Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H2255 : chabal khab-al'


H2255 chabal khab-al' (Aramaic) corresponding to 2254; to ruin:--destroy, hurt. see H2254

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H2255

M / Ezra 6.12 : and the God that hath caused his name to dwell there overthrow all kings and peoples that shall put forth their hand to alter the same[H2255], to destroy this house of God which is at Jerusalem. I Darius have made a decree; let it be done with all diligence.
M / Daniel 2.44 : And in the days of those kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed[H2255], nor shall the sovereignty thereof be left to another people; but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
M / Daniel 4.23 : And whereas the king saw a watcher and a holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew down the tree, and destroy[H2255] it; nevertheless leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field, and let it be wet with the dew of heaven: and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him;
M / Daniel 6.22 : My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, and they have not hurt[H2255] me; forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt.
M / Daniel 6.26 : I make a decree, that in all the dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel; for he is the living God, and stedfast for ever, And his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed[H2255]; and his dominion shall be even unto the end.
M / Daniel 7.14 : And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations, and languages should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed[H2255].

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