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KJV_Strong : Romans 3


1. What[G5101] advantage[G4053] then[G3767] hath the[G3588] Jew?[G2453] or[G2228] what[G5101] profit[G5622] is there of circumcision?[G4061]

2. Much[G4183] every[G3956] way:[G5158] chiefly,[G4412] [G3303] because[G1063] that[G3754] unto them were committed[G4100] the[G3588] oracles[G3051] of God.[G2316]

3. For[G1063] what[G5101] if[G1487] some[G5100] did not believe?[G569] shall their[G848] unbelief[G570] [G3361] make the faith of God without effect?[G2673] [G3588] [G4102] [G2316]

4. God forbid:[G1096] [G3361] yea, let God[G2316] be[G1096] true,[G227] but[G1161] every[G3956] man[G444] a liar;[G5583] as[G2531] it is written,[G1125] That[G3704] thou mightest be justified[G1344] [G302] in[G1722] thy[G4675] sayings,[G3056] and[G2532] mightest overcome[G3528] when thou[G4571] art judged.[G2919]

5. But[G1161] if[G1487] our[G2257] unrighteousness[G93] commend[G4921] the righteousness[G1343] of God,[G2316] what[G5101] shall we say?[G2046] Is God[G2316] unrighteous[G94] who taketh[G2018] vengeance? I[G3709] (speak[G3004] as[G2596] a man)[G444]

6. God forbid:[G1096] [G3361] for then[G1893] how[G4459] shall God[G2316] judge[G2919] the[G3588] world?[G2889]

7. For[G1063] if[G1487] the[G3588] truth[G225] of God[G2316] hath more abounded[G4052] through[G1722] my[G1699] lie[G5582] unto[G1519] his[G848] glory;[G1391] why[G5101] yet[G2089] am I also[G2504] judged[G2919] as[G5613] a sinner?[G268]

8. And[G2532] not[G3361] rather, (as[G2531] we be slanderously reported,[G987] and[G2532] as[G2531] some[G5100] affirm[G5346] that we[G2248] say,) Let us[G3004] do[G4160] evil,[G2556] that[G2443] good[G18] may come?[G2064] whose[G3739] damnation[G2917] is[G2076] just.[G1738]

9. What[G5101] then?[G3767] are we better[G4284] than they? No,[G3756] in no wise:[G3843] for[G1063] we have before proved[G4256] both[G5037] Jews[G2453] and[G2532] Gentiles,[G1672] that they are[G1511] all[G3956] under[G5259] sin;[G266]

10. As[G2531] it is written,[G1125] There is[G2076] none[G3756] righteous,[G1342] no, not[G3761] one: [G1520]

11. There is[G2076] none[G3756] that understandeth,[G4920] there is[G2076] none[G3756] that seeketh after[G1567] God.[G2316]

12. They are all[G3956] gone out of the way,[G1578] they are together[G260] become unprofitable;[G889] there is[G2076] none[G3756] that doeth[G4160] good,[G5544] no,[G2076] not[G3756] [G2193] one.[G1520]

13. Their[G848] throat[G2995] is an open[G455] sepulcher;[G5028] with their[G848] tongues[G1100] they have used deceit;[G1387] the poison[G2447] of asps[G785] is under[G5259] their[G848] lips: [G5491]

14. Whose[G3739] mouth[G4750] is full[G1073] of cursing[G685] and[G2532] bitterness: [G4088]

15. Their[G848] feet[G4228] are swift[G3691] to shed[G1632] blood: [G129]

16. Destruction[G4938] and[G2532] misery[G5004] are in[G1722] their[G848] ways: [G3598]

17. And[G2532] the way[G3598] of peace[G1515] have they not[G3756] known: [G1097]

18. There is[G2076] no[G3756] fear[G5401] of God[G2316] before[G561] their[G848] eyes.[G3788]

19. Now[G1161] we know[G1492] that[G3754] what things soever[G3745] the[G3588] law[G3551] saith,[G3004] it saith[G2980] to them[G3588] who are under[G1722] the[G3588] law:[G3551] that[G2443] every[G3956] mouth[G4750] may be stopped,[G5420] and[G2532] all[G3956] the[G3588] world[G2889] may become[G1096] guilty[G5267] before God.[G2316]

20. Therefore[G1360] by[G1537] the deeds[G2041] of the law[G3551] there shall no[G3756] [G3956] flesh[G4561] be justified[G1344] in his sight:[G1799] [G846] for[G1063] by[G1223] the law[G3551] is the knowledge[G1922] of sin.[G266]

21. But[G1161] now[G3570] the righteousness[G1343] of God[G2316] without[G5565] the law[G3551] is manifested,[G5319] being witnessed[G3140] by[G5259] the[G3588] law[G3551] and[G2532] the[G3588] prophets;[G4396]

22. Even[G1161] the righteousness[G1343] of God[G2316] which is by[G1223] faith[G4102] of Jesus[G2424] Christ[G5547] unto[G1519] all[G3956] and[G2532] upon[G1909] all[G3956] them that believe:[G4100] for[G1063] there is[G2076] no[G3756] difference: [G1293]

23. For[G1063] all[G3956] have sinned,[G264] and[G2532] come short[G5302] of the[G3588] glory[G1391] of God;[G2316]

24. Being justified[G1344] freely[G1432] by his[G848] grace[G5485] through[G1223] the[G3588] redemption[G629] that[G3588] is in[G1722] Christ[G5547] Jesus: [G2424]

25. Whom[G3739] God[G2316] hath set forth[G4388] to be a propitiation[G2435] through[G1223] faith[G4102] in[G1722] his[G848] blood,[G129] to declare[G1519] [G1732] his[G848] righteousness[G1343] for[G1223] the[G3588] remission[G3929] of sins[G265] that are past,[G4266] through[G1722] the[G3588] forbearance[G463] of God;[G2316]

26. To[G4314] declare,[G1732] I say, at[G1722] this[G3568] time[G2540] his[G846] righteousness:[G1343] that he[G846] might be[G1511] just,[G1342] and[G2532] the justifier[G1344] of him[G3588] which believeth[G1537] [G4102] in Jesus.[G2424]

27. Where[G4226] is boasting[G2746] then?[G3767] It is excluded.[G1576] By[G1223] what[G4169] law?[G3551] of works?[G2041] Nay:[G3780] but[G235] by[G1223] the law[G3551] of faith.[G4102]

28. Therefore[G3767] we conclude[G3049] that a man[G444] is justified[G1344] by faith[G4102] without[G5565] the deeds[G2041] of the law.[G3551]

29. Is he[G2228] the[G3588] God[G2316] of the Jews[G2453] only?[G3440] is he[G1161] not[G3780] also[G2532] of the Gentiles?[G1484] Yes,[G3483] of the Gentiles[G1484] also: [G2532]

30. Seeing[G1897] it is one[G1520] God,[G2316] which[G3739] shall justify[G1344] the circumcision[G4061] by[G1537] faith,[G4102] and[G2532] uncircumcision[G203] through[G1223] faith.[G4102]

31. Do we then[G3767] make void[G2673] the law[G3551] through[G1223] faith?[G4102] God forbid:[G1096] [G3361] yea,[G235] we establish[G2476] the law.[G3551]

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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