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ASV_Strong : 2 Kings 19


1. And it came to pass[H4428], when king Hezekiah[H2396] heard[H8085] it[H7167], that he rent his clothes[H899], and covered[H3680] himself with sackcloth[H8242], and went[H935] into the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068].

2. And he sent[H7971] Eliakim[H471], who was over the household[H1004], and Shebna[H7644] the scribe[H5608], and the elders[H2205] of the priests[H3548], covered[H3680] with sackcloth[H8242], unto Isaiah[H3470] the prophet[H5030] the son[H1121] of Amoz[H531].

3. And they said[H559] unto him[H559], Thus saith Hezekiah[H2396], This day[H3117] is a day[H3117] of trouble[H6869], and of rebuke[H8433], and of contumely[H5007]; for the children[H1121] are come[H935] to the birth[H4866], and there is not strength[H3581] to bring forth[H3205].

4. It may be[H194] Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] will hear[H8085] all the words[H1697] of Rabshakeh[H7262], whom the king[H4428] of Assyria[H804] his master[H113] hath sent[H7971] to defy[H2778] the living[H2416] God[H430], and will rebuke[H3198] the words[H1697] which Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] hath heard[H8085]: wherefore lift up[H5375] thy prayer[H8605] for the remnant[H7611] that is left[H4672].

5. So the servants[H5650] of king[H4428] Hezekiah[H2396] came[H935] to Isaiah[H3470].

6. And Isaiah[H3470] said[H559] unto them[H559], Thus shall ye say to your master[H113], Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], Be not afraid[H3372] of[H6440] the words[H1697] that thou hast heard[H8085], wherewith the servants[H5288] of the king[H4428] of Assyria[H804] have blasphemed me[H1442].

7. Behold[H5414], I will put a spirit[H7307] in him[H8085], and he shall hear tidings[H8052], and shall return[H7725] to his own land[H776]; and I will cause him to fall[H5307] by the sword[H2719] in his own land[H776].

8. So Rabshakeh[H7262] returned[H7725], and found[H4672] the king[H4428] of Assyria[H804] warring[H3898] against Libnah[H3841]; for he had heard[H8085] that he was departed[H5265] from Lachish[H3923].

9. And when he heard[H8085] say[H559] of Tirhakah[H8640] king[H4428] of Ethiopia[H3568], Behold[H3318], he is come out to fight[H3898] against thee[H7971], he sent messengers[H4397] again[H7725] unto Hezekiah[H2396], saying[H559],

10. Thus shall ye speak[H559] to Hezekiah[H2396] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063], saying[H559], Let not thy God[H430] in whom thou trustest[H982] deceive[H5377] thee[H559], saying, Jerusalem[H3389] shall not be given[H5414] into the hand[H3027] of the king[H4428] of Assyria[H804].

11. Behold[H8085], thou hast heard what the kings[H4428] of Assyria[H804] have done[H6213] to all lands[H776], by destroying them utterly[H2763]: and shalt thou be delivered[H5337]?

12. Have the gods[H430] of the nations[H1471] delivered[H5337] them[H1], which my fathers have destroyed[H7843], Gozan[H1470], and Haran[H2771], and Rezeph[H7530], and the children[H1121] of Eden[H5729] that were in Telassar[H8515]?

13. Where is the king[H4428] of Hamath[H2574], and the king[H4428] of Arpad[H774], and the king[H4428] of the city[H5892] of Sepharvaim[H5617], of Hena[H2012], and Ivvah[H5755]?

14. And Hezekiah[H2396] received[H3947] the letter[H5612] from the hand[H3027] of the messengers[H4397], and read[H7121] it[H2396]; and Hezekiah went up[H5927] unto the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], and spread[H6566] it before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068].

15. And Hezekiah[H2396] prayed[H6419] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068], and said[H559], O Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], that sittest[H3427] above the cherubim[H3742], thou art the God[H430], even thou alone[H4467], of all the kingdoms of the earth[H776]; thou hast made[H6213] heaven[H8064] and earth[H776].

16. Incline[H5186] thine ear[H241], O Jehovah[H3068], and hear[H8085]; open[H6491] thine eyes[H5869], O Jehovah[H3068], and see[H7200]; and hear[H8085] the words[H1697] of Sennacherib[H5576], wherewith he hath sent[H7971] him to defy[H2778] the living[H2416] God[H430].

17. Of a truth[H551], Jehovah[H3068], the kings[H4428] of Assyria[H804] have laid waste[H2717] the nations[H1471] and their lands[H776],

18. and have cast[H5414] their gods[H430] into the fire[H784]; for they were no gods[H430], but the work[H4639] of men[H120]'s hands[H3027], wood[H6086] and stone[H68]; therefore they have destroyed them[H6].

19. Now therefore[H3068], O Jehovah our God[H430], save[H3467] thou us[H3027], I beseech thee, out of his hand, that all the kingdoms[H4467] of the earth[H776] may know[H3045] that thou Jehovah[H3068] art God alone[H430].

20. Then Isaiah[H3470] the son[H1121] of Amoz[H531] sent[H7971] to Hezekiah[H2396], saying[H559], Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], Whereas thou hast prayed[H6419] to me against Sennacherib[H5576] king[H4428] of Assyria[H804], I have heard thee[H8085].

21. This is the word[H1697] that Jehovah[H3068] hath spoken[H1696] concerning him[H1330]: The virgin daughter[H1323] of Zion[H6726] hath despised[H959] thee and laughed thee to scorn[H3932]; the daughter[H1323] of Jerusalem[H3389] hath shaken[H5128] her head[H7218] at thee[H310].

22. Whom hast thou defied[H2778] and blasphemed[H1442]? and against whom hast thou exalted[H7311] thy voice[H6963] and lifted up[H5375] thine eyes[H5869] on high[H4791]? even against the Holy[H6918] One of Israel[H3478].

23. By[H3027] thy messengers[H4397] thou hast defied[H2778] the Lord[H136], and hast said[H559], With the multitude[H7230] of my chariots[H7393] am I come up[H5927] to the height[H4791] of the mountains[H2022], to the innermost parts[H3411] of Lebanon[H3844]; and I will cut down[H3772] the tall[H6967] cedars[H730] thereof[H4004], and the choice fir-trees[H1265] thereof[H935]; and I will enter into his farthest[H7093] lodging-place[H4411], the forest[H3293] of his fruitful field[H3760].

24. I have digged[H6979] and drunk[H8354] strange[H2114] waters[H4325], and with the sole[H3709] of my feet[H6471] will I dry[H2717] up all the rivers[H2975] of Egypt[H4693].

25. Hast thou not heard[H8085] how I have done[H6213] it long ago[H7350], and formed[H3335] it of ancient[H6924] times[H3117]? now have I brought[H935] it to pass[H7582], that it should be thine to lay waste fortified[H1219] cities[H5892] into ruinous[H5327] heaps[H1530].

26. Therefore their inhabitants[H3427] were of small[H7116] power[H3027], they were dismayed[H2865] and confounded[H954]; they were as the grass[H6212] of the field[H7704], and as the green[H3419] herb[H1877], as the grass[H2682] on the housetops[H1406], and as grain blasted[H7711] before[H6440] it is grown up[H7054].

27. But I know[H3045] thy sitting[H3427] down[H3318], and thy going out, and thy coming in[H935], and thy raging against me[H7264].

28. Because of thy raging[H7264] against me[H7600], and because thine arrogancy is come up[H5927] into mine ears[H241], therefore will I put[H7760] my hook[H2397] in thy nose[H639], and my bridle[H4964] in thy lips[H8193], and I will turn thee back[H7725] by the way[H1870] by which thou camest[H935].

29. And this shall be the sign[H226] unto thee[H398]: Ye shall eat this year[H8141] that which groweth[H5599] of itself[H8145], and in the second year[H8141] that which springeth[H7823] of the same[H7992]; and in the third year[H8141] sow[H2232] ye[H7114], and reap, and plant[H5193] vineyards[H3754], and eat[H398] the fruit thereof[H6529].

30. And the remnant[H7604] that is escaped[H6413] of the house[H1004] of Judah[H3063] shall again[H3254] take root[H8328] downward[H4295], and bear[H6213] fruit[H6529] upward[H4605].

31. For out[H3318] of Jerusalem[H3389] shall go forth[H3318] a remnant[H7611], and out of mount[H2022] Zion[H6726] they that shall escape[H6413]: the zeal[H7068] of Jehovah[H3068] shall perform this[H6213].

32. Therefore thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] concerning the king[H4428] of Assyria[H804], He shall not come[H935] unto this city[H5892], nor shoot[H3384] an arrow[H2671] there[H6923], neither shall he come before it with shield[H4043], nor cast[H8210] up a mound against it[H5550].

33. By the way[H1870] that he came[H935], by the same shall he return[H7725], and he shall not come[H935] unto this city[H5892], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068].

34. For I will defend[H1598] this city[H5892] to save[H3467] it[H5650], for mine own sake, and for my servant David[H1732]'s sake.

35. And it came to pass that night[H3915], that the angel[H4397] of Jehovah[H3068] went forth[H3318], and smote[H5221] in the camp[H4264] of the Assyrians[H804] a hundred[H3967] fourscore[H8084] and five[H2568] thousand[H505]: and when men arose early[H7925] in the morning[H1242], behold[H4191], these were all dead bodies[H6297].

36. So Sennacherib[H5576] king[H4428] of Assyria[H804] departed[H5265], and went[H3212] and returned[H7725], and dwelt[H3427] at Nineveh[H5210].

37. And it came to pass[H7812], as he was worshipping in the house[H1004] of Nisroch[H5268] his god[H430], that Adrammelech[H152] and Sharezer[H8272, 1121] smote[H5221] him with the sword[H2719]: and they escaped[H4422] into the land[H776] of Ararat[H780]. And Esar-haddon[H634] his son[H1121] reigned in his stead[H4427].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

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