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KJV_Strong : Ezekiel 8


1. And it came to pass[H1961] in the sixth[H8345] year,[H8141] in the sixth[H8345] month, in the fifth[H2568] day of the month,[H2320] as I[H589] sat[H3427] in mine house,[H1004] and the elders[H2205] of Judah[H3063] sat[H3427] before[H6440] me, that the hand[H3027] of the Lord[H136] GOD[H3069] fell[H5307] there[H8033] upon[H5921] me.

2. Then I beheld,[H7200] and lo[H2009] a likeness[H1823] as the appearance[H4758] of fire:[H784] from the appearance[H4480] [H4758] of his loins[H4975] even downward,[H4295] fire;[H784] and from his loins[H4480] [H4975] even upward,[H4605] as the appearance[H4758] of brightness,[H2096] as the color[H5869] of amber.[H2830]

3. And he put forth[H7971] the form[H8403] of a hand,[H3027] and took[H3947] me by a lock[H6734] of mine head;[H7218] and the spirit[H7307] lifted me up[H5375] [H853] between[H996] the earth[H776] and the heaven,[H8064] and brought[H935] me in the visions[H4759] of God[H430] to Jerusalem,[H3389] to[H413] the door[H6607] of the inner[H6442] gate[H8179] that looketh[H6437] toward the north;[H6828] where[H834] [H8033] was the seat[H4186] of the image[H5566] of jealousy,[H7068] which provoketh to jealousy.[H7065]

4. And, behold,[H2009] the glory[H3519] of the God[H430] of Israel[H3478] was there,[H8033] according to the vision[H4758] that[H834] I saw[H7200] in the plain.[H1237]

5. Then said[H559] he unto[H413] me, Son[H1121] of man,[H120] lift up[H5375] thine eyes[H5869] now[H4994] the way[H1870] toward the north.[H6828] So I lifted up[H5375] mine eyes[H5869] the way[H1870] toward the north,[H6828] and behold[H2009] northward[H4480] [H6828] at the gate[H8179] of the altar[H4196] this[H2088] image[H5566] of jealousy[H7068] in the entry.[H872]

6. He said[H559] furthermore unto[H413] me, Son[H1121] of man,[H120] seest[H7200] thou[H859] what[H4100] they[H1992] do?[H6213] even the great[H1419] abominations[H8441] that[H834] the house[H1004] of Israel[H3478] committeth[H6213] here,[H6311] that I should go far off[H7368] from[H4480] [H5921] my sanctuary?[H4720] but turn thee yet again,[H7725] [H5750] and thou shalt see[H7200] greater[H1419] abominations.[H8441]

7. And he brought[H935] me to[H413] the door[H6607] of the court;[H2691] and when I looked,[H7200] behold[H2009] a[H259] hole[H2356] in the wall.[H7023]

8. Then said[H559] he unto[H413] me, Son[H1121] of man,[H120] dig[H2864] now[H4994] in the wall:[H7023] and when I had digged[H2864] in the wall,[H7023] behold[H2009] a[H259] door.[H6607]

9. And he said[H559] unto[H413] me, Go in,[H935] and behold[H7200] [H853] the wicked[H7451] abominations[H8441] that[H834] they[H1992] do[H6213] here.[H6311]

10. So I went in[H935] and saw;[H7200] and behold[H2009] every[H3605] form[H8403] of creeping things,[H7431] and abominable[H8263] beasts,[H929] and all[H3605] the idols[H1544] of the house[H1004] of Israel,[H3478] portrayed[H2707] upon[H5921] the wall[H7023] round about.[H5439]

11. And there stood[H5975] before[H6440] them seventy[H7657] men[H376] of the ancients[H4480] [H2205] of the house[H1004] of Israel,[H3478] and in the midst[H8432] of them stood[H5975] Jaazaniah[H2970] the son[H1121] of Shaphan,[H8227] with every man[H376] his censer[H4730] in his hand;[H3027] and a thick[H6282] cloud[H6051] of incense[H7004] went up.[H5927]

12. Then said[H559] he unto[H413] me, Son[H1121] of man,[H120] hast thou seen[H7200] what[H834] the ancients[H2205] of the house[H1004] of Israel[H3478] do[H6213] in the dark,[H2822] every man[H376] in the chambers[H2315] of his imagery?[H4906] for[H3588] they say,[H559] The LORD[H3068] seeth[H7200] us not;[H369] the LORD[H3068] hath forsaken[H5800] [H853] the earth.[H776]

13. He said[H559] also unto[H413] me, Turn thee yet again,[H7725] [H5750] and thou shalt see[H7200] greater[H1419] abominations[H8441] that[H834] they[H1992] do.[H6213]

14. Then he brought[H935] me to[H413] the door[H6607] of the gate[H8179] of the LORD's[H3068] house[H1004] which[H834] was toward[H413] the north;[H6828] and, behold,[H2009] there[H8033] sat[H3427] women[H802] weeping[H1058] for[H854] Tammuz.[H8542]

15. Then said[H559] he unto[H413] me, Hast thou seen[H7200] this, O son[H1121] of man?[H120] turn thee yet again,[H7725] [H5750] and thou shalt see[H7200] greater[H1419] abominations[H8441] than these.[H4480] [H428]

16. And he brought[H935] me into[H413] the inner[H6442] court[H2691] of the LORD's[H3068] house,[H1004] and, behold,[H2009] at the door[H6607] of the temple[H1964] of the LORD,[H3068] between[H996] the porch[H197] and the altar,[H4196] were about five[H2568] and twenty[H6242] men,[H376] with their backs[H268] toward[H413] the temple[H1964] of the LORD,[H3068] and their faces[H6440] toward the east;[H6924] and they[H1992] worshiped[H7812] the sun[H8121] toward the east.[H6924]

17. Then he said[H559] unto[H413] me, Hast thou seen[H7200] this, O son[H1121] of man?[H120] Is it a light thing[H7043] to the house[H1004] of Judah[H3063] that they commit[H4480] [H6213] [H853] the abominations[H8441] which[H834] they commit[H6213] here?[H6311] for[H3588] they have filled[H4390] [H853] the land[H776] with violence,[H2555] and have returned[H7725] to provoke me to anger:[H3707] and, lo,[H2009] they put[H7971] [H853] the branch[H2156] to[H413] their nose.[H639]

18. Therefore will I[H589] also[H1571] deal[H6213] in fury:[H2534] mine eye[H5869] shall not[H3808] spare,[H2347] neither[H3808] will I have pity:[H2550] and though they cry[H7121] in mine ears[H241] with a loud[H1419] voice,[H6963] yet will I not[H3808] hear[H8085] them.

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48

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