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ASV_Strong : 2 Kings 8


1. Now Elisha[H477] had spoken[H1696] unto the woman[H802], whose son[H1121] he had restored to life[H2421], saying[H559], Arise[H6965], and go[H3212] thou and thy household[H1004], and sojourn[H1481] wheresoever[H834] thou canst sojourn[H1481]: for Jehovah[H3068] hath called[H7121] for a famine[H7458]; and it shall also come[H935] upon the land[H776] seven[H7651] years[H8141].

2. And the woman[H802] arose[H6965], and did[H6213] according to the word[H1697] of the man[H376] of God[H430]; and she went[H3212] with her household[H1004], and sojourned[H1481] in the land[H776] of the Philistines[H6430] seven[H7651] years[H8141].

3. And it came to pass at the seven[H7651] years[H8141]' end[H7097], that the woman[H802] returned[H7725] out of the land[H776] of the Philistines[H6430]: and she went forth[H3318] to cry[H6817] unto the king[H4428] for her house[H1004] and for her land[H7704].

4. Now the king[H4428] was talking[H1696] with Gehazi[H1522] the servant[H5288] of the man[H376] of God[H430], saying[H559], Tell[H5608] me[H1419], I pray thee, all the great things that Elisha[H477] hath done[H6213].

5. And it came to pass[H5608], as he was telling the king[H4428] how he had restored[H2421] to life[H2421] him that was dead[H4191], that[H802], behold, the woman, whose son[H1121] he had restored to life[H2421], cried[H6817] to the king[H4428] for her house[H1004] and for her land[H7704]. And Gehazi[H1522] said[H559], My lord[H113], O king[H4428], this is the woman[H802], and this is her son[H1121], whom Elisha[H477] restored to life[H2421].

6. And when the king[H4428] asked[H7592] the woman[H802], she told[H5608] him[H4428]. So the king appointed[H5414] unto her a certain[H259] officer[H5631], saying[H559], Restore[H7725] all that was hers[H8393], and all the fruits of the field[H7704] since the day[H3117] that she left[H5800] the land[H776], even until now.

7. And Elisha[H477] came[H935] to Damascus[H1834]; and Benhadad[H1130] the king[H4428] of Syria[H758] was sick[H2470]; and it was told[H5046] him[H559], saying, The man[H376] of God[H430] is come[H935] hither[H2008].

8. And the king[H4428] said[H559] unto Hazael[H2371], Take[H3947] a present[H4503] in thy hand[H3027], and go[H3212], meet[H7125] the man[H376] of God[H430], and inquire[H1875] of Jehovah[H3068] by him[H559], saying, Shall I recover[H2421] of this sickness[H2483]?

9. So Hazael[H2371] went[H3212] to meet[H7125] him[H3947], and took a present[H4503] with him[H3027], even of every good thing[H2898] of Damascus[H1834], forty[H705] camels[H1581]' burden[H4853], and came[H935] and stood[H5975] before[H6440] him[H559], and said, Thy son[H1121] Benhadad[H1130] king[H4428] of Syria[H758] hath sent[H7971] me to thee[H559], saying, Shall I recover[H2421] of this sickness[H2483]?

10. And Elisha[H477] said[H559] unto him[H3212], Go, say[H559] unto him[H2421], Thou shalt surely recover[H2421]; howbeit Jehovah[H3068] hath showed[H7200] me that he shall surely[H4191] die[H4191].

11. And he settled[H5975] his countenance[H6440] stedfastly[H7760] upon him[H954], until he was ashamed: and the man[H376] of God[H430] wept[H1058].

12. And Hazael[H2371] said[H559], Why weepeth[H1058] my lord[H113]? And he answered[H559], Because I know[H3045] the evil[H7451] that thou wilt do[H6213] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478]: their strongholds[H4013] wilt thou set[H7971] on fire[H784], and their young men[H970] wilt thou slay[H2026] with the sword[H2719], and wilt dash[H7376] in pieces their little ones[H5768], and rip up[H1234] their women with child[H2030].

13. And Hazael[H2371] said[H559], But what is thy servant[H5650], who is but a dog[H3611], that he should do[H6213] this great[H1419] thing[H1697]? And Elisha[H477] answered[H559], Jehovah[H3068] hath showed[H7200] me that thou shalt be king[H4428] over Syria[H758].

14. Then he departed[H3212] from Elisha[H477], and came[H935] to his master[H113]; who said[H559] to him[H559], What said Elisha[H477] to thee[H559]? And he answered, He told[H559] me that thou wouldest surely[H2421] recover[H2421].

15. And it came to pass on the morrow[H4283], that he took[H3947] the coverlet[H4346], and dipped[H2881] it in water[H4325], and spread[H6566] it on his face[H6440], so that he died[H4191]: and Hazael[H2371] reigned in his stead[H4427].

16. And in the fifth[H2568] year[H8141] of Joram[H3141] the son[H1121] of Ahab[H256] king[H4428] of Israel[H3478], Jehoshaphat[H3092] being then king[H4428] of Judah[H3063], Jehoram[H3088] the son[H1121] of Jehoshaphat[H3092] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] began to reign[H4427].

17. Thirty[H7970] and two[H8147] years[H8141] old[H1121] was he when he began to reign[H4427]; and he reigned[H4427] eight[H8083] years[H8141] in Jerusalem[H3389].

18. And he walked[H3212] in the way[H1870] of the kings[H4428] of Israel[H3478], as did[H6213] the house[H1004] of Ahab[H256]: for he had the daughter[H1323] of Ahab[H256] to wife[H802]; and he did[H6213] that which was evil[H7451] in the sight[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068].

19. Howbeit Jehovah[H3068] would[H14] not destroy[H7843] Judah[H3063], for David[H1732] his servant[H5650]'s sake[H559], as he promised him to give[H5414] unto him a lamp[H5216] for his children[H1121] alway[H3117].

20. In his days[H3117] Edom[H123] revolted[H6586] from under the hand[H3027] of Judah[H3063], and made[H4427] a king over themselves[H4428].

21. Then Joram[H3141] passed over[H5674] to Zair[H6811], and all his chariots[H7393] with him[H6965]: and he rose up by night[H3915], and smote[H5221] the Edomites[H123] that compassed him about[H5437], and the captains[H8269] of the chariots[H7393]; and the people[H5971] fled[H5127] to their tents[H168].

22. So Edom[H123] revolted[H6586] from under the hand[H3027] of Judah[H3063] unto this day[H3117]. Then did Libnah[H3841] revolt[H6586] at the same[H1931] time[H6256].

23. And the rest[H3499] of the acts[H1697] of Joram[H3141], and all that he did[H6213], are they not written[H3789] in the book[H5612] of the chronicles[H1697] of the kings[H4428] of Judah[H3063]?

24. And Joram[H3141] slept[H7901] with his fathers[H1], and was buried[H6912] with his fathers[H1] in the city[H5892] of David[H1732]; and Ahaziah[H274] his son[H1121] reigned in his stead[H4427].

25. In the twelfth[H6240] year[H8141] of Joram[H3141] the son[H1121] of Ahab[H256] king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] did Ahaziah[H274] the son[H1121] of Jehoram[H3088] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] begin to reign[H4427].

26. Two[H8147] and twenty[H6242] years[H8141] old[H1121] was Ahaziah[H274] when he began to reign[H4427]; and he reigned[H4427] one[H259] year[H8141] in Jerusalem[H3389]. And his mother[H517]'s name[H8034] was Athaliah[H6271] the daughter[H1323] of Omri[H6018] king[H4428] of Israel[H3478].

27. And he walked[H3212] in the way[H1870] of the house[H1004] of Ahab[H256], and did[H6213] that which was evil[H7451] in the sight[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068], as did the house[H1004] of Ahab[H256]; for he was the son-in[H2860]-law of the house[H1004] of Ahab[H256].

28. And he went[H3212] with Joram[H3141] the son[H1121] of Ahab[H256] to war[H4421] against Hazael[H2371] king[H4428] of Syria[H758] at Ramoth-gilead[H7433]: and the Syrians[H761] wounded[H5221] Joram[H3141].

29. And king[H4428] Joram[H3141] returned[H7725] to be healed[H7495] in Jezreel[H3157] of the wounds[H4347] which the Syrians[H761] had given[H5221] him at Ramah[H7414], when he fought[H3898] against Hazael[H2371] king[H4428] of Syria[H758]. And Ahaziah[H274] the son[H1121] of Jehoram[H3088] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] went down[H3381] to see[H7200] Joram[H3141] the son[H1121] of Ahab[H256] in Jezreel[H3157], because he was sick[H2470].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

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