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ASV_Strong : Mark 12


1. And[G2532] he began[G756] to speak[G3004] unto them[G846] in[G1722] parables[G3850]. A man[G444] planted[G5452] a vineyard[G290], and[G2532] set[G4060] a hedge about[G5418] it[G2532], and digged[G3736] a pit for the winepress[G5276], and[G2532] built[G3618] a tower[G4444], and[G2532] let[G1554] it[G846] out[G1554] to husbandmen[G1092], and[G2532] went into another country[G589].

2. And[G2532] at the season[G2540] he sent[G649] to[G4314] the husbandmen[G1092] a servant[G1401], that[G2443] he might receive[G2983] from[G3844] the husbandmen[G1092] of[G575] the fruits[G2590] of the vineyard[G290].

3. And[G1161] they took[G2983] him[G2532], and beat[G1194] him[G846], and sent[G649] him away[G649] empty[G2756].

4. And[G2532] again[G3825] he sent[G649] unto[G4314] them[G846] another[G243] servant[G1401]; and him[G2548] they[G3036] wounded[G2775] in the head[G2775], and[G2532, 649] handled[G821, 649] shamefully.

5. And[G2532] he sent[G649] another[G243]; and[G2532] him[G2548] they killed[G615]: and[G1161] many[G4183] others[G243]; beating[G1194] some[G3303], and[G1161] killing[G615] some[G3588].

6. He[G3767] had[G2192] yet[G2089] one[G1520], a[G846] beloved[G27] son[G5207]: he sent[G649] him[G846, 2532] last[G2078] unto[G4314] them[G846], saying[G3004], They will reverence[G1788] my[G3450] son[G3754].

7. But[G1161] those[G1565] husbandmen[G1092] said[G2036] among[G4314] themselves[G3754], This[G3778] is[G2076] the heir[G2818]; come[G1205], let us kill[G615] him[G846], and[G2532] the inheritance[G2817] shall be[G2071] ours[G2257].

8. And[G2532] they took[G2983] him[G846], and killed[G615] him[G846], and[G2532] cast[G1544] him forth out of[G1854] the vineyard[G290].

9. What[G5101] therefore[G3767] will[G2962] the lord[G2962] of the vineyard[G290] do[G4160]? he will come[G2064] and[G2532] destroy[G622] the husbandmen[G1092], and[G2532] will give[G1325] the vineyard[G290] unto others[G243].

10. Have ye[G314] not[G3761] read[G314] even this[G3778] scripture[G1124]: The stone[G3037] which[G3739] the builders[G3618] rejected[G593], The same was[G3778] made[G1096] the[G1519] head[G2776] of the corner[G1137];

11. This[G3778] was[G3844] from[G1096] the Lord[G2962], And[G2532] it is[G2076] marvellous[G2298] in[G1722] our[G2257] eyes[G3788]?

12. And[G2532] they sought[G2212] to lay hold[G2902] on him[G846]; and[G2532] they feared[G5399] the multitude[G3793]; for[G1063] they perceived[G1097] that[G3754] he spake[G2036] the parable[G3850] against[G4314] them[G846]: and they left[G863] him[G846], and[G2532] went away[G565].

13. And[G2532] they send[G649] unto[G4314] him[G846] certain[G5100] of the Pharisees[G5330] and[G2532] of the Herodians[G2265], that[G2443] they might catch[G64] him[G846] in[G3056] talk[G3056].

14. And when[G1161] they were come[G2064], they say[G3004] unto him[G846], Teacher[G1320], we know[G1492] that[G3754] thou art[G1488] true[G227], and[G2532, 3756] carest[G3199] not[G4671] for[G4012] any one[G3762]; for[G1063] thou regardest[G991] not[G3756, 1519] the person[G4383] of men[G444], but[G235] of a[G1519] truth[G225] teachest[G1321] the way[G3598] of God[G2316]: Is it lawful[G1832] to give[G1325] tribute[G2778] unto Caesar[G2541], or[G2228] not[G3756]?

15. Shall we give[G1325], or[G2228] shall we[G1325] not[G3361] give[G1325]? But[G1161] he[G3588], knowing[G1492] their[G846] hypocrisy[G5272], said[G2036] unto them[G846], Why[G5101] make ye[G3985] trial of me[G3427]? bring[G5342] me[G3165] a denarius[G1220], that[G2443] I may see it[G1492].

16. And[G1161] they brought[G5342] it[G2532]. And he saith[G3004] unto them[G846], Whose[G5101] is this[G3778] image[G1504] and[G2532] superscription[G1923]? And[G1161] they said[G2036] unto him[G846], Caesar[G2541]'s.

17. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] said[G2036] unto them[G846], Render[G591] unto Caesar[G2541] the things that are[G3588] Caesar[G2541]'s, and[G2532] unto God[G2316] the things that are[G3588] God[G2316]'s. And[G2532] they marvelled[G2296] greatly at[G1909] him[G846].

18. And[G2532] there come[G2064] unto[G4314] him[G846] Sadducees[G4523], who[G3748] say[G3004] that there is[G1511] no[G3361] resurrection[G386]; and[G2532] they asked[G1905] him[G846], saying[G3004],

19. Teacher[G1320], Moses[G3475] wrote[G1125] unto us[G3754], If[G1437] a man[G5100]'s brother[G80] die[G599], and[G2532] leave[G2641] a wife[G1135] behind him[G2532], and leave[G863] no[G3361] child[G5043], that[G2443] his[G846] brother[G80] should take[G2983] his[G846] wife[G1135], and[G2532] raise up[G1817] seed[G4690] unto his[G846] brother[G80].

20. There were[G2258] seven[G2033] brethren[G80]: and[G2532] the first[G4413] took[G2983] a wife[G1135], and[G2532] dying[G599] left[G863] no[G3756] seed[G4690];

21. and[G2532] the second[G1208] took[G2983] her[G846], and[G2532] died[G2532], leaving[G863] no[G3761] seed[G4690] behind him[G846]; and[G2532] the third[G5154] likewise[G5615]:

22. and[G2532] the seven[G2033] left[G863] no[G3756] seed[G4690]. Last[G2078] of all[G3956] the woman[G1135] also[G2532] died[G599].

23. In[G1722] the resurrection[G386, 3767] whose[G5101] wife[G1135] shall she be[G2071] of them[G846]? for[G1063] the seven[G2033] had[G2192] her[G846] to wife[G1135].

24. Jesus[G2424] said[G2036] unto[G611] them[G846], Is it not[G3756] for this cause[G5124] that ye[G4105] err[G4105], that ye[G4105] know[G1492] not[G3361] the scriptures[G1124], nor[G3366] the power[G1411] of God[G2316]?

25. For[G1063] when[G3752] they shall rise[G450] from[G1537] the dead[G3498], they[G1060] neither[G3777] marry[G1060], nor[G3777] are given in marriage[G1061]; but[G235] are[G1526] as[G5613] angels[G32] in[G1722] heaven[G3772].

26. But[G1161] as touching[G4012] the dead[G3498], that[G3754] they are raised[G1453]; have ye[G314] not[G3756] read[G314] in[G1722] the book[G976] of Moses[G3475], in the place[G1909] concerning the Bush[G942], how[G5613] God[G2316] spake[G2036] unto him[G846], saying[G3004], I[G1473] am the God[G2316] of Abraham[G11], and[G2532] the God[G2316] of Isaac[G2464], and[G2532] the God[G2316] of Jacob[G2384]?

27. He is[G2076] not[G3756] the God[G2316] of the dead[G3498], but[G235, 2316] of the living[G2198]: ye[G5210] do[G4105] greatly[G4183] err[G4105].

28. And[G2532] one[G1520] of the scribes[G1122] came[G4334], and heard[G191] them[G846] questioning together[G4802], and knowing[G1492] that[G3754] he had answered[G611] them[G846] well[G2573], asked[G1905] him[G846], What commandment[G1785] is[G2076] the first[G4413] of all[G3956]?

29. Jesus[G2424] answered[G611], The[G3754] first[G4413] is[G191], Hear, O Israel[G2474]; The Lord[G2962] our[G2257] God[G2316], the Lord[G2962] is[G2076] one[G1520]:

30. and[G2532] thou shalt love[G25] the Lord[G2962] thy[G4675] God[G2316] with[G1537] all[G3650] thy[G4675] heart[G2588], and[G2532] with[G1537] all[G3650] thy[G4675] soul[G5590], and[G2532] with[G1537] all[G3650] thy[G4675] mind[G1271], and[G2532] with[G1537] all[G3650] thy[G4675] strength[G2479].

31. The[G2532] second[G1208] is[G3664] this[G846], Thou shalt love[G25] thy[G4675] neighbor[G4139] as[G5613] thyself[G4572]. There is[G2076] none[G3756] other[G243] commandment[G1785] greater[G3187] than these[G3778].

32. And[G2532] the scribe[G1122] said[G2036] unto him[G846], Of a[G1909] truth[G225], Teacher[G1320], thou hast well[G2573] said[G2036] that[G3754] he[G2316] is[G2076] one[G1520]; and[G2532] there is[G2076] none[G3756] other[G243] but[G4133] he[G846]:

33. and[G2532] to love[G25] him[G846] with[G1537] all[G3650] the heart[G2588], and[G2532] with[G1537] all[G3650] the understanding[G4907], and[G2532] with[G1537] all[G3650] the strength[G2479], and[G2532] to love[G25] his neighbor[G4139] as[G5613] himself[G1438], is[G2076] much more[G4119] than all[G3956] whole burnt-offerings[G3646] and[G2532] sacrifices[G2378].

34. And[G2532] when Jesus[G2424] saw[G1492] that[G3754] he answered[G611] discreetly[G3562], he said[G2036] unto him[G846], Thou art[G1488] not[G3756] far[G3112] from[G575] the kingdom[G932] of God[G2316]. And[G2532] no man[G3762] after that[G3765] durst[G5111] ask[G1905] him[G846] any question[G846].

35. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] answered[G611] and said[G3004], as he taught[G1321] in[G1722] the temple[G2411], How[G4459] say[G3004] the scribes[G1122] that[G3754] the Christ[G5547] is[G2076] the son[G5207] of David[G1138]?

36. David[G1138] himself[G846] said[G2036] in[G1722] the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151], The Lord[G2962] said[G2036] unto my[G3450] Lord[G2962], Sit thou[G2521] on[G1537] my[G3450] right hand[G1188], Till[G2193] I[G302] make[G5087] thine[G4675] enemies[G2190] the footstool[G4228] of thy feet[G4675].

37. David[G1138] himself[G846, 3767] calleth[G3004] him[G846] Lord[G2962]; and[G2532] whence[G4159] is he[G2076] his[G846] son[G5207]? And[G2532] the common[G4183] people[G3793] heard[G191] him[G846] gladly[G2234].

38. And[G2532] in[G1722] his[G846] teaching[G1322] he said[G3004], Beware[G991] of[G575] the scribes[G1122], who[G3588] desire[G2309] to walk[G4043] in[G1722] long robes[G4749], and[G2532] to have salutations[G783] in[G1722] the marketplaces[G58],

39. and[G2532] chief seats[G4410] in[G1722] the synagogues[G4864], and[G2532] chief places[G4411] at[G1722] feasts[G1173]:

40. they that[G3588] devour[G2719] widows[G5503]' houses[G3614], and[G2532] for a pretence[G4392] make[G4336] long[G3117] prayers[G4336]; these[G3778] shall receive[G2983] greater[G4053] condemnation[G2917].

41. And[G2532] he[G2424] sat[G2523] down over against[G2713] the treasury[G1049], and beheld[G2334] how[G4459] the multitude[G3793] cast[G906] money[G5475] into[G1519] the treasury[G1049]: and[G2532] many[G4183] that were rich[G4145] cast[G906] in much[G4183].

42. And[G2532] there came[G2064] a[G1520] poor[G4434] widow[G5503], and she cast in[G906] two[G1417] mites[G3016], which[G3739] make[G2076] a farthing[G2835].

43. And[G2532] he called[G4341] unto him his[G846] disciples[G3101], and said[G3004] unto them[G846], Verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], [G3754] This[G3778] poor[G4434] widow[G5503] cast[G906] in[G906] more[G4119] than all[G3956] they that[G3588] are casting[G906] into[G1519] the treasury[G1049]:

44. for[G1063] they all[G3956] did cast in[G906] of[G1537] their[G846] superfluity[G4052]; but[G1161] she[G846] of[G1537] her[G846] want[G5304] did cast in[G906] all[G3956] that[G3745] she had[G2192], even all[G3650] her[G846] living[G3778].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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