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ASV_Strong : Matthew 15


1. Then[G5119] there come[G4334] to Jesus[G2424] from[G575] Jerusalem[G2414] Pharisees[G5330] and[G2532] scribes[G1122], saying[G3004],

2. Why[G5101] do[G3845] thy[G4675] disciples[G3101] transgress[G3845] the tradition[G3862] of the elders[G4245]? for[G1063] they wash[G3538] not[G3756] their[G846] hands[G5495] when[G3752] they eat[G2068] bread[G740].

3. And[G1161] he answered[G611] and said[G2036] unto them[G1223], Why[G5101] do[G3845] ye[G5210] also[G2532] transgress[G3845] the commandment[G1785] of God[G2316] because[G1223] of your[G5216] tradition[G3862]?

4. For[G1063] God[G2316] said[G1781], Honor[G5091] thy[G4675] father[G3962] and[G2532] thy[G4675] mother[G3384]: and[G2532], He that speaketh evil[G2551] of father[G3962] or[G2228] mother[G3384], let him die[G5053] the death[G2288].

5. But[G1161] ye[G5210] say[G3004], whosoever[G3739] shall[G302] say[G2036] to[G3962] his father[G3962] or[G2228] his mother[G3384], That[G3739] wherewith[G3739] thou mightest have been profited[G5623] by[G1537] me[G1700] is given to God[G1435];

6. he shall[G3361] not[G3756] honor[G5091] his[G846] father[G3962]. And[G2532] ye have made void[G208] the word of God[G2316] because of[G1223] your[G5216] tradition[G3862].

7. Ye hypocrites[G5273], well[G2573] did[G4395] Isaiah[G2268] prophesy[G4395] of[G4012] you[G5216], saying[G3004],

8. This[G3778] people[G2992] honoreth[G5091] me[G3427] with[G4750] their[G846] lips[G4750]; But[G1161] their[G846] heart[G2588] is[G568] far[G4206] from[G575] me[G1700].

9. But[G1161] in vain[G3155] do they worship[G4576] me[G3165], Teaching[G1321] as their doctrines[G1319] the precepts[G1778] of men[G444].

10. And[G2532] he called[G4341] to him the multitude[G3793], and said[G2036] unto them[G846], Hear[G191], and[G2532] understand[G4920]:

11. Not[G3756] that which entereth[G1525] into[G1519] the mouth[G4750] defileth[G2840] the man[G444]; but[G235] that which proceedeth out[G1607] of[G1537] the mouth[G4750], this[G5124] defileth[G2840] the man[G444].

12. Then[G5119] came[G4334] the[G846] disciples[G3101], and said[G2036] unto him[G846], Knowest thou[G1492] that[G3754] the Pharisees[G5330] were offended[G4624], when they heard[G191] this saying[G3056]?

13. But[G1161] he answered[G611] and said[G2036], Every[G3956] plant[G5451] which[G3739] my[G3450] heavenly[G3770] Father[G3962] planted[G5452] not[G3756], shall be rooted up[G1610].

14. Let[G863] them[G846] alone[G863]: they are[G1526] blind[G5185] guides[G3595]. And[G1161] if[G1437] the blind[G5185] guide[G3594] the blind[G5185], both[G297] shall fall[G4098] into[G1519] a pit[G999].

15. And[G1161] Peter[G4074] answered[G611] and said[G2036] unto him[G846], Declare[G5419] unto us[G2254] the[G3778] parable[G3850].

16. And[G1161] he[G2424] said[G2036], Are[G2075] ye[G5210] also[G2532] even yet[G188] without understanding[G801]?

17. Perceive[G3539] ye[G3539] not[G3768], that[G3754] whatsoever[G3956] goeth[G1531] into the[G1519] mouth[G4750] passeth[G5562] into[G1519] the belly[G2836], and[G2532] is cast out[G1544] into[G1519] the draught[G856]?

18. But[G1161] the things which proceed[G1607] out[G1537] of the mouth[G4750] come forth[G1831] out[G1537] of the heart[G2588]; and they[G2548] defile[G2840] the man[G444].

19. For[G1063] out[G1537] of the heart[G2588] come[G1831] forth evil[G4190] thoughts[G1261], murders[G5408], adulteries[G3430], fornications[G4202], thefts[G2829], false witness[G5577], railings[G988]:

20. these[G5023] are[G2076] the things which defile[G2840] the man[G444]; but[G1161] to eat[G5315] with[G5495] unwashen[G449] hands[G5495] defileth[G2840] not[G3756] the man[G444].

21. And Jesus[G2424] went[G1831] out[G402] thence[G1564], and[G2532] withdrew[G402] into[G1519] the parts of Tyre[G5184] and[G2532] Sidon[G4605].

22. And[G2532] behold[G2400], a Canaanitish[G5478] woman[G1135] came[G1831] out[G575] from[G3725] those[G1565] borders[G3725], and cried[G2905], saying[G3004], Have mercy[G1653] on me[G3165], O Lord[G2962], thou son[G5207] of David[G1138]; my[G3450] daughter[G2364] is[G1139] grievously[G2560] vexed with a demon[G1139].

23. But[G1161] he answered[G611] her[G846] not[G3756] a word[G3056]. And[G2532] his[G846] disciples[G3101] came[G4334] and besought[G2065] him[G846], saying[G3004], Send[G630] her[G846] away[G630]; for[G3754] she crieth[G2896] after[G3693] us[G2257].

24. But[G1161] he answered[G611] and said[G2036], I[G649] was[G649] not[G3756] sent[G649] but[G3361] unto[G1519] the lost[G622] sheep[G4263] of the house[G3624] of Israel[G2474].

25. But[G1161] she[G2064] came and worshipped[G4352] him[G846], saying[G3004], Lord[G2962], help[G997] me[G3427].

26. And[G1161] he answered[G611] and said[G2036], It is[G2076] not[G3756] meet[G2570] to take[G2983] the children[G5043]'s bread[G740] and[G2532] cast[G906] it to the dogs[G2952].

27. But[G1161] she said[G2036], Yea[G3483], Lord[G2532]: for[G1063] even the dogs[G2952] eat[G2068] of[G575] the crumbs[G5589] which fall[G4098] from[G575] their[G846] masters[G2962]' table[G5132].

28. Then[G5119] Jesus[G2424] answered[G611] and said[G2036] unto her[G846], O[G5599] woman[G1135], great[G3173] is thy[G4675] faith[G4102]: be it[G1096] done unto thee[G4671] even as[G5613] thou wilt[G2309]. And[G2532] her[G846] daughter[G2364] was healed[G2390] from[G575] that[G1565] hour[G5610].

29. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] departed[G3327] thence[G1564], and came[G2064] nigh[G3844] unto the sea[G2281] of Galilee[G1056]; and[G2532] he went up[G305] into[G1519] the mountain[G3735], and[G2532] sat there[G1563].

30. And[G2532] there came unto[G4334] him[G846] great[G4183] multitudes[G3793], having[G2192] with[G3326] them[G1438] the lame[G5560], blind[G5185], dumb[G2974], maimed[G2948], and[G2532] many[G4183] others[G2087], and[G2532] they cast[G4496] them[G846] down[G4496] at[G3844] his[G2424] feet[G4228]; and[G2532] he healed[G2323] them[G846]:

31. insomuch that[G5620] the multitude[G3793] wondered[G2296], when they saw[G991] the dumb[G2974] speaking[G2980], the maimed[G2948] whole[G5199], and lame[G5560] walking[G4043], and[G2532] the blind[G5185] seeing[G991]: and[G2532] they glorified[G1392] the God[G2316] of Israel[G2474].

32. And[G1161] Jesus[G2424] called[G4341] unto him his[G846] disciples[G3101], and said[G2036], I have compassion[G4697] on[G1909] the multitude[G3793], because[G3754] they continue with[G4357] me[G3427] now[G2235] three[G5140] days[G2250] and[G2532] have[G2192] nothing[G3756] to[G5101] eat[G5315]: and[G2532] I would[G2309] not[G3756] send[G630] them[G846] away[G630] fasting[G3523], lest[G3379] haply they faint[G1590] on[G1722] the way[G3598].

33. And[G2532] the[G846] disciples[G3101] say[G3004] unto him[G846], Whence[G4159] should we have[G2254] so many[G5118] loaves[G740] in[G1722] a desert[G2047] place as[G5620] to fill[G5526] so great[G5118] a multitude[G3793]?

34. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] said[G3004] unto them[G846], How many[G4214] loaves[G740] have ye[G2192]? And[G1161] they said[G2036], Seven[G2033], and[G2532] a few[G3641] small fishes[G2485].

35. And[G2532] he commanded[G2753] the multitude[G3793] to sit down[G377] on[G1909] the ground[G1093];

36. and[G2532] he took[G2983] the[G740] seven[G2033] loaves[G740] and[G2532] the fishes[G2486]; and he gave thanks[G2168] and brake[G2806], and[G2532] gave[G1325] to[G3101] the[G846] disciples[G3101], and[G1161] the disciples[G3101] to the multitudes[G3793].

37. And[G2532] they all[G3956] ate[G5315], and[G2532] were filled[G5526]: and[G2532] they took up[G142] that which remained[G4052] over of the broken[G2801] pieces[G2033], seven baskets[G4711] full[G4134].

38. And[G1161] they that did eat[G2068] were[G2258] four thousand[G5070] men[G435], besides[G5565] women[G1135] and[G2532] children[G3813].

39. And[G2532] he sent away[G630] the multitudes[G3793], and entered[G1684] into[G1519] the boat[G4143], and[G2532] came[G2064] into[G1519] the borders[G3725] of Magadan[G3093].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

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