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ASV_Strong : 1 Kings 11


1. Now king[H4428] Solomon[H8010] loved[H157] many[H7227] foreign[H5237] women[H802], together with the daughter[H1323] of Pharaoh[H6547], women of the Moabites[H4125], Ammonites[H5984], Edomites[H130], Sidonians[H6722], and Hittites[H2850];

2. of the nations[H1471] concerning which Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], Ye shall not go among[H935] them[H935], neither shall they come among you[H403]; for surely they will turn away[H5186] your heart[H3824] after[H310] their gods[H430]: Solomon[H8010] clave[H1692] unto these in love[H157].

3. And he had seven[H7651] hundred[H3967] wives[H802], princesses[H8282], and three[H7969] hundred[H3967] concubines[H6370]; and his wives[H802] turned away[H5186] his heart[H3820].

4. For it came to pass[H6256], when Solomon[H8010] was old[H2209], that his wives[H802] turned away[H5186] his heart[H3824] after[H310] other[H312] gods[H430]; and his heart[H3824] was not perfect[H8003] with Jehovah[H3068] his God[H430], as was the heart[H3824] of David[H1732] his father[H1].

5. For Solomon[H8010] went[H3212] after[H310] Ashtoreth[H6253] the goddess[H430] of the Sidonians[H6722], and after[H310] Milcom[H4445] the abomination[H8251] of the Ammonites[H5984].

6. And Solomon[H8010] did[H6213] that which was evil[H7451] in the sight[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068], and went not fully[H4390] after[H310] Jehovah[H3068], as did David[H1732] his father[H1].

7. Then did Solomon[H8010] build[H1129] a high place[H1116] for Chemosh[H3645] the abomination[H8251] of Moab[H4124], in the mount[H2022] that is before[H6440] Jerusalem[H3389], and for Molech[H4432] the abomination[H8251] of the children[H1121] of Ammon[H5983].

8. And so did[H6213] he for all his foreign[H5237] wives[H802], who burnt incense[H6999] and sacrificed[H2076] unto their gods[H430].

9. And Jehovah[H3068] was angry[H599] with Solomon[H8010], because his heart[H3824] was turned[H5186] away from Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], who had appeared[H7200] unto him twice[H6471],

10. and had commanded[H6680] him concerning this thing[H1697], that he should not go[H3212] after[H310] other[H312] gods[H430]: but he kept[H8104] not that which Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680].

11. Wherefore Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto Solomon[H8010], Forasmuch as this is done of thee[H8104], and thou hast not kept my covenant[H1285] and my statutes[H2708], which I have commanded[H6680] thee[H7167], I will surely rend[H7167] the kingdom[H4467] from thee[H5414], and will give it to thy servant[H5650].

12. Notwithstanding in thy days[H3117] I will not do[H6213] it[H1732], for David thy father[H1]'s sake[H7167]: but I will rend it out of the hand[H3027] of thy son[H1121].

13. Howbeit[H7535] I will not rend away[H7167] all the kingdom[H4467]; but I will give[H5414] one[H259] tribe[H7626] to thy son[H1121], for David[H1732] my servant[H5650]'s sake[H3389], and for Jerusalem's sake which I have chosen[H977].

14. And Jehovah[H3068] raised up[H6965] an adversary[H7854] unto Solomon[H8010], Hadad[H1908] the Edomite[H130]: he was of the king[H4428]'s seed[H2233] in Edom[H123].

15. For it came to pass[H1732], when David was in Edom[H123], and Joab[H3097] the captain[H8269] of the host[H6635] was gone up[H5927] to bury[H6912] the slain[H2491], and had smitten[H5221] every male[H2145] in Edom[H123]

16. (for Joab[H3097] and all Israel[H3478] remained[H3427] there six[H8337] months[H2320], until he had cut off[H3772] every male[H2145] in Edom[H123]);

17. that Hadad[H111] fled[H1272], he and certain[H582] Edomites[H130] of his father[H1]'s servants[H5650] with him[H935], to go into Egypt[H4714], Hadad[H1908] being yet a little[H6996] child[H5288].

18. And they arose[H6965] out of Midian[H4080], and came[H935] to Paran[H6290]; and they took[H3947] men[H582] with them out of Paran[H6290], and they came[H935] to Egypt[H4714], unto Pharaoh[H6547] king[H4428] of Egypt[H4714], who gave[H5414] him a house[H1004], and appointed[H559] him victuals[H3899], and gave[H5414] him land[H776].

19. And Hadad[H1908] found[H4672] great[H3966] favor[H2580] in the sight[H5869] of Pharaoh[H6547], so that he gave[H5414] him to wife[H802] the sister[H269] of his own wife[H802], the sister[H269] of Tahpenes[H8472] the queen[H1377].

20. And the sister[H269] of Tahpenes[H8472] bare[H3205] him Genubath[H1592] his son[H1121], whom Tahpenes[H8472] weaned[H1580] in[H8432] Pharaoh[H6547]'s house[H1004]; and Genubath[H1592] was in Pharaoh[H6547]'s house[H1004] among[H8432] the sons[H1121] of Pharaoh[H6547].

21. And when Hadad[H1908] heard[H8085] in Egypt[H4714] that David[H1732] slept[H7901] with his fathers[H1], and that Joab[H3097] the captain[H8269] of the host[H6635] was dead[H4191], Hadad[H1908] said[H559] to Pharaoh[H6547], Let me depart[H7971], that I may go[H3212] to mine own country[H776].

22. Then Pharaoh[H6547] said[H559] unto him[H2638], But what hast thou lacked with me[H1245], that, behold, thou seekest to go[H3212] to thine own country[H776]? And he answered[H559], Nothing[H7971]: howbeit only let me depart[H7971].

23. And God[H430] raised up[H6965] another adversary[H7854] unto him[H7331], Rezon the son[H1121] of Eliada[H450], who had fled[H1272] from his lord[H113] Hadadezer[H1909] king[H4428] of Zobah[H6678].

24. And he gathered[H6908] men[H582] unto him[H8269], and became captain over a troop[H1416], when David[H1732] slew[H2026] them of Zobah[H3212]: and they went to Damascus[H1834], and dwelt[H3427] therein[H4427], and reigned in Damascus[H1834].

25. And he was an adversary[H7854] to Israel[H3478] all the days[H3117] of Solomon[H8010], besides the mischief[H7451] that Hadad[H1908] did[H6973]: and he abhorred Israel[H3478], and reigned[H4427] over Syria[H758].

26. And Jeroboam[H3379] the son[H1121] of Nebat[H5028], an Ephraimite[H673] of Zeredah[H6868], a servant[H5650] of Solomon[H8010], whose mother[H517]'s name[H8034] was Zeruah[H6871], a[H802] widow[H490], he also lifted up[H7311] his hand[H3027] against the king[H4428].

27. And this was the reason[H1697] why he lifted up[H7311] his hand[H3027] against the king[H4428]: Solomon[H8010] built[H1129] Millo[H4407], and repaired[H5462] the breach of the city[H5892] of David[H1732] his father[H1].

28. And the man[H376] Jeroboam[H3379] was a mighty man[H1368] of valor[H2428]; and Solomon[H8010] saw[H7200] the young man[H5288] that he was industrious[H6213], and he gave him charge[H6485] over all the labor[H5447] of the house[H1004] of Joseph[H3130].

29. And it came to pass at that time[H6256], when Jeroboam[H3379] went out[H3318] of Jerusalem[H3389], that the prophet[H5030] Ahijah[H281] the Shilonite[H7888] found[H4672] him in the way[H1870]; now Ahijah had clad[H3680] himself with a new[H2319] garment[H8008]; and they two[H8147] were alone in the field[H7704].

30. And Ahijah[H281] laid hold[H8610] of the new[H2319] garment[H8008] that was on him[H7167], and rent it in twelve[H8147] pieces[H7168].

31. And he said[H559] to Jeroboam[H3379], Take[H3947] thee ten[H6235] pieces[H7168]; for thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], Behold[H7167], I will rend the kingdom[H4467] out of the hand[H3027] of Solomon[H8010], and will give[H5414] ten[H6235] tribes to thee[H7626]

32. (but he shall have one[H259] tribe[H7626], for my servant[H5650] David[H1732]'s sake and for Jerusalem[H3389]'s sake[H5892], the city which I have chosen[H977] out of all the tribes[H7626] of Israel[H3478]);

33. because that they have forsaken[H5800] me[H7812], and have worshipped Ashtoreth[H6253] the goddess[H430] of the Sidonians[H6722], Chemosh[H3645] the god[H430] of Moab[H4124], and Milcom[H4445] the god[H430] of the children[H1121] of Ammon[H5983]; and they have not walked[H1980] in my ways[H1870], to do[H6213] that which is right[H3477] in mine eyes[H5869], and to keep my statutes[H2708] and mine ordinances[H4941], as did David[H1732] his father[H1].

34. Howbeit I will not take[H3947] the whole kingdom[H4467] out of his hand[H3027]; but I will make[H7896] him prince[H5387] all the days[H3117] of his life[H2416], for David[H1732] my servant[H5650]'s sake whom I chose[H977], who kept[H8104] my commandments[H4687] and my statutes[H2708];

35. but I will take[H3947] the kingdom[H4410] out of his son[H1121]'s hand[H3027], and will give[H5414] it unto thee[H6235], even ten tribes[H7626].

36. And unto his son[H1121] will I give[H5414] one[H259] tribe[H7626], that David[H1732] my servant[H5650] may have a lamp[H5216] alway[H3117] before[H6440] me in Jerusalem[H3389], the city[H5892] which I have chosen[H977] me to put[H7760] my name there[H8034].

37. And I will take[H3947] thee[H4427], and thou shalt reign according to all that thy soul[H5315] desireth[H183], and shalt be king[H4428] over Israel[H3478].

38. And it shall be[H8085], if thou wilt hearken unto all that I command[H6680] thee[H1980], and wilt walk in my ways[H1870], and do[H6213] that which is right[H3477] in mine eyes[H5869], to keep[H8104] my statutes[H2708] and my commandments[H4687], as David[H1732] my servant[H5650] did[H6213]; that I will be with thee[H1129], and will build thee a sure[H539] house[H1004], as I built[H1129] for David[H1732], and will give[H5414] Israel unto thee[H3478].

39. And I will for this afflict[H6031] the seed[H2233] of David[H1732], but not for ever[H3117].

40. Solomon[H8010] sought[H1245] therefore to kill[H4191] Jeroboam[H3379]; but Jeroboam[H3379] arose[H6965], and fled[H1272] into Egypt[H4714], unto Shishak[H7895] king[H4428] of Egypt[H4714], and was in Egypt[H4714] until the death[H4194] of Solomon[H8010].

41. Now the rest[H3499] of the acts[H1697] of Solomon[H8010], and all that he did[H6213], and his wisdom[H2451], are they not written[H3789] in the book[H5612] of the acts[H1697] of Solomon[H8010]?

42. And the time[H3117] that Solomon[H8010] reigned[H4427] in Jerusalem[H3389] over all Israel[H3478] was forty[H705] years[H8141].

43. And Solomon[H8010] slept[H7901] with his fathers[H1], and was buried[H6912] in the city[H5892] of David[H1732] his father[H1]: and Rehoboam[H7346] his son[H1121] reigned in his stead[H4427].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

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