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ASV_Strong : Daniel 5


1. Belshazzar[H1113] the king[H4430] made[H5648] a great[H7229] feast[H3900] to a thousand[H506] of his lords[H7261], and drank[H8355] wine[H2562] before[H6903] the thousand[H506].

2. Belshazzar[H1113], while he tasted[H2942] the wine[H2562], commanded[H560] to bring[H858] the golden[H1722] and silver[H3702] vessels[H3984] which Nebuchadnezzar[H5020] his father[H2] had taken[H5312] out of[H4481] the temple[H1965] which was in Jerusalem[H3390]; that the king[H4430] and his lords[H7261], his wives[H7695] and his concubines[H3904], might drink therefrom[H8355].

3. Then[H116] they brought[H858] the golden[H1722] vessels[H3984] that were taken[H5312] out of[H4481] the temple[H1965] of the house[H1005] of God[H426] which was at Jerusalem[H3390]; and the king[H4430] and his lords[H7261], his wives[H7695] and his concubines[H3904], drank from them[H8355].

4. They drank[H8355] wine[H2562], and praised[H7624] the gods[H426] of gold[H1722], and of silver[H3702], of brass[H5174], of iron[H6523], of wood[H636], and of stone[H69].

5. In the same hour[H8160] came forth[H5312] the fingers[H677] of a man[H606]'s hand[H3028], and wrote[H3790] over against[H6903] the candlestick[H5043] upon[H5922] the plaster[H1528] of the wall[H3797] of the king[H4430]'s palace[H1965]: and the king[H4430] saw[H2370] the part[H6447] of the hand[H3028] that wrote[H3790].

6. Then[H116] the king[H4430]'s countenance[H2122] was changed[H8133] in him[H7476], and his thoughts troubled[H927] him[H7001]; and the joints of his loins[H2783] were loosed[H8271], and his knees[H755] smote[H5368] one[H1668] against another[H1668].

7. The king[H4430] cried[H7123] aloud[H2429] to bring[H5954] in the enchanters[H826], the Chaldeans[H3779], and the soothsayers[H1505]. The king[H4430] spake[H6032] and said[H560] to the wise[H2445] men of Babylon[H895], Whosoever[H606] shall read[H7123] this[H1836] writing[H3792], and show[H2324] me the interpretation[H6591] thereof[H3848], shall be clothed with purple[H711], and have a chain[H2002] of gold[H1722] about[H5922] his neck[H6676], and shall be the third[H8523] ruler[H7981] in the kingdom[H4437].

8. Then[H116] came[H5954] in all[H3606] the king[H4430]'s wise[H2445] men[H3546]; but they could not[H3809] read[H7123] the writing[H3792], nor make known[H3046] to the king[H4430] the interpretation[H6591].

9. Then[H116] was king[H4430] Belshazzar[H1113] greatly[H7690] troubled[H927], and his countenance[H2122] was changed[H8133] in him[H5922], and his lords[H7261] were perplexed[H7672].

10. Now the queen[H4433] by reason[H6903] of the words[H4406] of the king[H4430] and his lords[H7261] came[H5954] into the banquet[H4961] house[H1005]: the queen[H4433] spake[H6032] and said[H560], O king[H4430], live[H2418] for ever[H5957]; let not[H409] thy thoughts[H7476] trouble[H927] thee[H2122], nor let thy countenance be changed[H8133].

11. There is[H383] a man[H1400] in thy kingdom[H4437], in whom is the spirit[H7308] of the holy[H6922] gods[H426]; and in the days[H3118] of thy father[H2] light[H5094] and understanding[H7924] and wisdom[H2452], like the wisdom[H2452] of the gods[H426], were found[H7912] in him[H4430]; and the king Nebuchadnezzar[H5020] thy father[H2], the king[H4430], I say[H2], thy father, made[H6966] him master[H7229] of the magicians[H2749], enchanters[H826], Chaldeans[H3779], and soothsayers[H1505];

12. forasmuch as[H6903] an excellent[H3493] spirit[H7308], and knowledge[H4486], and understanding[H7924], interpreting[H6590] of dreams[H2493], and showing[H263] of dark sentences[H280], and dissolving[H8271] of doubts[H7001], were found[H7912] in the same Daniel[H1841], whom the king[H4430] named[H7761] Belteshazzar[H1096]. Now[H3705] let Daniel[H1841] be called[H7123], and he will show[H2324] the interpretation[H6591].

13. Then[H116] was Daniel[H1841] brought in[H5954] before[H6925] the king[H4430]. The king[H4430] spake[H6032] and said[H560] unto Daniel[H1841], Art thou[H607] that Daniel[H1841], who art of[H4481] the children[H1123] of the captivity[H1547] of Judah[H3061], whom the king[H4430] my father[H2] brought[H858] out of[H4481] Judah[H3061]?

14. I have heard[H8086] of thee[H7308], that the spirit of the gods[H426] is in thee[H5922], and that light[H5094] and understanding[H7924] and excellent[H3493] wisdom[H2452] are found in thee[H7912].

15. And now[H3705] the wise[H2445] men[H826], the enchanters, have been brought[H5954] in before[H6925] me[H7123], that they should read this[H1836] writing[H3792], and make known[H3046] unto me the interpretation[H6591] thereof[H3546]; but they could not[H3809] show[H2324] the interpretation[H6591] of the thing[H4406].

16. But I[H576] have heard[H8086] of thee[H5922], that thou canst[H3202] give[H6590] interpretations[H6591], and dissolve[H8271] doubts[H7001]; now[H3705] if[H2006] thou canst[H3202] read[H7123] the writing[H3792], and make known[H3046] to me the interpretation[H6591] thereof[H3848], thou shalt be clothed with purple[H711], and have a chain[H2002] of gold[H1722] about[H5922] thy neck[H6676], and shalt be the third[H8531] ruler[H7981] in the kingdom[H4437].

17. Then[H116] Daniel[H1841] answered[H6032] and said[H560] before[H6925] the king[H4430], Let thy gifts[H4978] be[H1934] to thyself[H3052], and give thy rewards[H5023] to another[H321]; nevertheless[H1297] I will read[H7123] the writing[H3792] unto the king[H4430], and make known[H3046] to him the interpretation[H6591].

18. O thou[H607] king[H4430], the Most High[H5943] God[H426] gave[H3052] Nebuchadnezzar[H5020] thy father[H2] the kingdom[H4437], and greatness[H7238], and glory[H3367], and majesty[H1923]:

19. and because[H4481] of the greatness[H7238] that he gave[H3052] him[H3606], all the peoples[H5972], nations[H524], and languages[H3961] trembled[H1934] and feared[H1763] before[H4481] him[H6925]: whom he would[H1934] he slew[H1934], and whom he would[H1934] he kept alive[H1934]; and whom he would[H1934] he raised up[H1934], and whom he would[H1934] he put down[H1934].

20. But when his heart[H3825] was lifted up[H7313], and his spirit[H7308] was hardened[H8631] so that he dealt proudly[H2103], he was deposed[H5182] from[H4481] his kingly[H4437] throne[H3764], and they took[H5709] his glory[H3367] from him[H4481]:

21. and he was driven[H2957] from[H4481] the sons[H1123] of men[H606], and his heart[H3825] was made[H7739] like[H5974] the beasts[H2423]', and his dwelling[H4070] was with the wild asses[H6167]; he was fed[H2939] with grass[H6211] like oxen[H8450], and his body[H1655] was wet[H6647] with the dew[H2920] of heaven[H8065]; until[H5705] he knew[H3046] that the Most High[H5943] God[H426] ruleth[H7990] in the kingdom[H4437] of men[H606], and that he setteth[H6966] up over[H5922] it whomsoever[H4479] he will[H6634].

22. And thou[H607] his son[H1247], O Belshazzar[H1113], hast not[H3809] humbled[H8214] thy heart[H3825], though[H6903] thou knewest[H3046] all[H3606] this[H1836],

23. but hast lifted up[H7313] thyself against[H5922] the Lord[H4756] of heaven[H8065]; and they have brought[H858] the vessels[H3984] of his house[H1005] before[H6925] thee[H607], and thou and thy lords[H7261], thy wives[H7695] and thy concubines[H3904], have drunk[H8355] wine[H2562] from them[H7624]; and thou hast praised the gods[H426] of silver[H3702] and gold[H1722], of brass[H5174], iron[H6523], wood[H636], and stone[H69], which see[H2370] not[H3809], nor[H3809] hear[H8086], nor[H3809] know[H3046]; and the God[H426] in whose hand[H3028] thy breath[H5396] is[H3606], and whose are all thy ways[H735], hast thou not[H3809] glorified[H1922].

24. Then[H116] was the part[H6447] of the hand[H3028] sent[H7972] from[H4481] before him[H6925], and this[H1836] writing[H3792] was inscribed[H7560].

25. And this[H1836] is the writing[H3792] that was inscribed[H7560]: MENE[H4484], MENE[H4484], TEKEL[H8625], UPHARSIN[H6537].

26. This[H1836] is the interpretation[H6591] of the thing[H4406]: MENE[H4484]; God[H426] hath numbered[H4483] thy kingdom[H4437], and brought it to an end[H8000];

27. TEKEL[H8625]; thou art weighed[H8625] in the balances[H3977], and art found[H7912] wanting[H2627].

28. PERES[H6537]; thy kingdom[H4437] is divided[H6537], and given[H3052] to the Medes[H4076] and Persians[H6540].

29. Then[H116] commanded[H560] Belshazzar[H1113], and they clothed[H3848] Daniel[H1841] with purple[H711], and put a chain[H2002] of gold[H1722] about[H5922] his neck[H6676], and made proclamation[H3745] concerning[H5922] him[H1934], that he should be the third[H8531] ruler[H7990] in the kingdom[H4437].

30. In that night[H3916] Belshazzar[H1113] the Chaldean[H3779] King[H4430] was slain[H6992].

31. And Darius[H1868] the Mede[H4077] received[H6902] the kingdom[H4437], being about threescore[H8361] and two[H8648] years[H8140] old[H1247].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

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