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ASV_Strong : Daniel 4


1. Nebuchadnezzar[H5020] the king[H4430], unto all[H3606] the peoples[H5972], nations[H524], and languages[H3961], that dwell[H1753] in all[H3606] the earth[H772]: Peace[H8001] be multiplied unto you[H7680].

2. It hath seemed[H6925] good[H8232] unto me to show[H2324] the signs[H852] and wonders[H8540] that the Most High[H5943] God[H426] hath wrought[H5648] toward me[H5974].

3. How[H4101] great[H7260] are his signs[H852]! and how[H4101] mighty[H8624] are his wonders[H8540]! his kingdom[H4437] is an everlasting[H5957] kingdom[H4437], and his dominion[H7985] is from[H5974] generation[H1859] to generation[H1859].

4. I[H576], Nebuchadnezzar[H5020], was[H1934] at rest[H7954] in my house[H1005], and flourishing[H7487] in my palace[H1965].

5. I saw[H2370] a dream[H2493] which made me afraid[H1763]; and the thoughts[H2031] upon[H5922] my bed[H4903] and the visions[H2376] of my head[H7217] troubled me[H927].

6. Therefore[H4481] made[H7761] I[H4481] a decree[H2942] to bring[H5954] in all[H3606] the wise[H2445] men of Babylon[H895] before[H6925] me[H3046], that they might make known unto me the interpretation[H6591] of the dream[H2493].

7. Then[H116] came[H5954] in the magicians[H2749], the enchanters[H826], the Chaldeans[H3779], and the soothsayers[H1505]; and I[H576] told[H560] the dream[H2493] before[H6925] them[H3809]; but they did not make known[H3046] unto me the interpretation thereof[H6591].

8. But at[H5705] the last[H318] Daniel[H1841] came in[H5922] before me[H6925], whose name[H8036] was Belteshazzar[H1096], according to the name[H8036] of my god[H426], and in whom is the spirit[H7308] of the holy[H6922] gods[H426]: and I told[H560] the dream[H2493] before him[H6925], saying,

9. O Belteshazzar[H1096], master[H7229] of the magicians[H2749], because I[H576] know[H3046] that the spirit[H7308] of the holy[H6922] gods[H426] is in thee[H3606], and no secret[H7328] troubleth[H598] thee[H560], tell me the visions[H2376] of my dream[H2493] that I have seen[H2370], and the interpretation thereof[H6591].

10. Thus were the visions[H2376] of my head[H7217] upon[H5922] my bed[H4903]: I saw[H1934], and[H431], behold, a tree[H363] in the midst[H1459] of the earth[H772]; and the height[H7314] thereof was great[H7690].

11. The tree[H363] grew[H7236], and was strong[H8631], and the height[H7314] thereof reached[H4291] unto heaven[H8065], and the sight[H2379] thereof to the end[H5491] of all[H3606] the earth[H772].

12. The leaves[H6074] thereof were fair[H8209], and the fruit[H4] thereof much[H7690], and in it was food[H4203] for all[H3606]: the beasts[H2423] of the field[H1251] had shadow[H2927] under[H8460] it[H6853], and the birds of the heavens[H8065] dwelt[H1753] in the branches[H6056] thereof[H3606], and all flesh[H1321] was fed[H2110] from it[H4481].

13. I saw[H1934] in the visions[H2376] of my head[H7217] upon[H5922] my bed[H4903], and[H431], behold, a watcher[H5894] and a holy one[H6922] came down[H5182] from[H4481] heaven[H8065].

14. He cried[H7123] aloud[H2429], and said[H560] thus[H3652], Hew down[H1414] the tree[H363], and cut off[H7113] its branches[H6056], shake off[H5426] its leaves[H6074], and scatter[H921] its fruit[H4]: let the beasts[H2423] get away[H5111] from[H4481] under it[H8479], and the fowls[H6853] from[H4481] its branches[H6056].

15. Nevertheless[H1297] leave[H7662] the stump[H6136] of its roots[H8330] in the earth[H772], even with a band[H613] of iron[H6523] and brass[H5174], in the tender grass[H1883] of the field[H1251]; and let it be wet[H6647] with the dew[H2920] of heaven[H8065]: and let his portion[H2508] be with[H5974] the beasts[H2423] in the grass[H6211] of the earth[H772]:

16. let his heart[H3825] be changed[H8133] from[H4481] man[H606]'s, and let a beast[H2423]'s heart[H3825] be given[H3052] unto him[H7655]; and let seven times[H5732] pass[H2499] over him[H5922].

17. The sentence[H6600] is by the decree[H1510] of the watchers[H5894], and the demand[H7595] by the word[H3983] of the holy ones[H6922]; to[H5705] the intent[H1701] that the living[H2417] may know[H3046] that the Most High[H5943] ruleth[H7990] in the kingdom[H4437] of men[H606], and giveth[H5415] it to whomsoever[H4479] he will[H6634], and setteth up[H6966] over[H5922] it the lowest[H8215] of men[H606].

18. This[H1836] dream[H2493] I[H576], king[H4430] Nebuchadnezzar[H5020], have seen[H2370]; and thou[H607], O Belteshazzar[H1096], declare[H560] the interpretation[H6591], forasmuch as[H6903] all[H3606] the wise[H2445] men of my kingdom[H4437] are not[H3809] able[H3202] to make known[H3046] unto me the interpretation[H6591]; but thou[H607] art able[H3546]; for the spirit[H7308] of the holy[H6922] gods is in thee[H426].

19. Then[H116] Daniel[H1841], whose name[H8036] was Belteshazzar[H1096], was stricken dumb[H8075] for a[H2298] while[H8160], and his thoughts[H7476] troubled[H927] him[H4430]. The king answered[H560] and said[H6032], Belteshazzar[H1096], let not[H409] the dream[H2493], or the interpretation[H6591], trouble[H927] thee[H1096]. Belteshazzar answered[H6032] and said[H560], My lord[H4756], the dream[H2493] be to them that hate[H8131] thee[H6591], and the interpretation thereof to thine adversaries[H6146].

20. The tree[H363] that thou sawest[H2370], which grew[H7236], and was strong[H8631], whose height[H7314] reached[H4291] unto heaven[H8065], and the sight[H2379] thereof to all[H3606] the earth[H772];

21. whose leaves[H6074] were fair[H8209], and the fruit[H4] thereof much[H7690], and in it was food[H4203] for all[H3606]; under[H8460] which the beasts[H2423] of the field[H1251] dwelt[H1753], and upon whose branches[H6056] the birds[H6853] of the heavens[H8065] had their habitation[H7932]:

22. it is thou[H607], O king[H4430], that art grown[H7236] and become strong[H8631]; for thy greatness[H7238] is grown[H7236], and reacheth[H4291] unto heaven[H8065], and thy dominion[H7985] to the end[H5491] of the earth[H772].

23. And whereas the king[H4430] saw[H2370] a watcher[H5894] and a holy one[H6922] coming down[H5182] from[H4481] heaven[H8065], and saying[H560], Hew[H1414] down[H1414] the tree[H363], and destroy[H2255] it[H1297]; nevertheless leave[H7662] the stump[H6136] of the roots[H8330] thereof in the earth[H772], even with a band[H613] of iron[H6523] and brass[H5174], in the tender grass[H1883] of the field[H1251], and let it be wet[H6647] with the dew[H2920] of heaven[H8065]: and let his portion[H2508] be with[H5974] the beasts[H2423] of the field[H1251], till[H5705] seven[H7655] times[H5732] pass[H2499] over him[H5922];

24. this[H1836] is the interpretation[H6591], O king[H4430], and it[H1932] is the decree[H1510] of the Most High[H5943], which is come[H4291] upon[H5922] my lord[H4756] the king[H4430]:

25. that thou shalt be driven[H2957] from[H4481] men[H606], and thy dwelling[H4070] shall be[H1934] with[H5974] the beasts[H2423] of the field[H1251], and thou shalt be made to eat[H2939] grass[H6211] as oxen[H8450], and shalt be wet[H6647] with the dew[H2920] of heaven[H8065], and seven[H7655] times[H5732] shall pass[H2499] over[H5922] thee[H5705]; till thou know[H3046] that the Most High[H5943] ruleth[H7990] in the kingdom[H4437] of men[H606], and giveth[H5415] it to whomsoever[H4479] he will[H6634].

26. And whereas they commanded[H560] to leave[H7662] the stump[H6136] of the roots[H8330] of the tree[H363]; thy kingdom[H4437] shall be sure[H7011] unto thee[H4481], after that thou shalt have known[H3046] that the heavens[H8065] do rule[H7990].

27. Wherefore[H3861], O king[H4430], let my counsel[H4431] be acceptable[H8232] unto thee[H5922], and break off[H6562] thy sins[H2408] by righteousness[H6665], and thine iniquities[H5758] by showing mercy[H2604] to the poor[H6033]; if[H2006] there may be[H1934] a lengthening[H754] of thy tranquillity[H7963].

28. All[H3606] this came[H4291] upon[H5922] the king[H4430] Nebuchadnezzar[H5020].

29. At the end[H7118] of twelve[H8648] months[H3393] he was walking[H1934] in[H5922] the royal[H4437] palace[H1965] of Babylon[H895].

30. The king[H4430] spake[H6032] and said[H560], Is[H576] not[H3809] this[H1932] great[H7229] Babylon[H895], which I[H576] have built[H1124] for the royal[H4437] dwelling-place[H8632], by the might of my power[H2632] and for the glory[H3367] of my majesty[H1923]?

31. While[H5751] the word[H4406] was in the king[H4430]'s mouth[H6433], there fell[H5308] a voice[H7032] from[H4481] heaven[H8065], saying[H4430], O king Nebuchadnezzar[H5020], to thee it is spoken[H560]: The kingdom[H4437] is departed[H5709] from thee[H4481]:

32. and thou shalt be driven[H2957] from[H4481] men[H606]; and thy dwelling[H4070] shall be with[H5974] the beasts[H2423] of the field[H1251]; thou shalt be made to eat[H2939] grass[H6211] as oxen[H8450]; and seven[H7655] times[H5732] shall pass[H2499] over[H5922] thee[H5705]; until thou know[H3046] that the Most High[H5943] ruleth[H7990] in the kingdom[H4437] of men[H606], and giveth[H5415] it to whomsoever[H4479] he will[H6634].

33. The same hour[H8160] was the thing[H4406] fulfilled[H5487] upon[H5922] Nebuchadnezzar[H5020]: and he was driven[H2957] from[H4481] men[H606], and did eat[H399] grass[H6211] as oxen[H8450], and his body[H1655] was wet[H6647] with the dew[H2920] of heaven[H8065], till[H5705] his hair[H8177] was grown[H7236] like eagles[H5403]' feathers[H2953], and his nails like birds[H6853]' claws.

34. And at the end[H7118] of the days[H3118] I[H576], Nebuchadnezzar[H5020], lifted up[H5191] mine eyes[H5870] unto heaven[H8065], and mine understanding[H4486] returned[H8421] unto me[H5922], and I blessed[H1289] the Most High[H5943], and I praised[H7624] and honored[H1922] him that liveth[H2417] for ever[H5957]; for his dominion[H7985] is an everlasting[H5957] dominion[H7985], and his kingdom[H4437] from[H5974] generation[H1859] to generation[H1859].

35. And all[H3606] the inhabitants[H1753] of the earth[H772] are reputed[H2804] as nothing[H3809]; and he doeth[H5648] according to his will[H6634] in the army[H2429] of heaven[H8065], and among the inhabitants[H1753] of the earth[H772]; and none[H3809] can[H383] stay[H4223] his hand[H3028], or say[H560] unto him[H4101], What doest thou[H5648]?

36. At the same time[H2166] mine understanding[H4486] returned[H8421] unto me[H5922]; and for the glory[H3367] of my kingdom[H4437], my majesty[H1923] and brightness[H2122] returned[H8421] unto me[H5922]; and my counsellors[H1907] and my lords[H7261] sought[H1156] unto me[H5922]; and I was established[H8627] in my kingdom[H4437], and excellent[H3493] greatness[H7238] was added unto me[H3255].

37. Now[H3705] I[H576], Nebuchadnezzar[H5020], praise[H7624] and extol[H7313] and honor[H1922] the King[H4430] of heaven[H8065]; for all[H3606] his works[H4567] are truth[H7187], and his ways[H735] justice[H1780]; and those that walk[H1981] in pride[H1467] he is able[H3202] to abase[H8214].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

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