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ASV_Strong : 2 Kings 14


1. In the second[H8147] year[H8141] of Joash[H3101] son[H1121] of Joahaz[H3099] king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] began Amaziah[H558] the son[H1121] of Joash[H3101] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] to reign[H4427].

2. He was twenty[H6242] and five[H2568] years[H8141] old[H1121] when he began to reign[H4427]; and he reigned[H4427] twenty[H6242] and nine[H8672] years[H8141] in Jerusalem[H3389]: and his mother[H517]'s name[H8034] was Jehoaddin[H3086] of Jerusalem[H3389].

3. And he did[H6213] that which was right[H3477] in the eyes[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068], yet[H7535] not like David[H1732] his father[H1]: he did[H6213] according to all that Joash[H3101] his father[H1] had done[H6213].

4. Howbeit the high places[H1116] were not taken away[H5493]: the people[H5971] still[H5750] sacrificed[H2076] and burnt incense[H6999] in the high places[H1116].

5. And it came to pass[H4467], as soon as the kingdom was established[H2388] in his hand[H3027], that he slew[H5221] his servants[H5650] who had slain[H5221] the king[H4428] his father[H1]:

6. but the children[H1121] of the murderers[H5221] he put not to death[H4191]; according to that which is written[H3789] in the book[H5612] of the law[H8451] of Moses[H4872], as Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680], saying[H559], The fathers[H1] shall not be put to death[H4191] for the children[H1121], nor the children[H1121] be put to death[H4191] for the fathers[H1]; but every man[H376] shall die[H4191] for his own sin[H2399].

7. He slew[H5221] of Edom[H123] in the Valley[H1516] of Salt[H4417] ten[H6235] thousand[H505], and took[H8610] Sela[H5554] by war[H4421], and called[H7121] the name[H8034] of it Joktheel[H3371], unto this day[H3117].

8. Then Amaziah[H558] sent[H7971] messengers[H4397] to Jehoash[H3060], the son[H1121] of Jehoahaz[H3059] son[H1121] of Jehu[H3058], king[H4428] of Israel[H3478], saying[H559], Come[H3212], let us look[H7200] one another in the face[H6440].

9. And Jehoash[H3060] the king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] sent[H7971] to Amaziah[H558] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063], saying[H559], The thistle[H2336] that was in Lebanon[H3844] sent[H7971] to the cedar[H730] that was in Lebanon[H3844], saying[H559], Give[H5414] thy daughter[H1323] to my son[H1121] to wife[H802]: and there passed[H5674] by a wild[H7704] beast[H2416] that was in Lebanon[H3844], and trod down[H7429] the thistle[H2336].

10. Thou hast indeed[H5221] smitten[H5221] Edom[H123], and thy heart[H3820] hath lifted thee up[H5375]: glory[H3513] thereof[H3427], and abide at home[H1004]; for why shouldest thou meddle[H1624] to thy hurt[H7451], that thou shouldest fall[H5307], even thou[H3063], and Judah with thee?

11. But Amaziah[H558] would not hear[H8085]. So Jehoash[H3060] king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] went up[H5927]; and he and Amaziah[H558] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] looked[H7200] one another in the face[H6440] at Beth-shemesh[H1053], which belongeth to Judah[H3063].

12. And Judah[H3063] was put to the worse[H5062] before[H6440] Israel[H3478]; and they fled[H5127] every man[H376] to his tent[H168].

13. And Jehoash[H3060] king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] took[H8610] Amaziah[H558] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063], the son[H1121] of Jehoash[H3060] the son[H1121] of Ahaziah[H274], at Beth-shemesh[H1053], and came[H935] to Jerusalem[H3389], and brake down[H6555] the wall[H2346] of Jerusalem[H3389] from the gate[H8179] of Ephraim[H669] unto the corner[H6438] gate[H8179], four[H702] hundred[H3967] cubits[H520].

14. And he took[H3947] all the gold[H2091] and silver[H3701], and all the vessels[H3627] that were found[H4672] in the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], and in the treasures[H214] of the king[H4428]'s house[H1004], the hostages[H1121] also[H7725], and returned to Samaria[H8111].

15. Now the rest[H3499] of the acts[H1697] of Jehoash[H3060] which he did[H6213], and his might[H1369], and how he fought[H3898] with Amaziah[H558] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063], are they not written[H3789] in the book[H5612] of the chronicles[H1697] of the kings[H4428] of Israel[H3478]?

16. And Jehoash[H3060] slept[H7901] with his fathers[H1], and was buried[H6912] in Samaria[H8111] with the kings[H4428] of Israel[H3478]; and Jeroboam[H3379] his son[H1121] reigned in his stead[H4427].

17. And Amaziah[H558] the son[H1121] of Joash[H3101] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] lived[H2421] after[H310] the death[H4194] of Jehoash[H3060] son[H1121] of Jehoahaz[H3059] king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] fifteen[H2568] years[H8141].

18. Now the rest[H3499] of the acts[H1697] of Amaziah[H558], are they not written[H3789] in the book[H5612] of the chronicles[H1697] of the kings[H4428] of Judah[H3063]?

19. And they made[H7194] a conspiracy[H7195] against him in Jerusalem[H3389]; and he fled[H5127] to Lachish[H3923]: but they sent[H7971] after[H310] him to Lachish[H3923], and slew him there[H4191].

20. And they brought[H5375] him upon horses[H5483]; and he was buried[H6912] at Jerusalem[H3389] with his fathers[H1] in the city[H5892] of David[H1732].

21. And all the people[H5971] of Judah[H3063] took[H3947] Azariah[H5838], who was sixteen[H8337] years[H8141] old[H1121], and made him king[H4427] in the room of his father[H1] Amaziah[H558].

22. He built[H1129] Elath[H359], and restored[H7725] it to Judah[H3063], after[H310] that the king[H4428] slept[H7901] with his fathers[H1].

23. In the fifteenth[H6240] year[H8141] of Amaziah[H558] the son[H1121] of Joash[H3101] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] Jeroboam[H3379] the son[H1121] of Joash[H3101] king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] began to reign[H4427] in Samaria[H8111], and reigned forty[H705] and one[H259] years[H8141].

24. And he did[H6213] that which was evil[H7451] in the sight[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068]: he departed[H5493] not from all the sins[H2403] of Jeroboam[H3379] the son[H1121] of Nebat[H5028], wherewith he made Israel[H3478] to sin[H2398].

25. He restored[H7725] the border[H1366] of Israel[H3478] from the entrance[H935] of Hamath[H2574] unto the sea[H3220] of the Arabah[H6160], according to the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], which he spake[H1696] by[H3027] his servant[H5650] Jonah[H3124] the son[H1121] of Amittai[H573], the prophet[H5030], who was of Gath-hepher[H1662].

26. For Jehovah[H3068] saw[H7200] the affliction[H6040] of Israel[H3478], that it was very[H3966] bitter[H4784]; for there was none[H657] shut up[H6113] nor left[H5800] at large[H5826], neither was there any helper for Israel[H3478].

27. And Jehovah[H3068] said[H1696] not that he would blot out[H4229] the name[H8034] of Israel[H3478] from under heaven[H8064]; but he saved[H3467] them by the hand[H3027] of Jeroboam[H3379] the son[H1121] of Joash[H3101].

28. Now the rest[H3499] of the acts[H1697] of Jeroboam[H3379], and all that he did[H6213], and his might[H1369], how he warred[H3898], and how he recovered[H7725] Damascus[H1834], and Hamath[H2574], which had belonged to Judah[H3063], for Israel[H3478], are they not written[H3789] in the book[H5612] of the chronicles[H1697] of the kings[H4428] of Israel[H3478]?

29. And Jeroboam[H3379] slept[H7901] with his fathers[H1], even with the kings[H4428] of Israel[H3478]; and Zechariah[H2148] his son[H1121] reigned in his stead[H4427].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

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