Revelation #5: The Church of Thyatira: A Call to Perseverance and Love

Revelation #5: The Church of Thyatira: A Call to Perseverance and Love

The Message to Thyatira

Revelation 2:18-29

We now reach the fourth letter that the Lord addressed to the seven churches in the book of Revelation. This letter is not only the longest but also the most severe of the seven. The seven letters are divided into two sections. The first contains the first three letters, while the second contains the last four. Starting from the fourth letter, the phrase “Let anyone who has ears listen…” is placed at the end. Thyatira was a relatively insignificant city, a center of commerce with more guilds than any other city in Asia Minor. The necessity for any tradesman to join a guild in a commercial city presented a strong temptation to compromise their moral and religious life, especially for Christians. Thyatira was noted for its dyeing industry and purple textiles, derived from a plant root, and later from mollusks. You may recall Lydia, who originated from Thyatira. While in Philippi, she heard the Gospel and was converted (Acts 16:13-15).

The Commendation and Condemnation of the Lord

In verse 18 of this passage, the Lord declares, “Write to the angel of the church of Thyatira: The Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire and feet like burnished bronze, says this.” Unlike His initial introduction in Revelation, here He identifies Himself explicitly as the Son of God because the assembly had strayed from the true worship of Jesus Christ. His searching gaze implies holy indignation against the tolerated sin within the church. His feet, resembling burnished bronze, signify His role as the glorious judge correcting His church’s conduct. When the Lord speaks to His church in this manner, He calls for a holy life, prompting us to devote our hearts and lives entirely to Him. The apostle Peter exhorts us to live in holiness in light of the coming end of the world (2 Peter 3:11).

The Church’s Struggles and Call to Perseverance

The church of Thyatira receives commendation from the Lord for its works, love, faith, service, and perseverance. Despite their challenges, their later deeds exceeded the former ones. However, the Lord also brings a serious complaint against them: they tolerate a woman named Jezebel, who claims to be a prophetess. This figure leads His servants into sexual immorality and idol worship through wicked teachings. The Lord expresses His Stance of patience and unwillingness to discard or abandon those who demonstrate steadfastness and loyalty. But the consequences for Jezebel and her followers will be severe, emphasizing the importance of purity and commitment to the teachings of Christ. The exhortation then becomes clear: those who remain steadfast are to hold fast to what they have until His return.

The Promise of Authority and Loyalty

In this passage, the Lord promises to the victor in Thyatira authority over the nations, sharing His governmental reign with those who remain faithful until the end. This promise includes a significant symbol—the morning star, representing Christ Himself. His administration will be established at His second coming, bringing justice and peace to a world longing for renewal. As the apostle Peter noted, we are reminded to pay attention to the prophetic word as a light in a dark place, pointing towards the ultimate fulfillment of Christ’s return. This brings comfort and hope to believers enduring the struggle—encouraging them to stand firm and remain loyal in faith and love while awaiting the imminent return of their Lord and Savior.

An Encouragement for the Journey Ahead

Let us hold firmly to the prophetic word, allowing it to guide us through this dark world until Christ appears in glory. The message for the church of Thyatira is echoed in our lives today—remain vigilant, steadfast in love, and committed to our faith, for the Lord sees and knows our hearts. May we find strength in His promises as we persevere in our walk with Him, encouraged by the truth that the morning star will rise in our hearts, guiding us towards the hope of His return. Therefore, we must remain unwavering in our love, faith, and service to Him as we navigate our spiritual journeys, reflecting the faith and perseverance that He desires from us.

The Lord’s Patience and Love

Verse 21 states, “I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to turn away from her immorality.” Are you struggling with the concept of predestination? Let’s consider Jezebel: a wicked woman who leads the faithful into idolatry and immorality. What would our reaction be? We would likely judge her immediately. But what does God do? He gives her time (“chronos”) to repent. God’s patience exceeds ours infinitely: “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). The issue lies not with God, who desires that all repent, but with Jezebel, who “does not want to repent.” While God is all-powerful and loving, He cannot force anyone to receive Him; He must respect our choices regarding Him. As it states, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them” (John 3:36). The Lord’s judgment follows. If freedom of choice exists, consequences follow. After indulging in her immoral acts, Jezebel will face serious suffering. Verses 22-23 say, “I will put her on a bed of suffering and will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely unless they repent of their ways.” Those intertwined with Jezebel’s actions will endure torment unless they repent. Here, the Lord calls their behavior “adultery” rather than immorality because they have betrayed their covenant with Him. Ultimately, everyone will understand that Jesus is “the one who examines the heart and mind,” literally our entire being. The Lord declares through the prophet Jeremiah, “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct” (Jeremiah 17:10). Your actions reveal your true self. What you do or do not do illustrates what you believe. You may profess love for the Lord, but your actions show who you truly are.

An illustration depicting the Lord's divine patience and call to repentance, with a compassionate figure symbolizing the Lord glowing above a dark landscape. A woman representing Jezebel is shown in the foreground, surrounded by symbols of temptation, while in the background, a bright morning star rises, symbolizing hope and the promise of redemption. This image captures the themes of loyalty to God, the consequences of immorality, and the exhortation to hold firm to faith as outlined in the article about the patience of the Lord and His promises for the faithfu

The Lord’s Exhortation and Promise

The Lord makes a significant distinction in the letters to the seven churches. Verses 24-25 address the faithful remnant in Thyatira: “To the rest of you in Thyatira who do not hold to her teachings and have not learned Satan’s so-called deep secrets, I will not impose any other burden on you. Only hold on to what you have until I come.” The Lord encourages them to hold firm to the truth they know. Jesus outlines this “remnant” as those who have rejected Jezebel’s false teachings and the religious systems that oppose true faith. The Lord adds no other burden to them; he asks them to remain steadfast until His return. This is His command for all of us: hold tightly to the truth. The promise to the victor is extraordinary (verses 26-29): “To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations.” He will shepherd them with an iron scepter. The Lord promises, “I will also give that one the morning star.” The Lord desires lasting loyalty, not just temporary faithfulness. This assurance means that those who remain faithful will share in Christ’s messianic reign upon His return to Earth. Numerous passages in the New Testament confirm this will take place. Believers will reign with Christ for a millennium. In the future glory, He will exercise authority over nations, restoring justice and peace where there will be no more sin. The last promise states, “and I will give him the morning star.” The morning star is Christ, who, as mentioned in Revelation 22:16, declares, “I am … the bright morning star.” Just as the morning star appears before dawn, Jesus will come to receive His church. These words are not to convince but to let God’s Word speak for itself.

Conclusion: Hold Firm to Prophecy

In conclusion, I leave you with a word from Apostle Peter, who witnessed the glory of Christ. “We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts” (2 Peter 1:19). We should value the prophetic word in our hearts as it will guide us through this dark world until Christ comes. There, He will take away His people into eternal life with Him. Let us continue to hold fast to the assurance of biblical prophecy as we await our Savior. Remember, the promise is sure, and His return is imminent. Let us lean into our faith, and persevere in our loyalty as we look forward to His coming glory.

-sermon series by Pastor Michel Bohrer

 Questions and Answers Relating to the Seven Churches in Revelation