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ASV_Strong : 2 Chronicles 36


1. Then the people[H5971] of the land[H776] took[H3947] Jehoahaz[H3059] the son[H1121] of Josiah[H2977], and made him king[H4427] in his father[H1]'s stead in Jerusalem[H3389].

2. Joahaz[H3099] was twenty[H6242] and three[H7969] years[H8141] old[H1121] when he began to reign[H4427]; and he reigned[H4427] three[H7969] months[H2320] in Jerusalem[H3389].

3. And the king[H4428] of Egypt[H4714] deposed[H5493] him at Jerusalem[H3389], and fined[H6064] the land[H776] a hundred[H3967] talents[H3603] of silver[H3701] and a talent[H3603] of gold[H2091].

4. And the king[H4428] of Egypt[H4714] made Eliakim[H471] his brother[H251] king[H4427] over Judah[H3063] and Jerusalem[H3389], and changed[H5437] his name[H8034] to Jehoiakim[H3079]. And Neco[H5224] took[H3947] Joahaz[H3099] his brother[H251], and carried[H935] him to Egypt[H4714].

5. Jehoiakim[H3079] was twenty[H6242] and five[H2568] years[H8141] old[H1121] when he began to reign[H4427]; and he reigned[H4427] eleven[H259] years[H8141] in Jerusalem[H3389]: and he did[H6213] that which was evil[H7451] in the sight[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068] his God[H430].

6. Against him came up[H5927] Nebuchadnezzar[H5019] king[H4428] of Babylon[H894], and bound[H631] him in fetters[H5178], to carry[H3212] him to Babylon[H894].

7. Nebuchadnezzar[H5019] also carried[H935] of the vessels[H3627] of the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068] to Babylon[H894], and put[H5414] them in his temple[H1964] at Babylon[H894].

8. Now the rest[H3499] of the acts[H1697] of Jehoiakim[H3079], and his abominations[H8441] which he did[H6213], and that which was found[H4672] in him[H3789], behold, they are written in the book[H5612] of the kings[H4428] of Israel[H3478] and Judah[H3063]: and Jehoiachin[H3078] his son[H1121] reigned in his stead[H4427].

9. Jehoiachin[H3078] was eight[H8083] years[H8141] old[H1121] when he began to reign[H4427]; and he reigned[H4427] three[H7969] months[H2320] and ten[H6235] days[H3117] in Jerusalem[H3389]: and he did[H6213] that which was evil[H7451] in the sight[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068].

10. And at the return[H8666] of the year[H8141] king[H4428] Nebuchadnezzar[H5019] sent[H7971], and brought[H935] him to Babylon[H894], with the goodly[H2532] vessels[H3627] of the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], and made Zedekiah[H6667] his brother[H251] king[H4427] over Judah[H3063] and Jerusalem[H3389].

11. Zedekiah[H6667] was twenty[H6242] and one[H259] years[H8141] old[H1121] when he began to reign[H4427]; and he reigned[H4427] eleven[H259] years[H8141] in Jerusalem[H3389]:

12. and he did[H6213] that which was evil[H7451] in the sight[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068] his God[H430]; he humbled[H3665] not himself before[H6440] Jeremiah[H3414] the prophet[H5030] speaking from the mouth[H6310] of Jehovah[H3068].

13. And he also rebelled[H4775] against king[H4428] Nebuchadnezzar[H5019], who had made him swear[H7650] by God[H430]: but he stiffened[H7185] his neck[H6203], and hardened[H553] his heart[H3824] against turning[H7725] unto Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478].

14. Moreover all the chiefs[H8269] of the priests[H3548], and the people[H5971], trespassed[H4603] very[H4604] greatly[H7235] after all the abominations[H8441] of the nations[H1471]; and they polluted[H2930] the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068] which he had hallowed[H6942] in Jerusalem[H3389].

15. And Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of their fathers[H1], sent[H7971] to them by[H3027] his messengers[H4397], rising up early[H7925] and sending[H7971], because he had compassion[H2550] on his people[H5971], and on his dwelling-place[H4583]:

16. but they mocked[H3931] the messengers[H4397] of God[H430], and despised[H959] his words[H1697], and scoffed[H8591] at his prophets[H5030], until the wrath[H2534] of Jehovah[H3068] arose[H5927] against his people[H5971], till there was no remedy[H4832].

17. Therefore he brought[H5927] upon them the king[H4428] of the Chaldeans[H3778], who slew[H2026] their young men[H970] with the sword[H2719] in the house[H1004] of their sanctuary[H4720], and had no compassion[H2550] upon young man[H970] or virgin[H1330], old man[H2205] or hoary-headed[H3486]: he gave[H5414] them all into his hand[H3027].

18. And all the vessels[H3627] of the house[H1004] of God[H430], great[H1419] and small[H6996], and the treasures[H214] of the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], and the treasures[H214] of the king[H4428], and of his princes[H8269], all these he brought[H935] to Babylon[H894].

19. And they burnt[H8313] the house[H1004] of God[H430], and brake down[H5422] the wall[H2346] of Jerusalem[H3389], and burnt[H8313] all the palaces[H759] thereof with fire[H784], and destroyed[H7843] all the goodly[H4261] vessels thereof[H3627].

20. And them that had escaped[H7611] from the sword[H2719] carried he away[H1540] to Babylon[H894]; and they were servants[H5650] to him and his sons[H1121] until the reign[H4427] of the kingdom[H4438] of Persia[H6539]:

21. to fulfil[H4390] the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] by the mouth[H6310] of Jeremiah[H3414], until the land[H776] had enjoyed[H7521] its sabbaths[H7676]: for as long as[H3117] it lay desolate[H8074] it kept sabbath[H7673], to fulfil[H4390] threescore and ten[H7657] years[H8141].

22. Now in the first[H259] year[H8141] of Cyrus[H3566] king[H4428] of Persia[H6539], that the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] by the mouth[H6310] of Jeremiah[H3414] might be accomplished[H3615], Jehovah[H3068] stirred up[H5782] the spirit[H7307] of Cyrus[H3566] king[H4428] of Persia[H6539], so that he made a proclamation[H5674] throughout all his kingdom[H4438], and put it also in writing[H4385], saying[H559],

23. Thus saith[H559] Cyrus[H3566] king[H4428] of Persia[H6539], All the kingdoms[H4467] of the earth[H776] hath Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of heaven[H8064], given[H5414] me[H6485]; and he hath charged me to build[H1129] him a house[H1004] in Jerusalem[H3389], which is in Judah[H3063]. Whosoever there is among you of all his people[H5971], Jehovah[H3068] his God[H430] be with him[H5927], and let him go up.

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

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