King James Version (KJV) With Strong Codes

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KJV_Strong : Revelation 13


1. And[G2532] I stood[G2476] upon[G1909] the[G3588] sand[G285] of the[G3588] sea,[G2281] and[G2532] saw[G1492] a beast[G2342] rise up[G305] out of[G1537] the[G3588] sea,[G2281] having[G2192] seven[G2033] heads[G2776] and[G2532] ten[G1176] horns,[G2768] and[G2532] upon[G1909] his[G848] horns[G2768] ten[G1176] crowns,[G1238] and[G2532] upon[G1909] his[G848] heads[G2776] the name[G3686] of blasphemy.[G988]

2. And[G2532] the[G3588] beast[G2342] which[G3739] I saw[G1492] was[G2258] like unto[G3664] a leopard,[G3917] and[G2532] his[G848] feet[G4228] were as[G5613] the feet of a bear,[G715] and[G2532] his[G848] mouth[G4750] as[G5613] the mouth[G4750] of a lion:[G3023] and[G2532] the[G3588] dragon[G1404] gave[G1325] him[G846] his[G848] power,[G1411] and[G2532] his[G848] seat,[G2362] and[G2532] great[G3173] authority.[G1849]

3. And[G2532] I saw[G1492] one[G3391] of his[G848] heads[G2776] as it were[G5613] wounded[G4969] to[G1519] death;[G2288] and[G2532] his[G848] deadly[G2288] wound[G4127] was healed:[G2323] and[G2532] all[G3650] the[G3588] world[G1093] wondered[G2296] after[G3694] the[G3588] beast.[G2342]

4. And[G2532] they worshiped[G4352] the[G3588] dragon[G1404] which[G3739] gave[G1325] power[G1849] unto the[G3588] beast:[G2342] and[G2532] they worshiped[G4352] the[G3588] beast,[G2342] saying,[G3004] Who[G5101] is like unto[G3664] the[G3588] beast?[G2342] who[G5101] is able[G1410] to make war[G4170] with[G3326] him?[G846]

5. And[G2532] there was given[G1325] unto him[G846] a mouth[G4750] speaking[G2980] great things[G3173] and[G2532] blasphemies;[G988] and[G2532] power[G1849] was given[G1325] unto him[G846] to continue[G4160] forty and two[G5062] [G1417] months.[G3376]

6. And[G2532] he opened[G455] his[G848] mouth[G4750] in[G1519] blasphemy[G988] against[G4314] God,[G2316] to blaspheme[G987] his[G848] name,[G3686] and[G2532] his[G848] tabernacle,[G4633] and[G2532] them that dwell[G4637] in[G1722] heaven.[G3772]

7. And[G2532] it was given[G1325] unto him[G846] to make[G4160] war[G4171] with[G3326] the[G3588] saints,[G40] and[G2532] to overcome[G3528] them:[G846] and[G2532] power[G1849] was given[G1325] him[G846] over[G1909] all[G3956] kindreds,[G5443] and[G2532] tongues,[G1100] and[G2532] nations.[G1484]

8. And[G2532] all[G3956] that dwell[G2730] upon[G1909] the[G3588] earth[G1093] shall worship[G4352] him,[G846] whose[G3739] names[G3686] are not[G3756] written[G1125] in[G1722] the[G3588] book[G976] of life[G2222] of the[G3588] Lamb[G721] slain[G4969] from[G575] the foundation[G2602] of the world.[G2889]

9. If any man[G1536] have[G2192] an ear,[G3775] let him hear.[G191]

10. He that[G1536] leadeth into[G4863] captivity[G161] shall go[G5217] into[G1519] captivity:[G161] he that[G1536] killeth[G615] with[G1722] the sword[G3162] must[G1163] be[G846] killed[G615] with[G1722] the sword.[G3162] Here[G5602] is[G2076] the[G3588] patience[G5281] and[G2532] the[G3588] faith[G4102] of the[G3588] saints.[G40]

11. And[G2532] I beheld[G1492] another[G243] beast[G2342] coming up[G305] out of[G1537] the[G3588] earth;[G1093] and[G2532] he had[G2192] two[G1417] horns[G2768] like[G3664] a lamb,[G721] and[G2532] he spake[G2980] as[G5613] a dragon.[G1404]

12. And[G2532] he exerciseth[G4160] all[G3956] the[G3588] power[G1849] of the[G3588] first[G4413] beast[G2342] before[G1799] him,[G846] and[G2532] causeth[G4160] the[G3588] earth[G1093] and[G2532] them which dwell[G2730] therein[G1722] [G846] to[G2443] worship[G4352] the[G3588] first[G4413] beast,[G2342] whose[G3739] deadly wound[G848] [G2288] [G4127] was healed.[G2323]

13. And[G2532] he doeth[G4160] great[G3173] wonders,[G4592] so that[G2443] he[G2532] maketh[G4160] fire[G4442] come down[G2597] from[G1537] heaven[G3772] on[G1519] the[G3588] earth[G1093] in the sight[G1799] of men,[G444]

14. And[G2532] deceiveth[G4105] them that dwell[G2730] on[G1909] the[G3588] earth[G1093] by[G1223] the means of those miracles[G4592] which[G3739] he had power[G1325] [G846] to do[G4160] in the sight[G1799] of the[G3588] beast;[G2342] saying[G3004] to them that dwell[G2730] on[G1909] the[G3588] earth,[G1093] that they should make[G4160] an image[G1504] to the[G3588] beast,[G2342] which[G3739] had[G2192] the[G3588] wound[G4127] by a sword,[G3162] and[G2532] did live.[G2198]

15. And[G2532] he had power[G1325] [G846] to give[G1325] life[G4151] unto the[G3588] image[G1504] of the[G3588] beast,[G2342] that[G2443] the[G3588] image[G1504] of the[G3588] beast[G2342] should both[G2532] speak,[G2980] and[G2532] cause[G4160] that as many as[G3745] [G302] would not[G3361] worship[G4352] the[G3588] image[G1504] of the[G3588] beast[G2342] should[G2443] be killed.[G615]

16. And[G2532] he causeth[G4160] all,[G3956] both small[G3398] and[G2532] great,[G3173] [G2532] rich[G4145] and[G2532] poor,[G4434] [G2532] free[G1658] and[G2532] bond,[G1401] to[G2443] receive[G1325] [G846] a mark[G5480] in[G1909] their[G848] right[G1188] hand,[G5495] or[G2228] in[G1909] their[G848] foreheads: [G3359]

17. And[G2532] that[G2443] no[G3361] man[G5100] might[G1410] buy[G59] or[G2228] sell,[G4453] save[G1508] he that had[G2192] the[G3588] mark,[G5480] or[G2228] the[G3588] name[G3686] of the[G3588] beast,[G2342] or[G2228] the[G3588] number[G706] of his[G848] name.[G3686]

18. Here[G5602] is[G2076] wisdom.[G4678] Let him that hath[G2192] understanding[G3563] count[G5585] the[G3588] number[G706] of the[G3588] beast:[G2342] for[G1063] it is[G2076] the number[G706] of a man;[G444] and[G2532] his[G848] number[G706] is Six hundred threescore and six.[G5516]

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

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