Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H7284 : rgash reg-ash'


H7284 rgash reg-ash' (Aramaic) corresponding to 7283; to gather tumultuously:--assemble (together).see H7283

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H7284

M / Daniel 6.6 : Then these presidents and satraps assembled together[H7284] to the king, and said thus unto him, King Darius, live for ever.
M / Daniel 6.11 : Then these men assembled[H7284] together, and found Daniel making petition and supplication before his God.
M / Daniel 6.15 : Then these men assembled[H7284] together unto the king, and said unto the king, Know, O king, that it is a law of the Medes and Persians, that no interdict nor statute which the king establisheth may be changed.

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