], and[G2532] magnify[G3170] God[G2316]. Then[G5119] answered[G611] Peter[G4074],

47. Can[G1410] any man[G5100] forbid[G2967, 3385] the water[G5204], that[G2967] these[G5128] should[G907] not[G3361] be baptized[G907], who[G3748] have received[G2983] the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151] as well[G2531] as[G2532] we[G2249]?

48. And[G5037] he commanded[G4367] them[G846] to be baptized[G907] in[G1722] the name[G3686] of Jesus Christ[G2962]. Then[G5119] prayed they[G2065] him[G846] to tarry[G1961] certain[G5100] days[G2250].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

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