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ASV_Strong : Daniel 6


1. It pleased[H6925] Darius[H1868] to set[H6966] over[H5922] the kingdom[H4437] a hundred[H3969] and twenty[H6243] satraps[H324], who should be[H1934] throughout the whole[H3606] kingdom[H4437];

2. and over[H5924] them[H4481] three[H8532] presidents[H5632], of whom[H4481] Daniel[H1841] was one[H2298]; that[H459] these satraps[H324] might[H1934] give[H3052] account[H2941] unto them[H4430], and that the king should have[H1934] no[H3809] damage[H5142].

3. Then[H116] this[H1836] Daniel[H1841] was[H1934] distinguished[H5330] above[H5922] the presidents[H5632] and the satraps[H324], because[H3606] an excellent[H3493] spirit[H7308] was in him[H4430]; and the king thought[H6246] to set[H6966] him over[H5922] the whole[H3606] realm[H4437].

4. Then[H116] the presidents[H5632] and the satraps[H324] sought[H1934] to find[H7912] occasion[H5931] against Daniel[H1841] as touching[H6655] the kingdom[H4437]; but[H3606] they could[H3202] find[H7912] no[H3809] occasion[H5931] nor[H3809] fault[H7844], forasmuch[H6903] as he was faithful[H540], neither[H3809] was there any[H3606] error[H7960] or fault[H7844] found[H7912] in him[H5922].

5. Then[H116] said[H560] these[H479] men[H1400], We shall not[H3809] find[H7912] any[H3606] occasion[H5931] against[H5922] this[H1836] Daniel[H1841], except[H3861] we find[H7912] it against him concerning the law[H1882] of his God[H426].

6. Then[H116] these[H459] presidents[H5632] and satraps[H324] assembled together[H7284] to the king[H4430], and said[H560] thus[H3652] unto him[H5922], King[H4430] Darius[H1868], live[H2418] for ever[H5957].

7. All[H3606] the presidents[H5632] of the kingdom[H4437], the deputies[H5460] and the satraps[H324], the counsellors[H1907] and the governors[H6347], have consulted together[H3272] to establish[H6966] a royal[H4430] statute[H7010], and to make a strong[H8631] interdict[H633], that whosoever shall ask[H1156] a petition[H1159] of[H4481] any[H3606] god[H426] or man[H606] for[H5705] thirty[H8533] days[H3118], save[H3861] of thee[H4481], O king[H4430], he shall be cast[H7412] into the den[H1358] of lions[H744].

8. Now[H3705], O king[H4430], establish[H6966] the interdict[H633], and sign[H7560] the writing[H3792], that it be not[H3809] changed[H8133], according to the law[H1882] of the Medes[H4076] and Persians[H6540], which altereth[H5709] not[H3809].

9. Wherefore[H1836] king[H4430] Darius[H1868] signed[H7560] the writing[H3792] and the interdict[H633].

10. And when Daniel[H1841] knew[H3046] that the writing[H3792] was signed[H7560], he went[H5954] into his house[H1005] (now his windows[H3551] were open[H6606] in his chamber[H5952] toward[H5049] Jerusalem[H3390]) and he kneeled[H1289] upon[H5922] his knees[H1291] three[H8532] times[H2166] a day[H3118], and prayed[H6739], and gave thanks[H3029] before[H6925] his God[H426], as[H6903] he did[H1934] aforetime[H1836].

11. Then[H116] these[H479] men[H1400] assembled[H7284] together[H7912], and found Daniel[H1841] making petition[H1156] and supplication[H2604] before[H6925] his God[H426].

12. Then[H116] they came near[H7127], and spake[H560] before[H6925] the king[H4430] concerning[H5922] the king[H4430]'s interdict[H633]: Hast thou not[H3809] signed[H7560] an interdict[H633], that every[H3606] man[H606] that shall make[H1156] petition unto[H4481] any[H3606] god[H426] or man[H606] within[H5705] thirty[H8533] days[H3118], save[H3861] unto thee[H4481], O king[H4430], shall be cast[H7412] into the den[H1358] of lions[H744]? The king[H4430] answered[H6032] and said[H560], The thing[H4406] is true[H3330], according to the law[H1882] of the Medes[H4076] and Persians[H6540], which altereth[H5709] not[H3809].

13. Then[H116] answered[H6032] they and said[H560] before[H6925] the king[H4430], That Daniel[H1841], who is of[H4481] the children[H1123] of the captivity[H1547] of Judah[H3061], regardeth[H7761] not[H3809] thee[H5922], O king[H4430], nor the interdict[H633] that thou hast signed[H7560], but maketh[H1156] his petition[H1159] three[H8532] times[H2166] a day[H3118].

14. Then[H116] the king[H4430], when he heard[H8086] these words[H4406], was sore[H7690] displeased[H888], and set[H7761] his heart[H1079] on[H5922] Daniel[H1841] to deliver[H7804] him[H1934]; and he labored till[H5705] the going down[H4606] of the sun[H8122] to rescue him[H5338].

15. Then[H116] these[H479] men[H1400] assembled[H7284] together unto[H5922] the king[H4430], and said[H560] unto the king[H4430], Know[H3046], O king[H4430], that it is a law[H1882] of the Medes[H4076] and Persians[H6540], that no[H3606] interdict[H633] nor statute[H7010] which the king[H4430] establisheth[H6966] may be changed[H8133].

16. Then[H116] the king[H4430] commanded[H560], and they brought[H858] Daniel[H1841], and cast[H7412] him into the den[H1358] of lions[H744]. Now the king[H4430] spake[H6032] and said[H560] unto Daniel[H1841], Thy God[H426] whom thou[H607] servest[H6399] continually[H8411], he will deliver thee[H7804].

17. And a[H2298] stone[H69] was brought[H858], and laid[H7761] upon[H5922] the mouth[H6433] of the den[H1358]; and the king[H4430] sealed[H2857] it with his own signet[H5824], and with the signet[H5824] of his lords[H7261]; that nothing[H3809] might be changed[H8133] concerning[H6640] Daniel[H1841].

18. Then[H116] the king[H4430] went[H236] to his palace[H1965], and passed the night[H956] fasting[H2908]; neither[H3809] were instruments[H1761] of music brought[H5954] before[H6925] him[H8139]: and his sleep fled[H5075] from him[H5922].

19. Then[H116] the king[H4430] arose[H6966] very early[H8238] in the morning[H5053], and went[H236] in haste[H927] unto the den[H1358] of lions[H744].

20. And when he came[H7127] near unto the den[H1358] to Daniel[H1841], he cried[H2200] with a lamentable[H6088] voice[H7032]; the king[H4430] spake[H6032] and said[H560] to Daniel[H1841], O Daniel[H1841], servant[H5649] of the living[H2417] God[H426], is thy God[H426], whom thou servest[H6399] continually[H8411], able[H3202] to deliver[H7804] thee from[H4481] the lions[H744]?

21. Then[H116] said[H4449] Daniel[H1841] unto[H5974] the king[H4430], O king[H4430], live[H2418] for ever[H5957].

22. My God[H426] hath sent[H7972] his angel[H4398], and hath shut[H5463] the lions[H744]' mouths[H6433], and they have not[H3809] hurt[H2255] me[H3606]; forasmuch as before[H6925] him innocency[H2136] was found[H7912] in me[H638]; and also before[H6925] thee[H4430], O king, have I done[H5648] no[H3809] hurt[H2248].

23. Then[H116] was the king[H4430] exceeding[H7690] glad[H2868], and commanded[H560] that they should take[H5267] Daniel[H1841] up[H5267] out of[H4481] the den[H1358]. So Daniel[H1841] was taken up[H5267] out of[H4481] the den[H1358], and no[H3809] manner[H3606] of[H4481] hurt[H2257] was found[H7912] upon him[H540], because he had trusted in his God[H426].

24. And the king[H4430] commanded[H560], and they brought[H858] those[H479] men[H1400] that had accused[H399] Daniel[H1841], and they cast[H7412] them[H581] into the den[H1358] of lions[H744], them[H581], their children[H1123], and their wives[H5389]; and the lions[H744] had the mastery[H5705] of them[H1855], and brake all[H3606] their bones[H1635] in pieces[H1855], before they came[H4291] to the bottom[H773] of the den[H1358].

25. Then[H116] king[H4430] Darius[H1868] wrote[H3790] unto all[H3606] the peoples[H5972], nations[H524], and languages[H3961], that dwell[H1753] in all[H3606] the earth[H772]: Peace[H8001] be multiplied unto you[H7680].

26. I[H4481] make[H7761] a decree[H2942], that in[H4481] all the dominion[H7985] of my kingdom[H4437] men tremble[H1934] and fear[H1763] before[H4481] the God[H426] of Daniel[H1841]; for he is the living[H2417] God[H426], and stedfast[H7011] for ever[H5957], And his kingdom[H4437] that which shall not[H3809] be destroyed[H2255]; and his dominion[H7985] shall be even unto[H5705] the end[H5491].

27. He delivereth[H7804] and rescueth[H5338], and he worketh[H5648] signs[H852] and wonders[H8540] in heaven[H8065] and in earth[H772], who hath delivered[H7804] Daniel[H1841] from[H4481] the power[H3028] of the lions[H744].

28. So this[H1836] Daniel[H1841] prospered[H6744] in the reign[H4437] of Darius[H1868], and in the reign[H4437] of Cyrus[H3567] the Persian[H6543].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

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