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ASV_Strong : 1 Kings 10


1. And when the queen[H4436] of Sheba[H7614] heard[H8085] of the fame[H8088] of Solomon[H8010] concerning the name[H8034] of Jehovah[H3068], she came[H935] to prove[H5254] him with hard questions[H2420].

2. And she came[H935] to Jerusalem[H3389] with a very[H3966] great[H3515] train[H2428], with camels[H1581] that bare[H5375] spices[H1314], and very[H3966] much[H7227] gold[H2091], and precious[H3368] stones[H68]; and when she was come[H935] to Solomon[H8010], she communed[H1696] with him of all that was in her heart[H3824].

3. And Solomon[H8010] told[H5046] her all her questions[H1697]: there was not anything[H1697] hid[H5956] from the king[H4428] which he told her not[H5046].

4. And when the queen[H4436] of Sheba[H7614] had seen[H7200] all the wisdom[H2451] of Solomon[H8010], and the house[H1004] that he had built[H1129],

5. and the food[H3978] of his table[H7979], and the sitting[H4186] of his servants[H5650], and the attendance[H4612] of his ministers[H8334], and their apparel[H4403], and his cupbearers[H8248], and his ascent[H5930] by which he went up[H5927] unto the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068]; there was no more spirit in her[H7307].

6. And she said[H559] to the king[H4428], It was a true[H571] report[H1697] that I heard[H8085] in mine own land[H776] of thine acts[H1697], and of thy wisdom[H2451].

7. Howbeit I believed[H539] not the words[H1697], until I came[H935], and mine eyes[H5869] had seen[H7200] it[H2677]: and, behold, the half was not told[H5046] me[H2451]; thy wisdom and prosperity[H2896] exceed[H3254] the fame[H8052] which I heard[H8085].

8. Happy[H835] are thy men[H582], happy[H835] are these thy servants[H5650], that stand[H5975] continually[H8548] before[H6440] thee[H8085], and that hear thy wisdom[H2451].

9. Blessed[H1288] be Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430], who delighted[H2654] in thee[H5414], to set thee on the throne[H3678] of Israel[H3478]: because Jehovah[H3068] loved[H160] Israel[H3478] for ever[H5769], therefore made[H7760] he thee king[H4428], to do[H6213] justice[H4941] and righteousness[H6666].

10. And she gave[H5414] the king[H4428] a hundred[H3967] and twenty[H6242] talents[H3603] of gold[H2091], and of spices[H1314] very[H3966] great store[H7235], and precious[H3368] stones[H68]: there came[H935] no more such[H1931] abundance[H7230] of spices[H1314] as these which the queen[H4436] of Sheba[H7614] gave[H5414] to king[H4428] Solomon[H8010].

11. And the navy[H590] also of Hiram[H2438], that brought[H5375] gold[H2091] from Ophir[H211], brought in[H935] from Ophir[H211] great[H3966] plenty[H7235] of almug[H484] - trees[H6086] and precious[H3368] stones[H68].

12. And the king[H4428] made[H6213] of the almug[H484] - trees[H6086] pillars[H4552] for the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], and for the king[H4428]'s house[H1004], harps[H3658] also and psalteries[H5035] for the singers[H7891]: there came[H935] no such almug[H484] - trees[H6086], nor were seen[H7200], unto this day[H3117].

13. And king[H4428] Solomon[H8010] gave[H5414] to the queen[H4436] of Sheba[H7614] all her desire[H2656], whatsoever she asked[H7592], besides that which Solomon[H8010] gave[H5414] her of his royal[H4428] bounty[H3027]. So she turned[H6437], and went[H3212] to her own land[H776], she and her servants[H5650].

14. Now the weight[H4948] of gold[H2091] that came[H935] to Solomon[H8010] in one[H259] year[H8141] was six[H8337] hundred[H3967] threescore[H8346] and six[H8337] talents[H3603] of gold[H2091],

15. besides that which the traders[H582] brought[H4536], and the traffic of the merchants[H7402], and of all the kings[H4428] of the mingled[H6153] people[H6346], and of the governors of the country[H776].

16. And king[H4428] Solomon[H8010] made[H6213] two hundred[H3967] bucklers[H6793] of beaten[H7820] gold[H2091]; six[H8337] hundred[H3967] shekels of gold[H2091] went[H5927] to one[H259] buckler[H6793].

17. And he made three[H7969] hundred[H3967] shields[H4043] of beaten[H7820] gold[H2091]; three[H7969] pounds[H4488] of gold[H2091] went[H5927] to one[H259] shield[H4043]: and the king[H4428] put[H5414] them in the house[H1004] of the forest[H3293] of Lebanon[H3844].

18. Moreover the king[H4428] made[H6213] a great[H1419] throne[H3678] of ivory[H8127], and overlaid[H6823] it with the finest[H6338] gold[H2091].

19. There were six[H8337] steps[H4609] to the throne[H3678], and the top[H7218] of the throne[H3678] was round[H5696] behind[H310]; and there were stays[H3027] on either side by the place[H4725] of the seat[H7675], and two[H8147] lions[H738] standing[H5975] beside[H681] the stays[H3027].

20. And twelve[H8147] lions[H738] stood[H5975] there on the one side and on the other upon the six[H8337] steps[H4609]: there was not the like[H3651] made[H6213] in any kingdom[H4467].

21. And all king[H4428] Solomon[H8010]'s drinking[H4945] vessels[H3627] were of gold[H2091], and all the vessels[H3627] of the house[H1004] of the forest[H3293] of Lebanon[H3844] were of pure[H5462] gold[H2091]: none were of silver[H3701]; it was nothing[H3972] accounted[H2803] of in the days[H3117] of Solomon[H8010].

22. For the king[H4428] had at sea[H3220] a navy[H590] of Tarshish[H8659] with the navy[H590] of Hiram[H2438]: once[H259] every three[H7969] years[H8141] came[H935] the navy[H590] of Tarshish[H8659], bringing[H5375] gold[H2091], and silver[H3701], ivory[H8143], and apes[H6971], and peacocks[H8500].

23. So king[H4428] Solomon[H8010] exceeded[H1431] all the kings[H4428] of the earth[H776] in riches[H6239] and in wisdom[H2451].

24. And all the earth[H776] sought[H1245] the presence of Solomon[H8010], to[H6440] hear[H8085] his wisdom[H2451], which God[H430] had put[H5414] in his heart[H3820].

25. And they brought[H935] every man[H376] his tribute[H4503], vessels[H3627] of silver[H3701], and vessels[H3627] of gold[H2091], and raiment[H8008], and armor[H5402], and spices[H1314], horses[H5483], and mules[H6505], a rate[H1697] year[H8141] by year[H8141].

26. And Solomon[H8010] gathered together[H622] chariots[H7393] and horsemen[H6571]: and he had a thousand[H505] and four[H702] hundred[H3967] chariots[H7393], and twelve[H8147] thousand[H505] horsemen[H6571], that he bestowed[H5148] in the chariot[H7393] cities[H5892], and with the king[H4428] at Jerusalem[H3389].

27. And the king[H4428] made[H5414] silver[H3701] to be in Jerusalem[H3389] as stones[H68], and cedars[H730] made[H5414] he to be as the sycomore-trees[H8256] that are in the lowland[H8219], for abundance[H7230].

28. And the horses[H5483] which Solomon[H8010] had were brought[H4161] out of Egypt[H4714]; and the king[H4428]'s merchants[H5503] received[H3947] them in droves[H4723], each drove[H4723] at a price[H4242].

29. And a chariot[H4818] came up[H5927] and went out[H3318] of Egypt[H4714] for six[H8337] hundred[H3967] shekels of silver[H3701], and a horse[H5483] for a hundred[H3967] and fifty[H2572]; and so for all the kings[H4428] of the Hittites[H2850], and for the kings[H4428] of Syria[H758], did they bring them out[H3318] by their means[H3027].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

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