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ASV_Strong : 2 Kings 7


1. And Elisha[H477] said[H559], Hear[H8085] ye the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068]: thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], To-morrow[H4279] about this time[H6256] shall a measure[H5429] of fine flour[H5560] be sold for a shekel[H8255], and two measures[H5429] of barley[H8184] for a shekel[H8255], in the gate[H8179] of Samaria[H8111].

2. Then the captain[H7991] on whose hand[H3027] the king[H4428] leaned[H8172] answered[H6030] the man[H376] of God[H430], and said[H559], Behold[H3068], if Jehovah should make[H6213] windows[H699] in heaven[H8064], might this thing[H1697] be[H559]? And he said, Behold[H7200], thou shalt see it with thine eyes[H5869], but shalt not eat thereof[H398].

3. Now there were four[H702] leprous[H6879] men[H582] at the entrance[H6607] of the gate[H8179]: and they said[H559] one[H376] to another[H7453], Why sit[H3427] we here until we die[H4191]?

4. If we say[H559], We will enter[H935] into the city[H5892], then the famine[H7458] is in the city[H5892], and we shall die[H4191] there[H3427]; and if we sit still here[H4191], we die also[H3212]. Now therefore come, and let us fall[H5307] unto the host[H4264] of the Syrians[H758]: if they save us alive[H2421], we shall live[H2421]; and if they kill[H4191] us[H4191], we shall but die.

5. And they rose up[H6965] in the twilight[H5399], to go[H935] unto the camp[H4264] of the Syrians[H758]; and when they were come[H935] to the outermost part[H7097] of the camp[H4264] of the Syrians[H758], behold[H376], there was no man there.

6. For the Lord[H136] had made the host[H4264] of the Syrians[H758] to hear[H8085] a noise[H6963] of chariots[H7393], and a noise[H6963] of horses[H5483], even the noise[H6963] of a great[H1419] host[H2428]: and they said[H559] one[H376] to another[H251], Lo[H4428], the king of Israel[H3478] hath hired[H7936] against us the kings[H4428] of the Hittites[H2850], and the kings[H4428] of the Egyptians[H4714], to come upon us[H935].

7. Wherefore they arose[H6965] and fled[H5127] in the twilight[H5399], and left[H5800] their tents[H168], and their horses[H5483], and their asses[H2543], even the camp[H4264] as it was[H5127], and fled for their life[H5315].

8. And when these lepers[H6879] came[H935] to the outermost part[H7097] of the camp[H4264], they went[H935] into one[H259] tent[H168], and did eat[H398] and drink[H8354], and carried[H5375] thence silver[H3701], and gold[H2091], and raiment[H899], and went[H3212] and hid[H2934] it[H7725]; and they came back, and entered[H935] into another[H312] tent[H168], and carried[H5375] thence also[H3212], and went and hid it[H2934].

9. Then they said[H559] one[H376] to another[H7453], We do[H6213] not well[H3117]; this day is a day[H3117] of good tidings[H1309], and we hold our peace[H2814]: if we tarry[H2442] till the morning[H1242] light[H216], punishment[H5771] will overtake[H4672] us[H4672]; now therefore come, let us go[H3212] and tell[H5046] the king[H4428]'s household[H1004].

10. So they came[H935] and called[H7121] unto the porter[H7778] of the city[H5892]; and they told[H5046] them[H559], saying, We came[H935] to the camp[H4264] of the Syrians[H758], and[H376], behold, there was no man there[H6963], neither voice of man[H120], but the horses[H5483] tied[H631], and the asses[H2543] tied[H631], and the tents as they were[H168].

11. And he called[H7121] the porters[H7778]; and they told[H5046] it to the king[H4428]'s household[H1004] within[H6441].

12. And the king[H4428] arose[H6965] in the night[H3915], and said[H559] unto his servants[H5650], I will now show[H5046] you what the Syrians[H758] have done[H6213] to us[H3045]. They know that we are hungry[H7457]; therefore are they gone out[H3318] of the camp[H4264] to hide[H2247] themselves in the field[H7704], saying[H559], When they come out[H3318] of the city[H5892], we shall take[H8610] them alive[H2416], and get[H935] into the city[H5892].

13. And one[H259] of his servants[H5650] answered[H6030] and said[H559], Let some take[H3947], I pray thee[H2568], five of the horses[H5483] that remain[H7604], which are left[H7604] in the city[H1995] (behold, they are as all the multitude of Israel[H3478] that are left[H7604] in it[H1995]; behold, they are as all the multitude of Israel[H3478] that are consumed[H8552]); and let us send[H7971] and see[H7200].

14. They took[H3947] therefore two[H8147] chariots[H7393] with horses[H5483]; and the king[H4428] sent[H7971] after[H310] the host[H4264] of the Syrians[H758], saying[H559], Go[H3212] and see[H7200].

15. And they went[H3212] after[H310] them unto the Jordan[H3383]: and[H1870], lo, all the way was full[H4392] of garments[H899] and vessels[H3627], which the Syrians[H758] had cast away[H7993] in their haste[H2648]. And the messengers[H4397] returned[H7725], and told[H5046] the king[H4428].

16. And the people[H5971] went out[H3318], and plundered[H962] the camp[H4264] of the Syrians[H758]. So a measure[H5429] of fine flour[H5560] was sold for a shekel[H8255], and two measures[H5429] of barley[H8184] for a shekel[H8255], according to the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068].

17. And the king[H4428] appointed[H6485] the captain[H7991] on whose hand[H3027] he leaned[H8172] to have the charge of the gate[H8179]: and the people[H5971] trod[H7429] upon him in the gate[H8179], and he died[H4191] as the man[H376] of God[H430] had said[H1696], who spake[H1696] when the king[H4428] came down to him[H3381].

18. And it came to pass[H376], as the man of God[H430] had spoken[H1696] to the king[H4428], saying[H559], Two measures[H5429] of barley[H8184] for a shekel[H8255], and a measure[H5429] of fine flour[H5560] for a shekel[H8255], shall be to-morrow[H4279] about this time[H6256] in the gate[H8179] of Samaria[H8111];

19. and that captain[H7991] answered[H6030] the man[H376] of God[H430], and said[H559], Now[H3068], behold, if Jehovah should make[H6213] windows[H699] in heaven[H8064], might such a thing[H1697] be[H559]? and he said, Behold[H7200], thou shalt see it with thine eyes[H5869], but shalt not eat thereof[H398]:

20. it came to pass even so unto him[H5971]; for the people trod[H7429] upon him in the gate[H8179], and he died[H4191].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

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