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ASV_Strong : 2 Kings 9


1. And Elisha[H477] the prophet[H5030] called[H7121] one[H259] of the sons[H1121] of the prophets[H5030], and said[H559] unto him[H2296], Gird up thy loins[H4975], and take[H3947] this vial[H6378] of oil[H8081] in thy hand[H3027], and go[H3212] to Ramoth-gilead[H7433].

2. And when thou comest[H935] thither[H7200], look out there Jehu[H3058] the son[H1121] of Jehoshaphat[H3092] the son[H1121] of Nimshi[H5250], and go in[H935], and make him arise up[H6965] from among[H8432] his brethren[H251], and carry[H935] him to an inner[H2315] chamber[H2315].

3. Then take[H3947] the vial[H6378] of oil[H8081], and pour[H3332] it on his head[H7218], and say[H559], Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], I have anointed[H4886] thee king[H4428] over Israel[H3478]. Then open[H6605] the door[H1817], and flee[H5127], and tarry not[H2442].

4. So the young man[H5288], even the young man[H5288] the prophet[H5030], went[H3212] to Ramoth-gilead[H7433].

5. And when he came[H935], behold[H8269], the captains of the host[H2428] were sitting[H3427]; and he said[H559], I have an errand[H1697] to thee[H8269], O captain. And Jehu[H3058] said[H559], Unto which of us all[H559]? And he said, To thee[H8269], O captain.

6. And he arose[H6965], and went[H935] into the house[H1004]; and he poured[H3332] the oil[H8081] on his head[H7218], and said[H559] unto him[H559], Thus saith Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], I have anointed[H4886] thee king[H4428] over the people[H5971] of Jehovah[H3068], even over Israel[H3478].

7. And thou shalt smite[H5221] the house[H1004] of Ahab[H256] thy master[H113], that I may avenge[H5358] the blood[H1818] of my servants[H5650] the prophets[H5030], and the blood[H1818] of all the servants[H5650] of Jehovah[H3068], at the hand[H3027] of Jezebel[H348].

8. For the whole house[H1004] of Ahab[H256] shall perish[H6]; and I will cut off[H3772] from Ahab[H256] every man[H8366] - child[H7023], and him that is shut up[H6113] and him that is left[H5800] at large in Israel[H3478].

9. And I will make[H5414] the house[H1004] of Ahab[H256] like the house[H1004] of Jeroboam[H3379] the son[H1121] of Nebat[H5028], and like the house[H1004] of Baasha[H1201] the son[H1121] of Ahijah[H281].

10. And the dogs[H3611] shall eat[H398] Jezebel[H348] in the portion[H2506] of Jezreel[H3157], and there shall be none to bury[H6912] her[H6605]. And he opened the door[H1817], and fled[H5127].

11. Then Jehu[H3058] came forth[H3318] to the servants[H5650] of his lord[H113]: and one said[H559] unto him[H7965], Is all well? wherefore came[H935] this mad[H7696] fellow to thee[H559]? And he said unto them[H3045], Ye know the man[H376] and what his talk was[H7879].

12. And they said[H559], It is false[H8267]; tell[H5046] us now[H559]. And he said, Thus and thus spake[H559] he to me[H559], saying, Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], I have anointed[H4886] thee king[H4428] over Israel[H3478].

13. Then they hasted[H4116], and took[H3947] every man[H376] his garment[H899], and put[H7760] it under him on the top[H1634] of the stairs[H4609], and blew[H8628] the trumpet[H7782], saying[H559], Jehu[H3058] is king[H4427].

14. So Jehu[H3058] the son[H1121] of Jehoshaphat[H3092] the son[H1121] of Nimshi[H5250] conspired[H7194] against Joram[H3141]. (Now Joram[H3141] was keeping[H8104] Ramoth-gilead[H7433], he and all Israel[H3478], because[H6440] of Hazael[H2371] king[H4428] of Syria[H758];

15. but king[H4428] Joram[H3088] was returned[H7725] to be healed[H7495] in Jezreel[H3157] of the wounds[H4347] which the Syrians[H761] had given[H5221] him[H3898], when he fought with Hazael[H2371] king[H4428] of Syria[H758].) And Jehu[H3058] said[H559], If this be[H3426] your mind[H5315], then let none[H408] escape[H6412] and go forth[H3318] out of the city[H5892], to go[H3212] to tell[H5046] it in Jezreel[H3157].

16. So Jehu[H3058] rode in a chariot[H7392], and went[H3212] to Jezreel[H3157]; for Joram[H3141] lay[H7901] there[H274]. And Ahaziah king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] was come down[H3381] to see[H7200] Joram[H3141].

17. Now the watchman[H6822] was standing[H5975] on the tower[H4026] in Jezreel[H3157], and he spied[H7200] the company[H8229] of Jehu[H3058] as he came[H935], and said[H559], I see[H7200] a company[H8229]. And Joram[H3088] said[H559], Take[H3947] a horseman[H7395], and send[H7971] to meet[H7125] them[H559], and let him say, Is it peace[H7965]?

18. So there went[H3212] one on horseback[H7392] to meet[H7125] him[H559], and said, Thus saith[H559] the king[H4428], Is it peace[H7965]? And Jehu[H3058] said[H559], What hast thou to do with peace[H7965]? turn[H5437] thee behind[H310] me[H6822]. And the watchman told[H5046], saying[H559], The messenger[H4397] came[H935] to them[H7725], but he cometh not back.

19. Then he sent out[H7971] a second[H8145] on horseback[H7392], who came[H935] to them[H559], and said, Thus saith[H559] the king[H4428], Is it peace[H7965]? And Jehu[H3058] answered[H559], What hast thou to do with peace[H7965]? turn[H5437] thee behind me[H310].

20. And the watchman[H6822] told[H5046], saying[H559], He came[H935] even unto them[H7725], and cometh not back: and the driving[H4491] is like the driving[H4491] of Jehu[H3058] the son[H1121] of Nimshi[H5250]; for he driveth[H5090] furiously[H7697].

21. And Joram[H3088] said[H559], Make ready[H631]. And they made ready[H631] his chariot[H7393]. And Joram[H3088] king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] and Ahaziah[H274] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] went out[H3318], each[H376] in his chariot[H7393], and they went out[H3318] to meet[H7125] Jehu[H3058], and found[H4672] him in the portion[H2513] of Naboth[H5022] the Jezreelite[H3158].

22. And it came to pass[H3088], when Joram saw[H7200] Jehu[H3058], that he said[H559], Is it peace[H7965], Jehu[H3058]? And he answered[H559], What peace[H7965], so long as[H5704] the whoredoms[H2183] of thy mother[H517] Jezebel[H348] and her witchcrafts[H3785] are so many[H7227]?

23. And Joram[H3088] turned[H2015] his hands[H3027], and fled[H5127], and said[H559] to Ahaziah[H274], There is treachery[H4820], O Ahaziah[H274].

24. And Jehu[H3058] drew his bow[H7198] with his full[H4390] strength[H3027], and smote[H5221] Joram[H3088] between his arms[H2220]; and the arrow[H2678] went out[H3318] at his heart[H3820], and he sunk down[H3766] in his chariot[H7393].

25. Then said[H559] Jehu to Bidkar[H920] his captain[H7991], Take up[H5375], and cast[H7993] him in the portion[H2513] of the field[H7704] of Naboth[H5022] the Jezreelite[H3158]; for remember[H2142] how that[H7392], when I and thou rode together[H6776] after[H310] Ahab[H256] his father[H1], Jehovah[H3068] laid[H5375] this burden upon him[H4853]:

26. Surely I have seen[H7200] yesterday[H570] the blood[H1818] of Naboth[H5022], and the blood[H1818] of his sons[H1121], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068]; and I will requite[H7999] thee in this plat[H2513], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068]. Now therefore take[H5375] and cast[H7993] him into the plat[H2513] of ground[H1697], according to the word of Jehovah[H3068].

27. But when Ahaziah[H274] the king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] saw[H7200] this[H5127], he fled by the way[H1870] of the garden[H1588] - house[H1004]. And Jehu[H3058] followed[H7291] after[H310] him[H559], and said, Smite[H5221] him also in the chariot[H4818]: and they smote him at the ascent[H4608] of Gur[H1483], which is by Ibleam[H2991]. And he fled[H5127] to Megiddo[H4023], and died there[H4191].

28. And his servants[H5650] carried[H7392] him in a chariot to Jerusalem[H3389], and buried[H6912] him in his sepulchre[H6900] with his fathers[H1] in the city[H5892] of David[H1732].

29. And in the eleventh[H6240] year[H8141] of Joram[H3141] the son[H1121] of Ahab[H256] began Ahaziah[H274] to reign[H4427] over Judah[H3063].

30. And when Jehu[H3058] was come[H935] to Jezreel[H3157], Jezebel[H348] heard[H8085] of it[H7760]; and she painted her eyes[H5869], and attired[H3190] her head[H7218], and looked out[H8259] at the window[H2474].

31. And as Jehu[H3058] entered in[H935] at the gate[H8179], she said[H559], Is it peace[H7965], thou Zimri[H2174], thy master[H113]'s murderer[H2026]?

32. And he lifted up[H5375] his face[H6440] to the window[H2474], and said[H559], Who is on my side[H8259]? who? And there looked out to him two[H8147] or three[H7969] eunuchs[H5631].

33. And he said[H559], Throw her down[H8058]. So they threw her down[H8058]; and some of her blood[H1818] was sprinkled[H5137] on the wall[H7023], and on the horses[H5483]: and he trod her under foot[H7429].

34. And when he was come in[H935], he did eat[H398] and drink[H8354]; and he said[H559], See[H6485] now to this cursed[H779] woman[H6912], and bury her[H4428]; for she is a king's daughter[H1323].

35. And they went[H3212] to bury[H6912] her[H4672]; but they found no more of her than[H518] the skull[H1538], and the feet[H7272], and the palms[H3709] of her hands[H3027].

36. Wherefore they came back[H7725], and told[H5046] him[H559]. And he said, This is the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068], which he spake[H1696] by[H3027] his servant[H5650] Elijah[H452] the Tishbite[H8664], saying[H559], In the portion[H2506] of Jezreel[H3157] shall the dogs[H3611] eat[H398] the flesh[H1320] of Jezebel[H348];

37. and the body[H5038] of Jezebel[H348] shall be as dung[H1828] upon the face[H6440] of the field[H7704] in the portion[H2506] of Jezreel[H3157], so that they shall not say[H559], This is Jezebel[H348].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

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