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ASV_Strong : 2 Kings 6


1. And the sons[H1121] of the prophets[H5030] said[H559] unto[H6440] Elisha[H477], Behold now[H4725], the place where we dwell[H3427] before thee is too strait for us[H6862].

2. Let us go[H3212], we pray thee[H3383], unto the Jordan, and take[H3947] thence every man[H376] a[H259] beam[H6982], and let us make[H6213] us a place[H4725] there[H3427], where we may dwell. And he answered[H559], Go ye[H3212].

3. And one[H259] said[H559], Be pleased[H2974], I pray thee[H3212], to go with thy servants[H5650]. And he answered[H559], I will go[H3212].

4. So he went[H3212] with them[H935]. And when they came to the Jordan[H3383], they cut down[H1504] wood[H6086].

5. But as one[H259] was felling[H5307] a beam[H6982], the axe-head[H1270] fell[H5307] into the water[H4325]; and he cried[H6817], and said[H559], Alas[H162], my master[H113]! for it was borrowed[H7592].

6. And the man[H376] of God[H430] said[H559], Where[H575] fell[H5307] it[H7200]? And he showed him the place[H4725]. And he cut down[H7094] a stick[H6086], and cast[H7993] it in thither[H1270], and made the iron to swim[H6687].

7. And he said[H559], Take it up[H7311] to thee[H7971]. So he put out his hand[H3027], and took it[H3947].

8. Now the king[H4428] of Syria[H758] was warring[H3898] against Israel[H3478]; and he took counsel[H3289] with his servants[H5650], saying[H559], In such[H492] and such[H6423] a place[H4725] shall be my camp[H8466].

9. And the man[H376] of God[H430] sent[H7971] unto the king[H4428] of Israel[H3478], saying[H559], Beware[H8104] that thou pass[H5674] not such[H2088] a place[H4725]; for thither the Syrians[H758] are coming down[H5185].

10. And the king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] sent[H7971] to the place[H4725] which the man[H376] of God[H430] told[H559] him and warned[H2094] him of[H8104]; and he saved himself there[H259], not once nor twice[H8147].

11. And the heart[H3820] of the king[H4428] of Syria[H758] was sore troubled[H5590] for this thing[H1697]; and he called[H7121] his servants[H5650], and said[H559] unto them[H5046], Will ye not show me which of us is for the king[H4428] of Israel[H3478]?

12. And one[H259] of his servants[H5650] said[H559], Nay[H113], my lord, O king[H4428]; but Elisha[H477], the prophet[H5030] that is in Israel[H3478], telleth[H5046] the king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] the words[H1697] that thou speakest[H1696] in thy bedchamber[H2315].

13. And he said[H559], Go[H3212] and see[H7200] where[H351] he is[H7971], that I may send and fetch[H3947] him[H5046]. And it was told him[H559], saying, Behold[H1886], he is in Dothan.

14. Therefore sent[H7971] he thither horses[H5483], and chariots[H7393], and a great[H3515] host[H2428]: and they came[H935] by night[H3915], and compassed[H5362] the city[H5892] about[H5362].

15. And when the servant[H8334] of the man[H376] of God[H430] was risen[H6965] early[H7925], and gone forth[H3318], behold[H2428], a host with horses[H5483] and chariots[H7393] was round about[H5437] the city[H5892]. And his servant[H5288] said[H559] unto him[H162], Alas, my master[H113]! how shall we do[H6213]?

16. And he answered[H559], Fear[H3372] not[H7227]; for they that are with us are more than they that are with them.

17. And Elisha[H477] prayed[H6419], and said[H559], Jehovah[H3068], I pray thee[H6491], open his eyes[H5869], that he may see[H7200]. And Jehovah[H3068] opened[H6491] the eyes[H5869] of the young man[H5288]; and he saw[H7200]: and[H2022], behold, the mountain was full[H4390] of horses[H5483] and chariots[H7393] of fire[H784] round about[H5439] Elisha[H477].

18. And when they came down[H3381] to him[H477], Elisha prayed[H6419] unto Jehovah[H3068], and said[H559], Smite[H5221] this people[H1471], I pray thee[H5575], with blindness. And he smote[H5221] them with blindness[H5575] according to the word[H1697] of Elisha[H477].

19. And Elisha[H477] said[H559] unto them[H1870], This is not the way, neither is this[H2090] the city[H5892]: follow[H3212] me[H3212], and I will bring you to the man[H376] whom ye seek[H1245]. And he led[H3212] them to Samaria[H8111].

20. And it came to pass[H935], when they were come into Samaria[H8111], that Elisha[H477] said[H559], Jehovah[H3068], open[H6491] the eyes[H5869] of these men[H7200], that they may see. And Jehovah[H3068] opened[H6491] their eyes[H5869], and they saw[H7200]; and[H8432], behold, they were in the midst of Samaria[H8111].

21. And the king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] said[H559] unto Elisha[H477], when he saw[H7200] them[H1], My father, shall I smite[H5221] them[H5221]? shall I smite them?

22. And he answered[H559], Thou shalt not smite[H5221] them[H5221]: wouldest thou smite those whom thou hast taken captive[H7617] with thy sword[H2719] and with thy bow[H7198]? set[H7760] bread[H3899] and water[H4325] before[H6440] them[H398], that they may eat and drink[H8354], and go[H3212] to their master[H113].

23. And he prepared[H3739] great[H1419] provision[H3740] for them[H398]; and when they had eaten and drunk[H8354], he sent them away[H7971], and they went[H3212] to their master[H113]. And the bands[H1416] of Syria[H758] came[H935] no more[H3254] into the land[H776] of Israel[H3478].

24. And it came to pass after this[H310], that Benhadad[H1130] king[H4428] of Syria[H758] gathered[H6908] all his host[H4264], and went up[H5927], and besieged[H6696] Samaria[H8111].

25. And there was a great[H1419] famine[H7458] in Samaria[H8111]: and[H6696], behold, they besieged it[H2543], until an ass's head[H7218] was sold for fourscore[H8084] pieces of silver[H3701], and the fourth part[H7255] of a kab[H6894] of dove[H3123]'s dung for five[H2568] pieces of silver[H3701].

26. And as the king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] was passing by[H5674] upon the wall[H2346], there cried[H6817] a woman[H802] unto him[H559], saying, Help[H3467], my lord[H113], O king[H4428].

27. And he said[H559], If Jehovah[H3068] do not help[H3467] thee[H370], whence shall I help[H3467] thee[H1637]? out of the threshing-floor, or out of the winepress[H3342]?

28. And the king[H4428] said[H559] unto her[H559], What aileth thee? And she answered, This woman[H802] said[H559] unto me[H5414], Give thy son[H1121], that we may eat[H398] him to-day[H3117], and we will eat[H398] my son[H1121] to-morrow[H4279].

29. So we boiled[H1310] my son[H1121], and did eat[H398] him[H559]: and I said unto her on the next[H312] day[H3117], Give[H5414] thy son[H1121], that we may eat[H398] him[H2244]; and she hath hid her son[H1121].

30. And it came to pass[H4428], when the king heard[H8085] the words[H1697] of the woman[H802], that he rent[H7167] his clothes[H899] (now he was passing by[H5674] upon the wall[H2346]); and the people[H5971] looked[H7200], and[H8242], behold, he had sackcloth within[H1004] upon his flesh[H1320].

31. Then he said[H559], God[H430] do[H6213] so to me[H3254], and more also[H7218], if the head of Elisha[H477] the son[H1121] of Shaphat[H8202] shall stand[H5975] on him this day[H3117].

32. But Elisha[H477] was sitting[H3427] in his house[H1004], and the elders[H2205] were sitting[H3427] with him[H7971]; and the king sent a man[H376] from before[H6440] him[H4397]: but ere the messenger came[H935] to him[H559], he said to the elders[H2205], See[H7200] ye how this son[H1121] of a murderer[H7523] hath sent[H7971] to take away[H5493] my head[H7218]? look[H7200], when the messenger[H4397] cometh[H935], shut[H5462] the door[H1817], and hold the door[H1817] fast[H3905] against him[H6963]: is not the sound of his master[H113]'s feet[H7272] behind him[H310]?

33. And while he was yet talking[H1696] with them[H4397], behold, the messenger came down[H3381] unto him[H559]: and he said, Behold[H7451], this evil is of Jehovah[H3068]; why should I wait[H3176] for Jehovah any longer[H3068]?

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

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