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ASV_Strong : Jeremiah 2


1. And the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] came to me[H559], saying,

2. Go[H1980], and cry[H7121] in the ears[H241] of Jerusalem[H3389], saying[H559], Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], I remember[H2142] for thee the kindness[H2617] of thy youth[H5271], the love[H160] of thine espousals[H3623]; how thou wentest[H3212] after[H310] me in the wilderness[H4057], in a land[H776] that was not sown[H2232].

3. Israel[H3478] was holiness[H6944] unto Jehovah[H3068], the first-fruits[H7225] of his increase[H8393]: all that devour[H398] him shall be held guilty[H816]; evil[H7451] shall come[H935] upon them[H5002], saith Jehovah[H3068].

4. Hear[H8085] ye the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068], O house[H1004] of Jacob[H3290], and all the families[H4940] of the house[H1004] of Israel[H3478]:

5. thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], What unrighteousness[H5766] have your fathers[H1] found[H4672] in me[H7368], that they are gone far from me[H3212], and have walked after[H310] vanity[H1892], and are become vain[H1891]?

6. Neither said[H559] they[H3068], Where is Jehovah that brought us up[H5927] out of the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714], that led[H3212] us through the wilderness[H4057], through a land[H776] of deserts[H6160] and of pits[H7745], through a land[H776] of drought[H6723] and of the shadow of death[H6757], through a land[H776] that none[H376] passed through[H5674], and where no man[H376] dwelt[H3427]?

7. And I brought[H935] you into a plentiful[H3759] land[H776], to eat[H398] the fruit[H6529] thereof and the goodness[H2898] thereof[H935]; but when ye entered, ye defiled[H2930] my land[H776], and made[H7760] my heritage[H5159] an abomination[H8441].

8. The priests[H3548] said[H559] not[H3068], Where is Jehovah? and they that handle[H8610] the law[H8451] knew[H3045] me not[H7462]: the rulers also transgressed[H6586] against me[H5030], and the prophets prophesied[H5012] by Baal[H1168], and walked[H1980] after[H310] things that do not profit[H3276].

9. Wherefore I will yet contend[H7378] with you[H5002], saith Jehovah[H3068], and with your children[H1121]'s children[H1121] will I contend[H7378].

10. For pass over[H5674] to the isles[H339] of Kittim[H3794], and see[H7200]; and send[H7971] unto Kedar[H6938], and consider[H995] diligently[H3966]; and see if there hath been such a thing[H7200].

11. Hath a nation[H1471] changed[H3235] its gods[H430], which yet are no gods[H430]? but my people[H5971] have changed[H4171] their glory[H3519] for that which doth not profit[H3276].

12. Be astonished[H8074], O ye heavens[H8064], at this[H8175], and be horribly afraid, be ye very[H3966] desolate[H2717], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068].

13. For my people[H5971] have committed[H6213] two[H8147] evils[H7451]: they have forsaken[H5800] me[H4726], the fountain of living[H2416] waters[H4325], and hewed them out[H2672] cisterns[H877], broken[H7665] cisterns[H877], that can hold[H3557] no water[H4325].

14. Is Israel[H3478] a servant[H5650]? is he a home-born[H1004] slave[H4069]? why is he become a prey[H957]?

15. The young lions[H3715] have roared[H7580] upon him[H5414], and yelled; and they have made[H7896] his land[H776] waste[H8047]: his cities[H5892] are burned[H3341] up[H3427], without inhabitant.

16. The children[H1121] also of Memphis[H5297] and Tahpanhes[H8471] have broken[H7462] the crown of thy head[H6936].

17. Hast thou not procured[H6213] this unto thyself[H5800], in that thou hast forsaken Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430], when[H6256] he led[H3212] thee by the way[H1870]?

18. And now what hast thou to do in the way[H1870] to Egypt[H4714], to drink[H8354] the waters[H4325] of the Shihor[H7883]? or what hast thou to do in the way[H1870] to Assyria[H804], to drink[H8354] the waters[H4325] of the River[H5104]?

19. Thine own wickedness[H7451] shall correct[H3256] thee[H4878], and thy backslidings shall reprove[H3198] thee[H3045]: know therefore and see[H7200] that it is an evil[H7451] thing and a bitter[H4751], that thou hast forsaken[H5800] Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430], and that my fear[H6345] is not in thee[H5002], saith the Lord[H136], Jehovah[H3069] of hosts[H6635].

20. For of old time[H5769] I have broken[H7665] thy yoke[H5923], and burst[H5423] thy bonds[H4147]; and thou saidst[H559], I will not serve[H5674]; for upon every high[H1364] hill[H1389] and under every green[H7488] tree[H6086] thou didst bow thyself[H6808], playing the harlot[H2181].

21. Yet I had planted[H5193] thee a noble vine[H8321], wholly a right[H571] seed[H2233]: how then art thou turned[H2015] into the degenerate branches[H5494] of a foreign[H5237] vine unto me[H1612]?

22. For though thou wash[H3526] thee with lye[H5427], and take thee much[H7235] soap[H1287], yet thine iniquity[H5771] is marked[H3799] before[H6440] me[H5002], saith the Lord[H136] Jehovah[H3069].

23. How canst thou say[H559], I am not defiled[H2930], I have not gone[H1980] after[H310] the Baalim[H1168]? see[H7200] thy way[H1870] in the valley[H1516], know[H3045] what thou hast done[H6213]: thou art a swift[H7031] dromedary[H1072] traversing[H8308] her ways[H1870];

24. a wild ass[H6501] used[H3928] to the wilderness[H4057], that snuffeth up[H7602] the wind[H7307] in her desire[H185]; in her occasion[H8385] who can turn her away[H7725]? all they that seek[H1245] her will not weary[H3286] themselves[H2320]; in her month they shall find her[H4672].

25. Withhold[H4513] thy foot[H7272] from being unshod[H3182], and thy throat[H1627] from thirst[H6773]: but thou saidst[H559], It is in vain[H2976]; no[H157], for I have loved strangers[H2114], and after[H310] them will I go[H3212].

26. As the thief[H1590] is ashamed[H1322] when he is found[H4672], so is the house[H1004] of Israel[H3478] ashamed[H3001]; they[H4428], their kings, their princes[H8269], and their priests[H3548], and their prophets[H5030];

27. who say[H559] to a stock[H6086], Thou art my father[H1]; and to a stone[H68], Thou hast brought me forth[H3205]: for they have turned[H6437] their back[H6203] unto me[H6440], and not their face; but in the time[H6256] of their trouble[H7451] they will say[H559], Arise[H6965], and save us[H3467].

28. But where are thy gods[H430] that thou hast made[H6213] thee[H6965]? let them arise, if they can save[H3467] thee in the time[H6256] of thy trouble[H7451]: for according to the number[H4557] of thy cities[H5892] are thy gods[H430], O Judah[H3063].

29. Wherefore will ye contend[H7378] with me[H6586]? ye all have transgressed against me[H5002], saith Jehovah[H3068].

30. In vain[H7723] have I smitten[H5221] your children[H1121]; they received[H3947] no correction[H4148]: your own sword[H2719] hath devoured[H398] your prophets[H5030], like a destroying[H7843] lion[H738].

31. O generation[H1755], see[H7200] ye the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068]. Have I been a wilderness[H4057] unto Israel[H3478]? or a land[H776] of thick darkness[H3991]? wherefore say[H559] my people[H5971], We are broken loose[H7300]; we will come no more unto thee[H935]?

32. Can a virgin[H1330] forget[H7911] her ornaments[H5716], or a bride[H3618] her attire[H7196]? yet my people[H5971] have forgotten[H7911] me days[H3117] without number[H4557].

33. How trimmest[H3190] thou thy way[H1870] to seek[H1245] love[H160]! therefore even the wicked women[H7451] hast thou taught[H3925] thy ways[H1870].

34. Also in thy skirts[H3671] is found[H4672] the blood[H1818] of the souls[H5315] of the innocent[H5355] poor[H34]: thou didst not find[H4672] them breaking in[H4290]; but it is because of all these things.

35. Yet thou saidst[H559], I am innocent[H5352]; surely his anger[H639] is turned[H7725] away from me[H8199]. Behold, I will enter into judgment with thee[H559], because thou sayest, I have not sinned[H2398].

36. Why gaddest thou about[H235] so much[H3966] to change[H8138] thy way[H1870]? thou shalt be ashamed[H954] of Egypt[H4714] also[H954], as thou wast ashamed of Assyria[H804].

37. From thence also shalt thou go forth[H3318], with thy hands[H3027] upon thy head[H7218]: for Jehovah[H3068] hath rejected[H3988] those in whom thou trustest[H4009], and thou shalt not prosper with them[H6743].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52

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