Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code G3430 : moicheia/moy-khi'-ah


G3430 moicheia/moy-khi'-ah from 3431; adultery:--adultery. see G3431

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code G3430

M / Matthew 15.19 : For out of the heart come forth evil thoughts, murders, adulteries[G3430], fornications, thefts, false witness, railings:
M / Mark 7.21 : For from within, out of the heart of men, evil thoughts proceed, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries[G3430],
M / John 8.3 : And the scribes and the Pharisees bring a woman taken in adultery[G3430]; and having set her in the midst,
M / Galatians 5.19 : Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these[G3430]: fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

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