1st Peter #3: Precious Christ?

1st Peter #3: Precious Christ?

1st Peter #3 : Precious Christ?


How to be consistent?

1 Peter 2. 4-10
4 Draw near to Christ,
the living stone
rejected by men
chosen and precious before God,

5 and yourselves, as living stones,
allow yourselves to be built up

7 It is therefore precious to you who believe.

As for those who disobey,

9 You, on the other hand,

10 You who were once no people are now the people of God;
you who had not obtained compassion, you have now obtained compassion.

Steady Attitude
“Drawing near to Christ” suggests a steady attitude.

In principle, we all agree, that’s the key.

He alone is

1 Peter 2.10
You who were once no people
are now the people of God;

you who had not obtained compassion,
you have now obtained compassion.


But in fact, we often place in our thoughts, in another cornerstone:


Trust in institutions

Biblically close

Bible Topics

What affects me

Take the pole

If from a psychological point of view, it is obvious that focusing on the problem never brings the solution, here there is really more than double-edged psychology, it is a question of the One who is Alive, which is

He alone is the solution
To Him the praise!

Is it valuable?
Draw near to Christ, He is so precious.
But is it so precious?

A precious asset

We may have something unique and very precious,
like the Youkounkoun, in the film “Le Corniaud” with Louis de Funès and Bourvil.

We would be upset if it was stolen or taken away from us; in this we measure the interest we had for this thing!
But this object is not alive!


Bible Passages